Professor Andrew Storer received $107,364 from the US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, for a two-year project, “Emerald Ash Borer Planning and Prevention in Upper Peninsula.”
Storer also received $25,000 from the US Fish and Wildlife Service for a project, “Factors Influencing Invasive Earthworm and Plant Species Presence and Abundance in Great Lakes Biological Network Forests.” |
Assistant Professor Rodney Chimner and Jim Bess have received $148,650 from the US Environmental Protection Agency for a 32-month project, “Restoring Peatlands from Large Scale Ditching.”
Professor David Flaspohler has received $72,512 from the National Science Foundation for the first year of a potential five-year, $349,488-project, “Interactive effects of predation and ecosystem size on arthropod food webs in Hawaiian forests fragmented by lava flows.”