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Fall Professional Development Series

Poster for fall seminar series.
The Graduate School is pleased to announce its fall professional development series.  For our PhD students considering a career in academia, we are offering two seminars that will help them prepare to be competitive applicants for faculty positions:

  • November 7 | Introduction to Sponsored Programs
    • Learn how a university’s sponsored programs office can help you conduct sponsored research.
  • December 10 | Teaching Portfolios: Building Today for Your Career Tomorrow
    • Learn what needs to be in your portfolio, which technologies work best, and how to start building
      this important asset now.

Students who are looking for ways to balance their work with healthy activities for them and their families, or for guidance on the thesis and dissertation submission process will find the other seminars in our series helpful:

  • October 3 | Submitting your Thesis or Dissertation
    • Learn current procedures for formatting and submission.
  • October 24 | CANCELLED | Michigan Tech Community Programs
    • Discover new low-impact activities or high-impact recreational opportunities for you or your family.
    • Take advantage of great facilities—pool, fitness center, ice arena, and dance room.

Seating is limited.  Register online to reserve your seat and receive an e-mail confirmation of the location.

Please contact Dr. Debra Charlesworth with any questions about the seminar series.

Formatting Help Sessions for Fall 2016

Are you working on formatting corrections for your dissertation, thesis, or report? Do you need help? Join the Graduate School ( for group work hours. These workshops are provided at no charge to students working on a dissertation, thesis, or report. Staff will able to help with the changes required by the Graduate School for these documents in MS Office.  Assistance will also be available for converting documents to PDF from Word and how to make simple corrections and check your document in Adobe Acrobat. The workshops will be in rooms with PCs with University software, or you may bring your own laptop. Distance students may contact about remote assistance during these times via web conferencing.  If you need additional help outside of these times, please contact the Graduate School.  On a limited basis, one-on-one assistance with a $30/hour fee may be available through the GS-CAP program. Please contact the Graduate School for more information.

All workshops will be held from 1-3pm on the following dates in Dillman 101 unless otherwise noted:

  • Thursday, November 10, 2016
  • Monday, November 14, 2016
  • Thursday, November 17, 2016
  • Monday, November 28, 2016 (NOTE: last day to submit for fall 2016)
  • Thursday, December 8, 2016
  • Wednesday, December 14, 2016 (NOTE: 11am – 2pm)

Formatting 101 Seminar Series Continues

The Graduate School is pleased to announce the final two seminars in its summer seminar series, “Formatting 101.” These short seminars (approximately 30-minutes, followed by time for your questions) are designed for students formatting their dissertation, thesis, or report.  Each seminar will be held in Fisher 138 beginning at 2:30pm and will also be live streamed. Please register so we can plan for your attendance and provide information about the live stream for our off campus participants.

  • June 14, 2017 – Copyright for Dissertations and Theses – the basics of using copyrighted material in your document
  • June 28, 2017 – How to Check and Fix your Document – how to check and fix your document using Adobe Acrobat

Seminar materials are archived online if you’re unable to attend the live event.

Summer Graduates – August 31st deadline

To graduate in the summer session 2009, graduate students must have all final paperwork submitted and approved no later than August 31st by 4pm.  All forms are online with a detailed list for each degree type.  Final items typically include:

  • A final thesis, report, or dissertation
  • Binding order form (TD-Bindery, theses and dissertations)
  • Life After Michigan Tech form
  • Report on Final Oral Examination (M6/D8)
  • Survey of Earned Doctorates (for PhD students only)

Students should contact Nancy Byers Sprague for questions related to degree auditing, and Debra Charlesworth for questions related to theses and dissertations.

Formatting 101: New Fall Seminar Series

Students preparing a dissertation, thesis, or report are invited to a new seminar series this summer designed to answer the questions we most commonly see in the Graduate School.  Faculty and staff who assist students are also welcome to attend.  The general format will be a 30 minute presentation with time for your questions.

Our first seminar will be “Formatting 101: Using the Guide and Template.”  We’ll discuss how you can use the Guide to find the formatting rules, and the template for signature/approval pages.  Additional details:

1. Formatting 101: Using the Guide and Template

  • Date: 09/26/2017
  • Time: 4:05 – 4:55pm
  • Place: Fisher 138 or live stream

2. Formatting 101: Copyright for Dissertations and Theses

  • Date: 10/10/2017
  • Time: 4:05 – 4:55pm
  • Place: Fisher 138 or live stream

3. Formatting 101: How to Check and Fix your Document

  • Date: 10/24/2017
  • Time: 4:05 – 4:55pm
  • Place: Fisher 138 or live stream

Please register to attend on campus or to view the live stream for each of them so that we can plan for your attendance.  Individuals who register for the live stream will receive log in information three hours before the event.

