Category: News

Paola Rivera-González MS in Geology Final Defense

On April 5, 2023, Paola Rivera-González successfully defended her Geology Master of Science degree.

Title: Climate Changes in El Salvador: Impacts of ‘La Canícula’ (“Dog Days of Summer”) on Agricultural Practices and Decision-Making in Rural Communities

Abstract: The Central American Dry Corridor (CADC), a tropical dry forest region, is characterized by distinct rainy and dry seasons that influence the local agricultural calendar and decision-making in rural communities. ‘La canícula’ is a period of decreased precipitation during the rainy season, which typically occurs in July during the corn growing season in El Salvador. The ‘canícula’ is expected to change in intensity and duration in the next decades, which would impact small-scale farmers and their livelihoods. Climate variability and uncertainty has led to crop loss, water scarcity, and food insecurity in rural communities dependent on subsistence farming. Farmers’ experiences with a changing climate led to reformed decision-making and agricultural processes (eg. agricultural calendar, seed type usage, crop rotation) to optimize their harvest and adapt to a variable climate. Studying the local perceptions and adaptation practices of farmers showed how natural hazards related to global climate change impact society, community dynamics in how farmers identify their main challenges, and revealed the ways farmers improve resilience to a changing climate.

Advised by Luke Bowman with committee members Kari Henquinet, John Gierke

Paola Laguna Algeria

Natalea Cohen MS in Geology Final Defense

On Wednesday, June 14, 2023, Nat Cohen triumphed as she confidently defended her Geology Master of Science degree.

Nat Cohen on Mont Ripley

Title: Rain-induced hazards in remote, low-resource communities: A case study of flash flooding in the Usulután Department, El Salvador

Abstract: Natural hazards like flash floods can cause devastating impacts, so it is important to better understand these events to improve mitigation and emergency preparedness of vulnerable communities. California, El Salvador is a data-poor agricultural community experiencing climate change impacts and associated hazards, including flash flood events. This study uses ArcGIS Pro to map regional flash flood susceptibility and applies the Water Evaluation and Planning system (WEAP) to model sub-daily flash flood events in a California drainage well-known for flash flooding. Natural hazards like flash floods can cause devastating impacts, so it is important to better understand these events to improve mitigation and emergency preparedness of vulnerable communities. California, El Salvador is a data-poor agricultural community experiencing climate change impacts and associated hazards, including flash flood events. This study uses ArcGIS Pro to map regional flash flood susceptibility and applies the Water Evaluation and Planning system (WEAP) to model sub-daily flash flood events in a California drainage well-known for flash flooding.

Co-Advised by Luke Bowman and John Gierke, with Greg Waite as a committee member.

Bill Rose on the Dangers of Global Environmental Manipulation

Distant view of an ash cloud from a volcano.
A huge cloud of volcanic ash and gas rises above Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, on June 12, 1991. USGS fact sheet 113-97.

Professor Emeritus Bill Rose (GMES) was quoted by Medium in a story connecting Mount Pinatubo’s eruption in 1991 to recent geoengineering proposals seeking to replicate the cooling effect that large volcanic eruptions have on global temperatures. Rose has extensively studied the climactic effects of Mount Pinatubo and other volcanic eruptions. The cooling effect is likely due to liquid sulfate aerosol, which could potentially be introduced artificially.

According to Bill Rose, this would put scientists and politicians into a dangerous system of global environmental management where essentially another form of pollution is pumped into the atmosphere to offset the impact of the current pollution.

Read more at Medium, by Floyd Whaley.

GMES Researchers on Infrasound Detection of Approaching Lahars

The National Science Foundation mentioned Michigan Tech in a story about a study showing that infrasound remote sensing technology is an effective way to monitor catastrophic volcanic mudflows. Rudiger Escobar Wolf and Greg Waite (GMES) and Ph.D. student Gustavo Bejar Lopez (geology) are co-authors of the study, which was published in Nature Scientific Reports. NSF’s story was picked up by EIN Presswire.

The study is a collaborative effort by scientists at Boise State University, the Instituto Nacional de Sismología, Vulcanología, Meteorología e Hidrología in Guatemala, and Michigan Technological University, and is funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation.

Johnson, J.B., Roca, A., Pineda, A. et al. Infrasound detection of approaching lahars. Sci Rep 13, 6476 (2023).

Sets of waveforms over time with graphs of lag times and location precision. Descriptions are in the caption and full article.
Cross correlation analysis from station IO is used to detect sound originating from the Ceniza drainage. Read the full caption online. Scientific Reports articles are published OA under a CC BY license (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license). Read the full article.

