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Graduate School Announces Summer Seminar Series

Summer Seminar Series
Summer Seminar Series

The Graduate School is pleased to announce its summer seminar series, where graduate students can learn new skills in an hour.  Register online to reserve your seat and receive confirmation of the time and location.


  • Learn how format a thesis or dissertation and submit it to the Graduate School


  • Learn tips and tricks for using Adobe Acrobat to create a PDF of a thesis or dissertation


  • Learn about current technology that can digitize notes
  • Use the power of an iPad for research


  • Join a panel discussion of faculty as they share their secrets to research success

For more information, email Debra Charlesworth in the Graduate School at

Graduate School Announces Summer Seminar Series

The Graduate School is pleased to announce our summer seminar series.  Join the Graduate School to learn about the following topics:

  • May 19th: Submitting your thesis or dissertation to the Graduate School
    Learn important tips about the thesis and dissertation process from formatting to final submission.  Session will include demonstrations of the submission process, and descriptions of all of the forms involved.
  • May 26th: Great images for papers and presentations
    Creating high resolution images is a new requirement for theses and dissertations.  Learn what a high resolution image is, and how to create them with a variety of popular software packages.
  • June 23rd: An introduction to LaTeX
    The seminar will provide general information on getting started with LaTeX – the document markup language/preparation system – including how to install it on commonly used operating systems [Linux, Mac and Windows] and typesetting a variety of documents [from simple text to journal manuscripts with mathematical expressions, graphics, tables, etc.]. It will also cover how to use the thesis/dissertation templates developed specifically for Michigan Tech.

All seminars will start at 2:05pm.  Please register online to receive an e-mail confirmation, the location of the seminar, and reminders before the event.

Seating is limited – register early!  These seminars will be taped and available on our professional resources web page for viewing later.

U.S. Dept of Energy Carlsbad Field Office (CBFO) Fellowship Program

The Department of Energy (DOE) CBFO Program provides the opportunity to conduct mission-oriented research in DOE’s CBFO in Carlsbad, New Mexico.  The full-time, one-year appointment will start in October/November 2013 or earlier; appointments may be renewed for up to five years, based on program needs, satisfactory performance by the appointee and continued availability of funding.


  • U.S. Citizens Only.
  • Received (by September 2013) or currently hold a bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited institution within the past five years.
  • Strong analytical, research and oral and written communication skills and demonstrated capacity for creative thinking.

Application and supporting material must be received by midnight EST on Sunday, September 22, 2013.

Annual stipends will be based on academic level and relevant skills and/or experience; may include additional allowances of up to $500/month for housing and insurance. Travel to appointment may be included.

How to apply:  Click CBFO Application to apply.

For more information, email

For more information on WIPP, visit DOE-WIPP.

Department of Energy Summer Opportunities

The S-STEM team at the NSF was just made aware of the following internship opportunity from the Department of Energy:

The Office of Science / Office of Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists (WDTS) is pleased to announce that it is accepting applications to its 2015 Summer Term internship/fellowship programs. These programs, which offer opportunities for direct engagement in scientific research and technology featuring specialized instrumentation; large-scale, multidisciplinary efforts; and/or scientific user facilities, are available for undergraduate students enrolled at community colleges and/or four-year institutions, and for visiting faculty. Selected students or faculty participate at one of 17 DOE Laboratories/Facilities, receive stipends, and may qualify for travel and housing assistance.

Applications for these competitive programs must be completed and submitted online by 5:00 PM ET on January 9, 2015 (including all required application materials and recommendations). The 2015 Summer Term placements are for 10 weeks duration in a May to August timeframe.

