Category: Events

Late September and Early October Events

Coffee Chat – Assessment at Tech: Assessment is a process that supports the continuous improvement of curricular and other university systems intended to help students achieve University Student Learning Goals.  It is an increasingly important part of our responsibility as teachers.  This chat is an opportunity for instructors to ask questions about Michigan Tech’s intentional approach to assessment, discuss progress, explore challenges and learn about resources to support student learning. The Coffee Chat is on Tuesday, September 24 from 3:30-4:30pm. Click here to register.

Speaker and Luncheon – Blended Learning IP: At the request of the University Senate, Chuck Valauskas, a lawyer from the Chicago firm Valauskas Corder LLC, will visit on October 2 to speak on legal issues surrounding the ownership and use of university class materials developed by faculty and staff.  Chuck has spoken internationally on this subject and currently works with more than 32 universities in this rapidly changing field.  Chuck’s visit is made possible through a gift by William G. Jackson; don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn from his expertise! Click here to register.

Apple iPad Workshops: On Tuesday, October 8, Lisa Wyka and Dave Pugh from Apple Education will lead hands-on workshops to share new ways that iPads and MacBooks are being used in higher education.  Devices will be available! Both the beginner’s session (9-11:30am) and advanced session (1-3:30pm) have limited seating, so register soon!

September’s Video Luncheon & Assessment Coffee Chat

Lunch and Learn – The Versatility of Video: The explosion of hand held mobile devices with cameras provides powerful opportunities for both instructors and students to communicate using videos.  In this session, we’ll compose a video discussion and look at several ways videos can be effectively used as part of a course. The only pre-work for this session is that participants should arrive prepared to summarize in 60 seconds or less ONE (high or low tech!) teaching technique that they’ve found works well for them. Luncheon Workshop is Monday, September 16 from noon-1 pm. Click here to register

Coffee Chat – Assessment at Tech: Assessment is a process that supports the continuous improvement of curricular and other university systems intended to help students achieve University Student Learning Goals.  It is an increasingly important part of our responsibility as teachers.  This chat is an opportunity for instructors to ask questions about Michigan Tech’s intentional approach to assessment, discuss progress, explore challenges and learn about resources to support student learning. The Coffee Chat is on Tuesday, September 24 from 3:30-4:30pm. Click here to register
Center for Teaching and Learning

Upcoming Events

During the fall and spring semesters, faculty and instructional staff will be invited approximately monthly to either a lunchtime workshop or coffee chat on a topic of current interest.  eLearning workshops are also available year round to help you use technology to enhance your courses. These events provide an opportunity to network with faculty from other departments, learn new instructional strategies and tools, and become aware of instructional policy changes.  Please contact us with ideas and suggestions for future events.

Lunch and Learn: Integrated Communication – March 28

The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) will hold a Lunch and Learn entitled “Integrated Communication” on Thursday, March 28 from noon-1.  During the next academic year, Michigan Tech will focus on assessing and improving the way communication is taught, both in general education and across all disciplines.

“Students will be able to communicate effectively, orally, in writing and in new media, to a wide variety of audiences.” – University Learning Goal #5

First, you will watch short videos of faculty and students initiating this effort, and select your lunch partners for further conversation.   Then, hear tips from programs that have already started this process, and learn about resources available!

To ensure an accurate count for lunch, register for this workshop at RSVP by Monday, March 25 or contact CTL at 487-2046. Once your register, you will receive an email confirmation that will give you the location and a reminder about the date and time.

February Coffee Chat: Interactions Unlimited

Thursday, Feb 21 from 3-4 PM in the library’s East Reading Room

Connected students are more likely to be retained.  This munch and learn session, in collaboration with Nilufer Onder’s NSF funded ENGAGE project, will help faculty explore ways to better connect with students.   Four speakers will initiate faculty discussions about connections in the classroom, through research, in career discussions, and in other small but effective ways.

Coffee and light refreshments will be provided to those who register by Monday 2/18. Please register by calling 487-2046, or click here to register online.

January Lunch and Learn

The first 2013 luncheon workshop, “Great Groups,” will be held from noon to 12:55 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 24. Lunch will be provided to those who register by Monday, Jan. 21. Click here to register.

Michigan Tech instructors use a wide variety of pedagogical and technological approaches to help motivate and guide student groups to learn interactively.  In this workshop, you will get time-saving ideas and gather best practices from eLearning staff and experienced faculty! Prior to the event, we will provide you with short videos of faculty describing their most effective techniques. You will have the opportunity to discuss your favorite topics from these videos during the luncheon.

To ensure an accurate count for lunch, register for this workshop at RSVP by Monday, Jan. 21, or contact CTL at 487-2046. Once your register, you will receive an email confirmation, which will give you the location and a reminder about the date and time.

Register Now for the Next Lunch and Learn: A Blended Learning Buffet – October 25

The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) will hold a Lunch and Learn entitled “A Blended Learning Buffet” on Thursday, 10/25 from noon-1.    Blended learning involves the use of technology to augment interaction in the face to face classroom.  Attendees will be asked to watch a series of short videos explaining five blended learning techniques currently being used by several Michigan Tech faculty members, then select a few of them for further discussion with those experts.  Facilitators and topics for the session include:

Will Cantrell and Claudio Mazzoleni (Physics) – Just in Time Teaching
Joel Neves (VPA) – Computerized Testing
Paul Charlesworth  (Chemistry) and Todd King (Mathematics) –   Flipped Classroom
Linda Wanless (Sch of Tech) – Virtual Office Hours
Mike Meyer (CTL/Physics) – Discussion Boards

All instructional staff are encouraged to register no later than Monday, 10/22 .

Upcoming Lunch and Learn Workshop

The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) is conducting a workshop, “Canvas Cleanup: Best Practices in the New Learning Management System,” from noon to 12:55 p.m., on Thursday, Sept. 20. Lunch will be provided to those who register by Monday, Sept. 17.

In this interactive session, we will provide time-saving ideas, best practices, answers to common questions, and other Canvas resources from eLearning staff and experienced faculty.

To ensure an accurate count for lunch, register for this workshop by contacting CTL at 487-2046 or visiting Workshops to register by email. Once your register, you will receive an email confirmation that will give you the location and a reminder about the date and time.