Chad Deering Recognized for Teaching Excellence

Chad Deering
Chad Deering

Chad Deering, an associate professor in the Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, has joined the Michigan Tech Academy of Teaching Excellence.

“Dr. Deering is an exceptional educator, teaching vital departmental courses such as mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, and summer field geology,” says GMES Department Chair, Aleksey Smirnov. His extensive knowledge in these fields and engaging teaching style have earned him high praise from students.”

“His recent recognition for teaching excellence is a testament to his dedication and the impact he has on our undergraduate students.”

“Dr. Deering strikes a balance between being demanding and fair, challenging students while providing a supportive learning environment.”

Aleksey Smirnov, Chair, Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences

The Michigan Tech Academy of Teaching Excellence was established in 1998 to recognize those who have demonstrated continued dedication to and support of the University’s teaching mission. Academy membership is comprised of finalists for the annual Distinguished Teaching Awards and the Fredrick D. Williams Instructional Innovation Award.

Deering was nominated for the William G. Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)’s annual Distinguished Teaching Awards, which recognize outstanding contributions to Michigan Tech’s instructional mission. Based on more than 40,000 student ratings of instruction responses. He was among 10 finalists in the Associate Professor/Professor category identified for the 2023 awards.

A Note from the Chair

Early spring rock hunting at McLain State Park

Dear Alumni and Friends,

Aleksey Smirnov, Professor and Chair

Warm greetings from the Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences at Michigan Tech!

I hope this newsletter finds you in good health and high spirits. The long winter in the Keweenaw has finally given way to the vibrant colors of spring. As the seasons change and spring breathes new life into Copper County, I am delighted to reconnect with all of you and share some latest updates from our department.

As always, our priority remains to provide the highest quality education and learning experiences to our students, ensuring their future success. Recently, we heartfeltly congratulated our Spring and Summer 2023 graduates on this significant milestone. We are immensely proud of their achievements and wish them the very best in their future endeavors.

Our students continue to engage in active research, exploring new frontiers and making valuable contributions to their respective areas of study. I was particularly impressed by the work of Natalie Sorensen, a talented freshman majoring in geological engineering who has shown great promise in the field of hydrological research. Her dedication and enthusiasm are truly inspiring. Another noteworthy mention goes to Addison Goecker, a senior in applied geophysics whose poster presentation at the AIPG meeting received well-deserved recognition. It’s remarkable to see the caliber of research being conducted by our students.

One of the hallmarks of our department is the research mentorship provided by our faculty to our students. This commitment to guiding and nurturing their research endeavors was recently showcased at the Institute for Lake Superior Geology (ILSG) meeting in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, attended by a group of faculty and students. Not only did they present their research findings, but they also had the invaluable opportunity to network with esteemed professionals in the field. This experience further solidifies our department’s dedication to providing our students with exceptional research opportunities and preparing them for successful futures in their chosen disciplines.

Our faculty and staff have been successful, too! In particular, I am thrilled to announce that Radwin Askari, associate professor of geophysics, has been honored with a prestigious NSF CAREER award in recognition of his innovative ideas for understanding the dynamics of a volcano’s magmatic cracks. This research can improve the forecast of volcanic eruptions and help to mitigate their attendant hazards.

The expertise of our researchers is highly sought around the globe. Notably, our experts in water resource management, Dr. John Gierke and Dr. Luke Bowman were solicited by AmeriCorps to share their knowledge in building rainwater collection systems in rural communities of Colombia.

Teaching excellence has been a cornerstone of our department, and we take pride in the accomplishments of our faculty members on this front. Chad Deering and Luke Bowman, in particular, have been recognized for their exceptional teaching abilities. Chad’s dedication and passion have earned him a nomination for the Michigan Tech Distinguished Teaching Award  while Luke’s teaching prowess has been acknowledged in the Dean’s Teaching Showcase.

The support of our donors is instrumental to our success. Your generosity plays a crucial role in providing exceptional opportunities for our students and enhancing the quality of education we offer. We are always striving to provide the best opportunities for our students. The next few years promise even further expansion. However, we still have big needs in the areas of laboratory improvements and student scholarships. We would greatly appreciate any assistance in making these enhancements.

In particular, we have a pressing need to upgrade our Mining Engineering computer lab, and also to fund additional scholarships for geology and applied geophysics students.

As I reflect on our shared journey, the importance of our alumni community is clear: You are an invaluable part of our department’s history and success. We were happy to see quite a few of alumni and friends at Michigan Tech’s GMES social event, held at the recent 2023 Annual SME Conference and Expo in Denver. We intend to have more such events at other professional meetings.

