Author: Margaret Landsparger


Innovating the Tech Experience: The Tech Forward conversations emphasized the need for students to be creative, adaptable, and collaborative thinkers and problem solvers in order to prepare them for the world they will enter after graduation. The “Education for the 21st Century” working group formed through the Tech Forward initiative invites instructors to attend this luncheon event on Tuesday April 2, 2019 to explore interdisciplinary instructional collaborations that could encourage these qualities in our students. Lunch will be provided to those who register by Friday March 29, 2019. Click here to register.


Engaging and Educating Gen-Z: On Tuesday March 19, Gen-Z researcher, award-winning faculty member from Wright State Univeristy, and and Co-Author “of “Generation Z goes to College” will share with instructors and staff how expectations and preferences are changing for many of our incoming students.  Instructors who attend the keynote may also participate in facilitated conversation with the speaker, including ideas for how instruction can be adapted to better engage and connect with GenZ students. This event is sponsored by Michigan Tech Student Affairs.
Click here to register for the Keynote address at 8:30AM
Click here to register for the Facilitated Conversation Session at 11:00AM

Expo: Augmented and Virtual Reality in Teaching, Learning and Research:
A number of instructors are already putting Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) to work in their teaching and research.   This drop-in event provides everyone an opportunity to see this work already underway and interact with those involved!  Tuesday, March 26, 2:00-4:00 PM in the J. Robert Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library, East Reading Room. No registration required. A summary of this work is also available at  here.

Lunch and Learn: Follow up to the Augmented and Virtual Reality in Teaching, Learning and Research Expo
As a follow up to the Expo, instructors are invited to a luncheon conversation on Friday March 29 at 12 noon,  about the future of instruction with AR and VR technologies.  We’ll brainstorm what facilities, technologies, and support might best enable these new teaching tools!
Click here to register for the lunch and learn.




Lunch and Learn: Teaching, Learning and the Entrepreneurial Mindset
Through a wide variety of programs like KEEN, Enterprise, I-Corps, and Design Thinking, an increasing number of instructors at Michigan Tech are exploring Entrepreneurial Minded Learning (EML).  While it might be tempting to think this applies only in business and engineering, instructors in a much broader set of disciplines are finding that EML improves classroom dynamics, motivation and learning.  In this flipped workshop, participants will be asked to watch short videos from Michigan Tech instructors from a variety of disciplines describing what EML is to them, how they got started, and how it has changed their teaching as well as their approach to research.  Participants will then be able to select those with whom they’d like to have a lunch discussion following a brief overview by Pavlis Honors College Assistant Dean Mary Raber.