The three programs accepting applications are:

  • The Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) program encourages undergraduate students to pursue science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers by providing research experiences, under the guidance of laboratory/facility staff scientists or engineers, on projects supporting the DOE mission.  More information about SULI and access to the online application is at
  • The Community College Internship (CCI) program encourages community college students to enter technical careers relevant to the DOE mission by providing technical training experiences at the DOE Labs.  Students work on technologies or instrumentation projects or major research facilities related to ongoing R&D programs. More information about CCI and access to the online application is at
  • The Visiting Faculty Program (VFP) seeks to increase the research competitiveness of faculty members and their students at institutions historically underrepresented in the research community in order to expand the workforce vital to the DOE mission areas.  In this program, selected university/college faculty members collaborate with DOE laboratory research staff on a research project of mutual interest. Faculty member participants may invite up to two students (one of which may be a graduate student) to participate in the research project. Applicants establish their collaborations with laboratory research staff in advance of applying and must submit a co-developed research proposal as part of the application. Students apply separately at the invitation of the faculty member. More information about the VFP and access to the online application is at

The SULI, CCI and VFP programs are sponsored and managed by the DOE Office of Science / Office of Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists. The Department of Energy’s Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States, and is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time.



U.S. Department of Energy Office of Climate, Environment and Energy Efficiency – EPSA Fellowship Program

Now Accepting Applications for BS, MS or PhD Graduates and recent Alumni (within the last 5 years) in Physical Sciences,

Environmental Sciences, Environmental Policy, Public Policy, Economics or related degrees.

Application closes Monday, September 1, 2014, midnight EST – visit get started NOW! 

Opportunity in Washington, DC for a full-time, one-year or more commitment, starting in September or October 2014 to conduct climate/environmental research.

Applicant must be interested in a multi-disciplinary, fast-paced environment focused on energy and climate policy. Prefer expertise in one or more major energy sector (e.g. electricity, oil, gas) with training/experience in climate science, climate impacts or other environmental areas. Strong quantitative analytical, research and communication skills are required. Experience with modeling and managing data outputs from models preferred.

  Applicants must be U.S. Citizens – no exceptions.


Annual stipends are dependent on academic level, skills and experience. Additional allowances for travel to site, medical insurance or housing may be provided. 


For more information, e-mail

U.S. Department of Energy Office of Climate, Environment and Energy Efficiency – EPSA Fellowship Program

Now Accepting Applications for BS, MS or PhD Graduates and recent Alumni (within the last 5 years) in Physical Sciences,

Environmental Sciences, Environmental Policy, Public Policy, Economics or related degrees.

Application closes Monday, September 1, 2014, midnight EST – visit get started NOW! 

Opportunity in Washington, DC for a full-time, one-year or more commitment, starting in September or October 2014 to conduct climate/environmental research.

Applicant must be interested in a multi-disciplinary, fast-paced environment focused on energy and climate policy. Prefer expertise in one or more major energy sector (e.g. electricity, oil, gas) with training/experience in climate science, climate impacts or other environmental areas. Strong quantitative analytical, research and communication skills are required. Experience with modeling and managing data outputs from models preferred.

Applicants must be U.S. Citizens – no exceptions.

Annual stipends are dependent on academic level, skills and experience. Additional allowances for travel to site, medical insurance or housing may be provided.

For more information, e-mail


DOE Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) Program

The Department of Energy’s Office of Science is now accepting applications for the Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) program (2017 Solicitation 1). Applications are due 5:00pm Eastern Time on Tuesday May 16, 2017.

The SCGSR program provides doctoral dissertation/thesis research opportunities for graduate students at DOE national laboratories. Details about the program and online application can be found at

We would appreciate it very much if you could help distribute the program announcement to interested faculty members and graduate students in your institution. Go to the webpage to see the detailed list of the following genreal research areas:
Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR)
Basic Energy Sciences (BES)
Biological and Environmental Research (BER)
Fusion Energy Sciences (FES)
High Energy Physics (HEP)
Nuclear Physics (NP)

Ping Ge, Ph.D.
Program Manager, Office of Science Graduate Student Research ProgramImage result
Office of Science, SC-27
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Ave. SW
Washington, DC 20585


The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science (SC) established the DOE Office of Science Graduate Fellowship (DOE SCGF) Program ( in 2009 to support outstanding students to pursue graduate training in basic research in areas of physics, biology (non-medical), chemistry, mathematics, engineering, computer and computational sciences, and environmental sciences relevant to the Office of Science and to encourage the development of the next generation of scientific and technical talent in the U.S who will pursue careers in research critical to the Office of Science mission at DOE laboratories and in academia.