Meanwhile, if you ever find yourself in our neck of the woods, I sincerely hope you’ll consider stopping by to say hello and share your stories. Your experiences and achievements are a great inspiration to our students and faculty alike.

Wishing you all the best in your endeavors, and may our paths cross again soon.

With warmest regards,

Aleksey Smirnov
Professor and Chair
Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences

Dr. Radwin Askari Receives National Science Foundation CAREER Award

Radwin Askari’s work as a researcher and educator has been recognized with CAREER Awards from the National Science Foundation.

GMES Associate Professor Radwin Askari, a geophysicist who studies cavitation in volcanoes’ fluid-filled magmatic cracks, has earned a National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award.

The awards recognize Askari, an associate professor of geological and mining engineering and sciences, as an early-career faculty who demonstrates the potential to serve as academic role model in research and education, and to lead advances in the mission of his department or organization. The five-year grant will support both research work and education outreach. 

Askari’s award will enhance both research capabilities and educational opportunities in the Physical Modeling Laboratory.

Understanding Volcanoes Through Integrated Physical Modeling  

Askari will receive more than $668,000 to continue research in the Physical Modeling Laboratory (PML), which he founded in the Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences (GMES). For his CAREER project, he’ll develop two analog apparatuses to investigate the cavitation mechanism in fluid-filled magmatic cracks and the developments of sub-cracks and seismic signals that result. Askari said it is crucial to understand both the cavitation mechanism and the dynamics of a volcano’s magmatic crack growth in order to estimate the scale of magma transport. 

“The results from this research can improve the forecast of volcanic eruptions, which in turn can help to mitigate their consequent hazards.”

Radwin Askari

As a result, Askari will be able to assess other complex scenarios in fracture evolution and their corresponding seismicity, a major step toward his ultimate research goals in the field. He also plans to purchase new lab equipment, including a high-speed imaging system, to substantially enhance the PML’s experimental capacities. Other disciplines across campus, including biomechanics, aerodynamics and fluid dynamics, will also be able to use these advanced tools for future multidisciplinary research collaborations. 

Askari plans to promote earth science literacy for students, educators and the public by producing several educational videos and a virtual PML lab tour. He will also offer summer research internships to students from traditionally underserved populations. 

Askari said he’s grateful to GMES Chair Aleksey Smirnov, along with Assistant Vice President for Research Development Peter Larsen and colleagues in Tech’s Sponsored Programs Office, for their support and guidance. He also thanked retired GMES staff member Carol Asiala, an assistant research scientist and engineer, for her assistance with the nontechnical parts of his award proposal.

Learn more about the Physical Modeling Laboratory.

GMES People Attend the Annual Meeting of ILSG in 2023

Eau Claire picture of the waterfront and city buildings.
Eau Claire, Wisconsin, by Itrytohelp32. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

Michigan Tech was well represented at the 69th annual meeting for the Institute on Lake Superior Geology (ILSG), held in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, from April 23-26.

Research Professor Jim DeGraff and Professor Emeritus Bill Rose (GMES) presented a poster titled “Digital Image Capture and Database Compilation of Historical Mining Data from the Keweenaw Copper District, Michigan: A Progress Update.”

Graduate student Katherine Langfield (geology) delivered an oral presentation titled “Slip Kinematics of the Keweenaw and Hancock Faults within the Midcontinent Rift System, Upper Peninsula of Michigan.”

Graduate student Daniel Lizzadro-McPherson (geology) delivered an oral presentation titled “Structural Analysis and Slip Kinematics of the Keweenaw Fault System between Béte Grise Bay and Gratiot Lake, Keweenaw County, Michigan.”

Rose also delivered an oral presentation titled “New Work Developing Geoheritage Awareness.”

Geosciences Research Scientist Erika Vye (GLRC/GMES) delivered an oral presentation titled “Geoheritage as an Educational Tool to Explore Relationships with Land and Water in the Keweenaw.”

Professor Emeritus Ted Bornhorst (GMES) presented Peter Hollings, professor at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario, with the prestigious ILSG Goldich Medal recognizing outstanding contributions to the understanding of Lake Superior geology. He also attended the ILSG Board of Directors meeting; the board approved the 70th annual meeting to be held in Houghton in 2024, which will be chaired by Bornhorst.

The ILSG is a nonprofit professional society that provides a forum for promoting better understanding of the geology of the Lake Superior region. The major activity of the institute is an annual meeting with geological field trips and technical presentations.

Congratulations Spring 2023 Graduates!

