Dr. Greg Odegard was recently presented wit the 2015 Exceptional Graduate Faculty Mentor Award from the Graduate School at the 2015 Graduate Research Awards Banquet. This Merit Award for Exceptional Graduate Student Mentor recognizes advocacy for graduate students, being available and encouraging to students, and creativity/interdisciplinary collaboration in new opportunities for graduate student.
Greg Odegard is Richard and Elizabeth Henes Professor of Computational Mechanics in the Department of Mechanical Engineering–Engineering Mechanics at Michigan Technological University. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Colorado at Boulder, a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Denver, and a PhD in Materials Science from the University of Denver

Exceptional Graduate Faculty Mentor Award: Dr. Greg Odegard of ME-EM presented by Jay Meldrum

Jennifer Fuller (center) Civil and Environmental Engineering
Developing a Sustainable Process for Removal of SyntheticHormones in Wastewater Treatment