Category: Research

MTRI Research Featured at Michigan Tech

IMG_0430The staff of the Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI) in Ann Arbor was on campus on Friday, Sept. 19, to conduct a poster session in the Dow Atrium (sixth-floor campus entrance). MTRI scientists and engineers were also available to discuss projects, collaborations with Michigan Tech departments and staff, and areas of research interest. The session is intended to outline the institute’s current activities and to explore opportunities to develop new working relationships. Examples of research included: Signature Study for Vehicle-Animal Collision Avoidance, 3D Wireless Bridge Inspection, Wave-Ice sensor network, EPA Costal Wetland Mapping, Monitoring Harmful Algae Blooms (HABs) in the Great Lakes, Characterization of Unpaved Road Condition Through the Use of Remote Sensing: Road Condition Data Collection and Analysis, Application of Geospatially Enabled Geographic Response Plans for Oil Spill Response in the Western Basin of Lake Erie and more. See more examples at MTRI Posters

See Pictures of the MTRI Poster Session

View video clips of examples of some of the MTRI projects

MTRI, a research center of Michigan Technological University, is a recognized leader in the research, development and practical application of sensor and information technology to solve critical problems in national security, protecting and evaluating critical infrastructure, bioinformatics, earth sciences and environmental processes.

Center for Diversity and Inclusion Hosts Research Gallery

Center for Diversity and Inclusion invites the campus community to this year’s MiCUP/MI-LSAMP Research Gallery Walk, held on Thursday, June 19, from 3-5 p.m. in the Rozsa Center Lobby.
The event recognizes the research of students participating in the seven-week Michigan College/University Partnership Program (MiCUP) and the Michigan Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (MI-LSAMP) Program here at Michigan Tech.

View thew 2013 Research Gallery

World Water Day Activities at Michigan Tech

Article by Erika Vichcales, student writer, from Tech Today, Updated March 28, 2014

In recognition of World Water Day, Michigan Tech sponsored a variety of events through March 27. This year’s international event focuses on water and energy and the connections between them.

World Water Day was started by the United Nations to raise awareness about the problems surrounding water on our planet. The world is more than 70 percent covered in water, yet less than 1 percent is available for people to use.  

Graduate Research Colloquium Set for this Wednesday and Thursday

by Dennis Walikainen, senior editor

It’s a chance for Michigan Tech graduate students to shine. The Graduate Research Colloquium, slated for Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 19 and 20, showcases the work of current grad students, as they present their findings to judges and visitors alike.

The event coincides with the University’s Career Fair, held Tuesday, Feb. 18 and the timing is great, according to Jackie Huntoon, associate provost and dean of the Graduate School.

Space Solar Power Workshop a Success

Michigan Technological University, in collaboration with professionals from NASA, the Naval Research Laboratory, and the Space Solar Power Institute, hosted a Space Solar Power (SSP) workshop to clarify the challenges facing SSP implementation. The workshop was held in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments at Baltimore, MD, November 7 – 9, 2013. Researchers from Industry and Academia of many countries including India, Japan, UK and USA participated in this event.

Funding Opportunities from Michigan Space Grant

Michigan Tech’s Space Grant Consortium liasion, Dr Robert O. Warrington has announced the funding opportunities from the Michigan Space Grant Consortium, with a deadline for applying of November 13, 2013.

The consortium offers a total of $100,000 support for graduate and undergraduate fellowships, $50,000 for Research Seed Grants, and $100,000 for Public Service Grants in aerospace, space science, Earth system science, and other related science, engineering or mathematical fields.

See the full PDF flyer for more infomation

Additional and specific information about the funding opportunities