All materials (including video when available) from all Graduate School seminars are archived online.

Fall Graduates – January 11th deadline

To graduate in the fall semester 2009, graduate students must have all final paperwork submitted and approved no later than January 11th by 4pm.  All forms are online with a detailed list for each degree type.  Final items typically include:

  • A final thesis, report, or dissertation
  • Binding order form (TD-Bindery, theses and dissertations)
  • Life After Michigan Tech form
  • Report on Final Oral Examination (M6/D8)
  • Survey of Earned Doctorates (for PhD students only)

Students should contact Nancy Byers Sprague for questions related to degree auditing, and Debra Charlesworth for questions related to theses and dissertations.

Spring Graduates – May 11, 2009 deadline

To graduate in the spring semester 2009, graduate students must have all final paperwork submitted and approved no later than May 11th by 4pm.  All forms are online with a detailed list for each degree type.  Final items typically include:

  • A final thesis, report, or dissertation
  • Binding order form (TD-Bindery, theses and dissertations)
  • Life After Michigan Tech form
  • Report on Final Oral Examination (M6/D8)
  • Survey of Earned Doctorates (for PhD students only)

Students should contact Nancy Byers Sprague for questions related to degree auditing, and Debra Charlesworth for questions related to theses and dissertations.

2014 Graduate Student Research Grant Program

The NCAA Research Committee is pleased to announce the 2014 NCAA Graduate Student Research Grant Program.

The NCAA Research Committee invites research proposals within the general topic areas of student-athlete well-being and college athletics participation.  Research grants are available for graduate students only and are intended to support the student while conducting research to be used for a doctoral dissertation, master’s thesis or external publication.  Awards for these one-time research grants are set at a maximum of $7,500.

Reviewing a scheduling request for a final oral examination

Effective spring 2021, students will schedule their final oral examination (“defense”) by submitting information about their dissertation, thesis, or report and defense to MyMichiganTech.

When a defense request is submitted by the student, the committee will be notified of the details and the advisor will also be notified to review the request in Workflow. If the advisor is missing the appropriate roles to review the workflow, the Graduate School will be notified immediately and will initiate updating the faculty record. Banner access for advisors is described on our web page. Please contact the Graduate School if there are any technical issues.

The advisor will log into Banner Workflow and select the scheduling request to review from their worklist. It is expected that faculty will review these requests within two business days.

Advisors will review the information provided by the student.

A portion of the form to show the scheduling information submitted by the student for the defense.

After reviewing the information, select “Approve” or “Reject” at the bottom of the page.

At the bottom of the scheduling request, select “Approve” or “Reject”

Return to the top of the form and select “Complete” to save the approval decision.

At the top of the form, select “Complete” to save the approval decision.

The committee, advisor, and student will be notified of the advisor’s decision. If the decision is to approve the defense scheduling, the graduate program director and assistant will also be notified. Committee members who are not Michigan Tech employees may not be notified; please confirm details with them individually.

If the committee does not receive the dissertation, thesis, or report with sufficient time for review prior to the defense, the advisor may request that the defense be rescheduled. Please contact the Graduate School to reschedule the defense.

Defense scheduling moved to MyMichiganTech

The Graduate School is pleased to announce that final oral examinations (“defenses”) can now be scheduled on MyMichiganTech. This applies to students scheduling a defense of their dissertation, thesis, or report.  

Students will log into MyMichiganTech to complete a scheduling request, and their advisor will log into the Workflow system to review that request and make a decision. Email notifications will be sent throughout the process. A student tutorial and advisor tutorial with screenshots is available on our blog, as well as a presentation in our seminar archive. A complete overview of the process to complete a dissertation, thesis, or report is available online.

A few things to note:

  • Students who have already completed their defense or have a defense already scheduled with the Graduate School do not need to repeat this process on MyMichiganTech.
  • Faculty will need to log into the Workflow system to approve defenses. Please refer to our advisor tutorial.
  • The Graduate School will continue to accept PDF forms this semester if a student has already started that process with their advisor.
  • Please delete any PDF forms that have been saved to use later. Always go to our website for the most current information and forms.
  • This process applies to the final oral examination, and not to other examinations such as a qualifying examination or research proposal examination. 
  • Graduate programs should remove references and links to the “pre-defense form” from their website and handbooks, as this process replaces the form.

The Graduate School would like to thank our colleagues in EAS for their hard work on this project. For any questions, please contact the Graduate School.