The FIB tip will be arriving next week. The Hitachi technician will be installing it shortly thereafter. I’ll send out an update when the repair is complete.
This is a reminder that ACMAL facilities will be CLOSED on Thursday and Friday, November 26th & 27th. The building and ACMAL labs will be open Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday for restricted users (with no keys or tap access). Unrestricted users who have building and lab tap access are free to use the equipment anytime. If you are a new user please email us to arrange for supervision in case you have a problem.
ACMAL staff is available by appointment. Please reach out by email or phone if you have any questions or concerns.
The ACMAL labs will continue to be open for faculty, staff, graduate students, and undergraduates who’s research cannot be completed from home. If you require access, and have not already let me or Valentina know, please complete the ACMAL Building Access Form.
Prior to using the facility, review the ACMAL COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedure. Our staff will continue to sanitize the labs daily. However, we are now asking all users to complete a touchpoint cleaning after they use the lab.
Please let me know if you have any questions,
The FIB is down until we can get the tip replaced. I am working with Hitachi on a timeline.
The EDS system on the Field Emission is now back up and running.
The EDS system on the Field Emission is down. The power supply on the computer that interfaces with the EDS has failed. We have ordered a new power supply and will get it installed as soon as possible.
The EDS system on the Field Emission is back up and running.
The EDS system on the Field Emission SEM is not working correctly. I’ll take a look at it in the morning.
The XPS is still off-line. Unfortunately, the repairs made to the electronic control boards did not completely resolve the issue. Dr. Tim Leftwich is actively working on the instrument. We will update once a timeline has been established.
Please contact Dr. Tim Leftwich, if you have any questions or would like to use the XPS once it’s available.
ACMAL Calendars Reminder
Please remember to reserve the room using the equipment calendars. This is not only a courtesy to other users, due to COVID restrictions it is a necessity.