Category: Courses

Which ENT course number do I register for?

Which ENT project course number should you register in?

This is based on the number of semesters you have remaining on campus:
# of semesters left — Take:
           1                  ENT 4960 (must have completed ENT 4950, Project Approval required)
           2                  ENT 4950 (must have completed at least one of the below, above ENT1960, & be Senior Design Ready – on track with core course prereqs for CM 4861)
           3                  ENT 3960
           4                  ENT 3950
           5                  ENT 2960
           6                  ENT 2950
           7                  ENT 1960 (free electives only)

Most students who choose enterprise, begin in the 2nd or 3rd year. ENT 3980 may be taken before ENT4950 if you’re not yet “Senior Design Ready”.

Which Enterprise should you join? Read here to start. Here is a list of all Enterprise groups at Tech.

The Form to use to request registration in ENT 4950 is found here (Part A). Under Forms, Select “ENT4950 Registration Form (ALL Majors)”. The Emails you receive from must be kept! One will contain instructions and a very important (unique to you) LINK to submit your Project Summary Form. (Part B)

If you have questions or would like help planning enterprise project work into your semesters, meet with your academic advisor.

Many enterprises require Instructor Permission (=Special Approval) using the common Approval/Waiver Form to register every semester.

Most ENT Course numbers are restricted by Class Standing, depending on the level 1000-4999. If you are ahead/behind on credits and get a Class Restriction Error for the correct ENT# based on semesters left, use the Approval/Waiver Form (or email) to seek a Class Restriction waiver. (ENT instructor)

If you are unsure which ENT project work course number you need, check with your academic advisor.

I’ve been placed into organic chemistry (CH 2410). Should I stay in it or move back to university chemistry?

It’s up to you. If you are receiving AP/CLEP/IB or dual enrollment credit for university chemistry I and II then you will be placed into organic chemistry.

It may be worth your time to review U chem topics, even if it’s been awhile since you’ve had chemistry because it will pay off in the future. The advantage of staying in organic chemistry is that you can have a lighter credit load in future semesters or use the space to complete a minor or do a co-op.

If you decide to stay in organic chemistry then I recommend signing up for one-on-one or group tutoring time at the chemistry learning center.

Another option would be to simply wait until fall of your second year to take organic chemistry and not repeat university chemistry. This will give you a lighter credit load in your first year.

Contact me if you’d like to discuss these options.

I’ve been placed into University Chemistry II (CH 1160). Should I stay in it or move back to University Chemistry I?

It’s up to you. If you are receiving AP/CLEP/IB or dual enrollment credit for University Chemistry I then you will be placed into University Chemistry II.

It may be worth your time to review U Chem I topics, even if it’s been awhile since you’ve had chemistry because it will pay off in the future. The advantage of staying in University Chemistry II is that you can have a lighter credit load the next semester. Many students find spring semester harder than fall because the classes have less review of topics you saw in high school, and the winter is long. Unless you are a skier or snowboarder, in which case the winter is too short, and a lighter credit load can leave you more time to spend on the hill or trails.

If you decide to stay in U Chem II then I recommend adding the optional recitation class (CH 1163) to your schedule. In this class you are with a smaller group of students working on graded homework assignments. It can count towards your free electives.

If you’d like to make a change to your schedule, either to add CH 1163 or drop down to U Chem I then email your request to the Registrar’s Office at

What chemical engineering electives are being offered next semester? next year?

We plan to offer the following chemical engineering electives in future semesters.

Fall 2022

  • CM 2200  Intro to Minerals and Materials (3 credit)
  • CM 3450  Computer-Aided Problem Solving (3 credits)
  • CM 3979  Alternative Energy Technology and Processes (1 credit)
  • CM 4610  Intro to Polymer Science (3 credits)
  • CM 4780  Biomanufacturing and Biosafety (3 credits) This is an alternate-year class and will not be offered next year.
  • plus the undergraduate research courses

Spring 2023

  • CM 3025  Bioprocessing Lab (1 credit)
  • CM 3830  Mineral Processing and Extraction Lab (1 credit)
  • CM 4510   Interfacial Engineering (3 credits) This is an alternate-year course and will not be offered next year.
  • CM 4620  Polymer Chemistry (3 credits)
  • CM 4740  Hydrometallurgy/Pyrometallurgy (4 credits)
  • plus the undergraduate research courses

Fall 2023

  • CM 2200  Intro to Minerals and Materials (3 credit)
  • CM 3450  Computer-Aided Problem Solving (3 credits)
  • CM 3979  Alternative Energy Technology and Processes (1 credit)
  • CM 4610  Intro to Polymer Science (3 credits)
  • CM 4710  Biochemical Processes (3 credits) This is an alternate-year class and will not be offered next year.
  • plus the undergraduate research courses

Spring 2024

  • CM 3025  Bioprocessing Lab (1 credit)
  • CM 3830  Mineral Processing and Extraction Lab (1 credit)
  • CM 4505   Particle Technology (3 credits) This is an alternate-year course and will not be offered next year.
  • CM 4620  Polymer Chemistry (3 credits)
  • CM 4740  Hydrometallurgy/Pyrometallurgy (4 credits)
  • plus the undergraduate research courses

Undergraduate Research Courses

These classes are always offered. You will need special permission to enroll in it. There is more information on how this works on our undergraduate research page.

  • CM 4000  Undergraduate Research (1-3 credits)
  • CM 4020  Undergrad Research in Mineral Proc Engineering (1-3 credits)
  • CM 4040  Undergrad Research in Bioengineering (1-3 credits)
  • CM 4060  Undergrad Research in Polymer Engineering (1-3 credits)
  • CM 4080  Undergrad Research in Biofuels Engineering (1-3 credits)

How do I get permission to enroll in graduate-level courses?

You will need to have earned a C or better at the undergraduate-level for permission to enroll in the graduate-level course. Contact the academic advisor to request permission.

  • CM 5100 (Grad Math): C or better in MA 3160 (Multivariable Calc) and MA 3520 or MA 3521 (Diff Eq)
  • CM 5200 (Grad Thermo): C or better in CM 3230 (Thermo)
  • CM 5300 (Grad Transport): C or better in CM 3120 (Transport & UO II) and a B or better in CM 5100 (Grad Math)
  • CM 5400 (Grad Kinetics): C or better in CM 3510 (ChE Rxn Engineering)

The following classes are typically available only to graduate students.

  • CM 5310 (Lab Safety): Requires special permission
  • CM 5500 (Theory and Methods of Research): Requires special permission

What is the spatial visualization placement test and what happens if I don’t do well on it?

The spacial visualization placement test measures your ability to mentally visualize a 3-D object from different perspectives. New first-year students will take this test during Orientation. These skills are important because engineers must often represent things in the physical world using diagrams and drawings when communicating information and ideas to others. As a chemical engineering student you will use these skills when studying stereochemistry in organic chemistry and when working in the unit operations lab.

If you’ve already spent a lot of time working with your hands, such as playing with Legos or working on your bike or car, then you’ve probably already developed these skills and will do fine on the test. If you don’t do well on the test, then you’re in luck because these skills are learnable! To help you build these skills you will be enrolled in a one credit course, ENG 1002 Introduction to Spatial Visualization.