S-TEM Tomography Video

Screenshot of particles in a box with 500 nm scale bar
S-TEM Tomography of Li-ion Battery Cathode Particles

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Research by Stephen A. Hackney, Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, Michigan Technological University.

Imaging by Pinaki Mukherjee, Staff, Materials Science and Engineering, Engineer/Scientist, Applied Chemical and Morphological Analysis Laboratory (ACMAL).

Instrument: FEI 200kV Titan Themis S-TEM in ACMAL’s Electron Optics Facility.

Scale bar indicates 500 nm.

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IMPORTANT – new logbook software TODAY

We switched over to the new logbook software this morning in the M&M labs. ATDC and Chem Sci haven’t been done yet but will before week is done.

Several important things to note.

1. your accounts won’t be associated with your ID yet. We will have to do that as we go. The moral is – don’t wait until the last minute to do this in case no one is nearby to help you. This is especially the case if you come after hours.

2. there is one database now instead of 9. If we put your name in one computer it is valid for them all. we will assign scopes to you based on your training.

3. when you login you MUST chose the correct microscope. I’m going to ask if we can have the system default to your “scope(s)”, but for now pay attention to the scope you are trying to login to.

Danielle, Liz and I are ready to help.