It takes a lot of hard work, determination, and sacrifice to complete a college degree, and you have done it. Congratulations on your achievement!

The Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences offers our sincerest congratulations on your well-deserved success! This is a momentous occasion and a testament to your dedication and perseverance. You should feel proud of your accomplishments and the bright future that awaits you.

Doctorate of Philosophy Degrees Awarded

Bartel, Beth Ph.D. Geology, Advised by Greg Waite

Chakrapani Lekha, Vishnu Ph.D. Geological Engineering, Advised by Thomas Oommen

Ewing, Jordan Ph.D., Computational Science, and Engineering, Advised by Thomas Oommen

Master of Science Degrees Awarded

Anderla, Madeline MS Geological Engineering, Advised by Luke Bowman

Barth, Elana  MS Geology, Advised by Chad Deering
She is joining AECOM in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Eshwar Reddy Sirigiri, Dharmasai  MS Mining Engineering, Advised by Snehamoy Chatterjee

Gamet, Nolan MS Geology, Advised by James DeGraff

Kaminski, Caleb  MS Geophysics, Advised by Aleksey Smirnov
He is joining PND Engineers in Anchorage, Alaska.

Langfield, Katherine MS Geology, Advised by James DeGraff

Lizzadro-McPherson, Daniel  MS Geology, Advised by James DeGraff
He is working as a geospatial research scientist at the Great Lakes Research Center at Michigan Tech.

Ricchio-Hitchcock, Evan  MS Geological Engineering, Advised by Snehamoy Chatterjee
He is joining Colliers Engineering & Design in Charlotte, North Carolina as a geotechnical engineer.

Rivera-Gonzalez, Paola  MS Geology, Advised by Luke Bowman 

Bachelor of Science Degrees Awarded

Anderson, Cole  BS Mining Engineering
Carley, Michael  BS Geological Engineering, He is joining Riverside Energy in Michigan as a production engineer. 
Carpenter, Kolby  BS Geological Engineering, He is joining Coleman Engineering as a geotechnical engineer.
Donajkowski, Clay  BS Mining Engineering
Doud, Quin  BS Geology, He is joining the Affordable Housing Development.
Gabriel, Aidan BS Applied Geophysics, He is joining RS&H in Asheville, North Carolina, working as a CEI inspector. 
Goecker, Addison  BS Applied Geophysics, She is continuing her education, accepting a full scholarship to the University of Utah’s Graduate School.
Klein, Peter  BS Geological Engineering, He is joining  Geoengineers in Springfield, MO, doing geotech work on pipeline projects.
Maxon, Jake  BS Mining Engineering, He is joining Pogo Mine in Alaska to work as an underground mining engineer.
Ojala, Grace  BS Applied Geophysics, She is continuing her education at the University of Denver for an MA program in archeology.
Searl, Jared  BS Geological Engineering
Max Stange  BS Geological Engineering, He is joining Freeport-McMoRan’s Chino Mine to work as a geomechanical engineer.

Undergraduate advisors: John Gierke, Jeremy Shannon, Nathan Manser, and Snehamoy Chatterjee

Take a moment to reflect on all you have accomplished and to thank those who have supported you along the way.

Congratulations again to the graduates, and best wishes for a bright and successful future!

Photo gallery

Evan Ricchio-Hitchcock
Grace Ojala
Jake Maxon
Addison Goecker
Aidan Gabriel
Daniel Lizzadro-McPherson
Max Stange
Elana Barth

Gierke and Bowman on Building Rainwater Collection Systems

Group of locals and two researchers standing outside
Fundación Cartagena Nuevo Amanecer project partners celebrating the completion of another phase of their demonstrative community garden in Magangue, Colombia. Image courtesy of Damaris Guerra.
Man standing near a tank holding a sticker with  mining picks and a Husky illustration.
Foundation’s lead technician Jesus Fandiño with a GMES sticker to be placed on the main rainwater catchment/irrigation supply tank.

John Gierke and Luke Bowman supported Fundación Cartagena Nuevo Amanecer, with Dr. Gierke serving as Small-Scale Irrigation Systems Expert and Dr. Bowman serving as Water Capture (Hydrology) Specialist.

The two assisted the Fundación in the design of a small-scale water catchment and irrigation system for FCNA’s school garden beds as well as local backyard gardens.

In addition to designing and building functional systems during 10 days of work, Gierke and Bowman provided community partners with user-friendly, Spanish-language, spreadsheet tools to explore design considerations for sizing, purchasing components, and building new systems.

Read more at Partners of the Americas Economic Development & Health, by