The unveiling of the first Legacy Marker for Alumni Way was held in front of the EERC. The Legacy Marker serves to honor someone associated with Michigan Tech, and it was unveiled and presented as a surprise to the Dennis O. Wiitanen, Professor Emeritus, Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Dennis O. Wiitanen received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from Michigan Tech in 1963 and 1967 respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Missouri-Rolla in 1970, all in electrical engineering.
In 1970, he joined the electrical and computer engineering department at Michigan Tech, where his major research interests were in the areas of insulating materials and power systems. Dr. Wiitanen taught courses in both electric machines and power systems for over forty years. He is currently a Professor Emeritus.
Dr. Wiitanen is a member of the IEEE’s Power Engineering Society, Education Society, Industry Applications Society, and Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society, serving on several committees and subcommittees, and is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Michigan.
See the Video from UpperMichiganSource

Doc is one of two professors that I directly credit for my current success as an Electrical Engineer. He has been an invaluable force in securing MTU as a premier engineering college. Countless EE students are where they are today because of this man. Thank you, sir.
Doc Wiitanen deserves this honor. I am sure I am not the only graduate of the EE program in Power and Machinery who found their future when they walked into his class. While I have not kept in touch with him over the years, I have often wondered whether I would have found a career that was was as fun without the direction of someone like Doc who always made learning fun & real.