Event: Bob Mark Elevator Pitch Competition

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Where can you win $1,000 for just 90 seconds of your time? At the 2012 Bob Mark Elevator Pitch Competition! Join us on Wednesday, November 7 in Fisher 135 at 6pm for the fun!

In the competition, contestants have a limited time (like on an elevator ride) to sell a concept to someone who doesn’t have previous knowledge about their business. A 90-second time limit is placed on the competitors, who will also be competing for second ($500), third ($250), and audience-favorite ($200) prizes. Please join students, faculty, staff, and community members for this year’s event. You won’t be disappointed!

This event is a tribute to the late Bob Mark, Professor of Practice within the School of Business and Economics. Mark started and ran the first four years of the Elevator Pitch Competition and brought the Business Plan Competition to Michigan Tech. The Bob Mark Elevator Pitch Competition and other efforts  support his entrepreneurial spirit that continues to live on in students, faculty, and staff.

Get Involved

If you are interested in participating in this event, review the EPC Information and Rules or download the 2012 Bob Mark Elevator Pitch Competition Judge’s Score Sheet. To participate, attend an information session (the next one is scheduled for Tuesday, October 30th at 6pm in Fisher 139) and contact Travis: twbeauli@mtu.edu with any questions.

Advice from Bob Mark

  • Do not say “we have no competition.”
  • If you are stating guessed numbers, try using 3, 7, or 9 to make the numbers sound more realistic.
  • Memorize your first and last statements, let everything in the middle flow naturally.
  • Be confident in everything you say and avoid terms such as “maybe.”
  • There is an audience favorite prize so invite all of your friends to vote for you!

This event is sponsored by the Michigan Tech School of Business and Economics and the Michigan Tech Smart Zone.

Students Meet AITP Organization Leaders

Left to right: Larry Schmitz, VP of AITP, Front: Calvin Demerath, Alan Hejl, Ryan George Back: Joseph Kodos, Isaac Olson, John Lindroth, Norbert Kubilus, President of AITP

During the Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP) Regional Conference in Green Bay, Wisconsin last week, students in the Michigan Tech AITP student organization met President Norbet Kubilus (right) and Vice President Larry Schmitz (left).

“Besides learning the personality of AITP and a great amount of its history, present state, and potential future, I acquired a new perspective on what it means to be in a professional organization,” said Joseph Kodos,  a third year computer networking and systems administration major, who attended the event. “The conference provided a relaxed atmosphere to talk with a slew of professionals—a great opportunity to improve upon conversation and professional networking skills. A renewed possibility of academic collaboration between Michigan Tech and other regional student chapters also is a result of this conference.”

On the Road: Marketing Faculty presents in Vancouver, BC

Assistant Professor of Marketing Soonkwan Hong

In early October Assistant Professor of Marketing, Soonkwan Hong, presented two research papers at the Association for Consumer Research conference held in Vancouver, Canada.

The presentations were titled, “Mythologized Glocalization of Popular Culture: A Postcolonial Perspective,” and “Cruising the Unadulterated Terrain of Consumption: Rural Snowmobilers’ Interpellation through Collective Simplicity.”






More about the Presentations

Mythologized Glocalization of Popular Culture: A Postcolonial Perspective
Soonkwan Hong, Michigan Technological University, USA
Chang-Ho Kim, Nam-Seoul University, South Korea
This netnographic research reveals that the glocalization process of Korean popular culture cannot be reduced to a uni-discursive thesis that immortalizes the themes of cultural imperialism. Globalization of popular culture necessitates hybridity that uses the same traditional ingredients, but transforms into a new taste based on a new cultural recipe.

Cruising the Unadulterated Terrain of Consumption: Rural Snowmobilers’ Interpellation through Collective Simplicity
The reflexive interpellation process unveiled by rural snowmobilers helps explicate how poor rural consumers maintain ontological security. The received view of inherited and institutionalized cultural and symbolic capital is inapplicable to the context where upward sociocultural mobility is collectively achieved through agentic appropriation of highly stylized and politicized consumer movements.

Natural Resource Economics Plays a Key Role in Michigan Innovation

Associate Professor of Natural Resource Economics

Matt Rousch who publishes the Great Lakes Innovation and Technology Report for CBS Detroit visited the Copper Country last week and caught up with Associate Professor of Natural Resource Economics, Bill Breffle, for a discussion on environmental economic impacts.

Excerpt taken from Matt Rousch on the 2012 Fall Tech Tour as part of the Great Lakes Innovation and Technology Report.


After lunch it was time for a fascinating socio-political discussion with William Breffle, associate professor of natural resource economics in Tech’s School of Business and Economics.

Breffle described himself as a conservative free marketeer when it comes to economic issues. Yet he acknowledged that there are places where the market fails, such as accounting for pollution let into the environment by private companies and the military — and that’s where he comes in, studying how so-called “externalities” can be eliminated for the benefit of the public through economic evaluation of environmental “disamenities.”

“My work focuses on sustainability and carrying capacity,” Breffle said. “I want to start people thinking about the fact that the economy from a natural resource standpoint is an open system, and we’re going to have to startt treating our waste stream as a necessary but negative side effect of production if we’re going to have long term sustainability of economic services that benefit people.”

Simply put, he said, “It seems as though we don’t care about future generations when it comes to our debt and climate modification. And it becomes a moral issue because the people aren’t even here yet to express their preferences for a clean environment. They aren’t here to vote, and federal and state governments enact regulations and conduct policy in ways that are too myopic to benefit the future as much as they should.”

He said he wants to help a Great Lakes-wide study of pollution problems to deal with the negative combination of numerous ongoing and related problems throughout the broader watershed. He said we can all enjoy a comfortable lifestyle through better technology and education.

“The market works most places most of the time,” Breffle said. “I look at places where it doesn’t and that’s where my career is centered.”

Breffle also said Tech’s business school is healthy and growing, led by programs like an Applied Portfolio Management Program that has tech students managing $1.2 million in reach assets, and a regular 10-second elevator pitch competition. Tech also offers a unique economics program, a master’s of applied natural resource economics.

Read the full article.