Attention all College of Computing Students! Please join Dean Minerick and College of Computing faculty and staff on Weds., Sept. 18, from 3-5 pm on the patio outside the Library Cafe, for a casual meet and greet and build-your-own-sundae ice cream social. Ten College of Computing t-shirts will be raffled (you must be present to win), and . . .
Robotic Systems Enterprise (RSE) is recruiting CS and Software Engineering students of all years. Our projects involve self driving software development and robot hardware development. If you are interested, come down to our information session tonight! Jon Gohl from GM will be speaking about GM’s vision of self driving cars with a reception afterwards for those . . .
Dean Kamen, President of DEKA and founder of FIRST® Robotics, will give a presentation on Thursday, September 12, at 3:00 p.m., in the Opie Reading Room of the Library. RSVP 3-3:30 pm Dean Kamen presentation 3:30-4 pm Mingle/chat with Dean and the DEKA Talent Acquisition Team Opie Van Pelt Library, Opie Reading Room SPECIAL NOTE TO . . .
DEKA Research & Development is coming to campus at Michigan Tech! Please join us at DEKA’s special recruiting info session for engineering and computing students. Both events will take place on Thursday, September 12. Interested in career opportunities with DEKA? Be sure to bring your resume! DEKA Special Recruiting Info Session, with pizza lunch Meet DEKA’s Talent . . .
George Anderson and Sally Sutherland of the US Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC)-Newport will present talks on Tuesday, September 17, 2019, from 3:00 to 4:00 pm, in Room 202 of the Michigan Tech Great Lakes Research Center. A reception will follow and refreshments will be served. George Anderson will present his talk from 3:00 – 3:30 pm. Titled “Classification . . .
Dean Kamen, president of DEKA Research and Development Corporation and founder of FIRST Robotics, will visit Michigan Tech Thursday (Sept. 12) to meet with students and faculty, interact with area middle and high school students who participate in robotics programs, and deliver the First-Year Engineering Lecture to Michigan Tech’s incoming engineering and computing majors. While . . .