The fellowship award provides partial tuition support, an annual stipend for living expenses, and a research allowance for full-time graduate study and thesis/dissertation research at an accredited college or university in the United States or its territories for three years.

DOE Fellows receive a yearly stipend (for up to 3 years) of $35,000.  Additional benefits are listed here:

You are eligible to apply if one of the following circumstances applies to you at the time of applying:

  • You are an undergraduate senior, planning to apply to qualified graduate programs (see below) this year and be enrolled by Fall 2012.
  • You are a first year or second year Master’s or Ph.D. student in a qualified graduate program.
  • You are in your last year of a BS/MS program and plan to be enrolled in a qualified Ph.D. program by Fall 2012.
  • You are not currently enrolled in a graduate program, but have been accepted into a qualified graduate program that will begin in the Spring or Fall of 2012.
  • You have completed your undergraduate degree and are not currently enrolled in a graduate program, but plan to apply to qualified graduate programs and be enrolled in Fall 2012.

Applicants to the DOE SCGF program must meet all of the requirements in the following areas to be eligible to apply:

  • Minimum age and U.S. citizenship
  • Academic Status
  • Enrollment in a Qualified Graduate Program
  • Other Federal Graduate Fellowships

You are NOT eligible to apply if one or any combination of the following describe your graduate education status:

  • You will be in your third year of a Master’s program in Fall 2012.
  • You have completed more than 6 semesters/9 quarters (*) of cumulative graduate work at the time of applying.
  • You have completed more than 3 semesters/5 quarters (*) of cumulative graduate work in a Ph.D. program at the time of applying.
  • You seek to pursue a second Ph.D. degree.
  • You are currently in your second Master’s degree program and will not be in a qualified Ph.D. program by Fall 2012.

*Full or part-time

Fall 2015 Formatting Help Sessions

Are you working on formatting corrections for your dissertation, thesis, or report? Do you need help? Join Harriet King (, coordinator of the Graduate School Communications Assistance Program for group work hours. These workshops are provided at no charge to students working on a dissertation, thesis, or report. Harriet is skilled with MS Office, Open Office, and Adobe Acrobat Pro. These rooms are equipped with PCs with University software, or you may bring your own laptop. If you need additional help or prefer one-on-one assistance, please contact Harriet to arrange for times and inquire about the services available.

Except for the event on November 20th, all workshops will be held in Dillman 213.

  • Tue Sep 22 1:00pm – 3:00pm
  • Tue Oct 27 1:00pm – 3:00pm
  • Tue Nov 3 1:00pm – 3:00pm
  • Tue Nov 10- this session has been cancelled
  • Thu Nov 12 1:00pm – 3:00pm
  • Mon Nov 16 1:00pm – 3:00pm
  • Tue Nov 17 1:00pm – 3:00pm
  • Wed Nov 18 1:00pm – 3:00pm
  • Thu Nov 19 1:00pm – 3:00pm
  • Fri Nov 20 1:00pm – 3:00pm – EERC 723 (note the room change)
  • Mon Nov 30 10:00am – 4:00pm
  • Tue Dec 8 1:00pm – 3:00pm
  • Tue Dec 15 1:00pm – 3:00pm

The Van Pelt and Opie Library Announces Digital Commons @ Michigan Tech.

Digital Commons @ Michigan Tech offers the campus a digital repository for worldwide access to its research, scholarship and other academic works created by members of the Michigan Tech community.

Digital Commons @ Michigan Tech has the capacity to provide and preserve access to all types of documents and publications–from articles and reports to books, journals and other creative works. Tools are also provided to manage the publication process, including peer review. Organization can be by college, department or even individual scholar. Access can be open globally, controlled by ISO login or unique passwords when desirable.