Associate Professor Linda Nagel has received $131,305 from the US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, for a project, “National Advanced Silviculture Program Six of the US Forest Service, Ecological Systems Module.”
The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program will support 20 students from across the University with funds from the Vice President for Research and the Honors Institute. The total funding for this summer’s program is $66,000. From the School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, the following students were recipients:
Student | Major | Advisor | Proposal |
Lauren Manninensssssss | Forestrysssss | Tarasoff & Kane |
A comparison of the carbon sequestration potential of C3 vs C4 grasses in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula |
Jarrod Nelson | Forestry | Thomas Pypker | A comparison of stemflow precipitation volume and nutrient content between red maple (acer rubrum) and black ash (fraxinus nigra) |
Justina Silva | AEES | Erik Lilleskov | Enzyme activity in changing peatland plant communities and their effect on carbon cycling |
Thomas Pypker has received $4,322 for the first year of a potential three-year, $14,176 project from the for “Carbon-Water Cycling in the Critical Zone: Understanding Ecosystem Process Variability Across Complex Terrain.”
The Graduate School is pleased to announce Finishing Fellowship recipients for the fall and spring semesters.
The fellowships provide support to PhD candidates who are close to completing their degrees; they are available through the generosity of alumni and friends of the University.
They are intended to recognize outstanding PhD candidates who are in need of financial support to finish their degrees and who are also contributing to the attainment of goals outlined in The Michigan Tech Plan.
Recipients from the School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science are:
Fall 2011 – Amber Roth, PhD candidate in forest science
Spring 2012 – Lindsey Shartell, PhD candidate in forest science, Neil V. Hakala Endowed Fellowship
Michael Falkowski has received $12,012 from the Regents of the University of Idaho for a one-year project, Remote Sensing for Biomass Inventory and Assessment in Idaho, USA.
Assistant Professor Evan Kane , co-PI Rod Chimner and co-PI Tom Pypker have recieved $560,115 from the National Science Foundation for a three-year project, Collaborative Research: PEATcosm: Understanding the Interactions of Climate, Plant Functional Groups and Carbon Cycling in Peatland Ecosystems.
Associate Professor Victor Busov, Assistant Professor Oliver Gailing and Post Doc Yordan Yordanov received the following news that their recent proposal has been funded: The review panel of the AFRI Biology of Agricultural Plants Program has announced that that your proposal entitled “Role of Lateral Organ Boundary Transcription Factors in Regulation of Wood Formation in Poplar, has been recommended for funding by the review panel. We will be able to fund the proposal at 100% of your request at $499,916 for three years.
It was selected in one of the toughest nation-wide competitions ever in the history of the program with over 400 submitted proposals.
Congratulations Victor, Oliver and Yordan!
Adjunct Assistant Professor Sigrid Resh and co-PI Research Assistant Professor Evan Kane have received $149,397 from the US Department of Energy for a two-year project, Interactive Effects of Climate Change and Decomposer Communities on the Stabilization of Wood-Derived Carbon Pools: Catalyst for a New Study.
Assistant Professor Andrew Burton and co-PI Jennifer Eikenberry have received $491 from the US Geological Survey for a three-month project, 13C Analysis of Marine Sediments.
Assistant Professor Robert Froese and co-PI Associate Professor Linda Nagel have received $30,000 from the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement Inc. for a project, Evaluating the Long Term Effect of Logging Residue Harvest in Great Lakes Aspen Stands.