The vacuum system shut off on the FESEM. I’m getting it back under vacuum but it will take overnight to pump back down properly. Please reschedule.
I’ll send out another message tomorrow about the system status.
The vacuum system shut off on the FESEM. I’m getting it back under vacuum but it will take overnight to pump back down properly. Please reschedule.
I’ll send out another message tomorrow about the system status.
HLF 1 taken with SEM. Eutectic crystallization texture in iron silicides from a fulgurite from lower Michigan (lightning strike glass). Submitted by Christopher Stefano, Associate Curator, A. E. Seaman Mineral Museum.
Materials Science doctoral candidate Deji Fadayomi, and professors Paul Sanders and Gregory Odegard, are working on these precipitation-strengthening mechanisms in aluminum-based alloys. This atomic-resolution image and elemental maps of precipitates were obtained in aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscope (AC-STEM) at Michigan Tech’s Applied Chemical and Morphological Analysis Laboratory (ACMAL) to better understand alloy behavior at an atomic level.
The FIB logbook system is working again. Let me know if you need help with it.
There was a short power outage last night about 5 pm that shut down all the scopes. I came in at 6 pm and restarted all of them. Everything is back online this morning and ready for use.
I repaired the memory battery so now we have all kvs aligned.
I also replaced an aperture and as a result, resolution improved markedly. I’ll be replacing 2 more apertures over the holidays. That will require that I take the SEM offline for a few days. I’ll give you plenty of notice.
The high voltage cable connection is arcing to ground at 100kV. The microscope is unusable like that. We are going to hire the engineer to come back and make this repair possibly as early as 2 weeks from now.
I’ll keep you posted.
There will be ACMAL staff in the labs through the 3 work days – Monday – Wednesday. Thursday and Friday are University holidays and the building will be locked. Only unrestricted users will be able to enter the building and labs. Close the lab doors when you leave the room.
We strongly discourage new users working without assistance nearby.
Here are specific staff schedules.
Ed Laitila will be out all week.
Owen will be out all week.
Jerry will be in Monday – Wednesday.
Pinaki will be in Monday – Wednesday.
Tim will be in Monday – Wednesday.
Danielle will be in from 9-4 Monday – Wednesday. She can help you on
Thursday and Friday if you make an appointment.
As always call if you have trouble. Contact information for all lab staff/students are located on the wall of each lab.
Have a good break!
We have installed a new computer logging system in the Sample Prep room (637) to track liquid nitrogen, and all other coating, ion milling and electropolishing equipment. It is easy to use. Danielle is adding names and account indexes so you won’t have to do that. We will write instructions to use it and you can always call us for help.
Please use the paper logbook too while we are testing the new system out.
We have installed a high-end PC in the M&M Rm 631A (grad computing lab) for accessing Titan image files. We have installed FEI Velox and Gatan software. The plan is to eventually install the JCPDS electron diffraction database too.