Search Results for "thesis and dissertations MS Office tips"

Copyright for Graduate Students

Who owns the copyright to my dissertation? When using an image from another work, do I need copyright permission? If I do, how much does it cost? What are the benefits of making my thesis open access? Get the answers to these and other questions at the library workshop, “Copyright and Your Dissertation, Thesis or Master’s Report.”

This workshop will examine the role U.S. Copyright law plays in the thesis or dissertation writing and publishing processes. The use of copyrighted material, publishing agreements and the role of the Digital Commons at Michigan Tech repository will be explored.

Join us at 12:05 p.m. tomorrow (Sept. 26) in Library 242. Registration is required.

(Note: for students of UN0500, this will be the same workshop presented to your class on Sept 11.)

How to access a document in Perceptive Content

Graduate School forms submitted by students are electronically stored in Perceptive Content (formerly known as ImageNow).  All member of the graduate faculty and authorized staff may access these forms by opening the Perceptive Content program, and logging in with their Michigan Tech ISO ID and password.  Students do not have access to Perceptive Content.  Dissertation, thesis, or report reviews are available to students through Canvas (for pre-defense documents) or Digital Commons (for post-defense documents).

Faculty can also choose not to utilize Perceptive Content to access the student’s review.  These faculty may ask their student to share the review file with them, or contact the Graduate Program Assistant for access to the file. The email notification lets the faculty member know that the review is available.

Perceptive Content may be installed on any University computer running the Windows operating system; contact IT for assistance. There is no longer a web client for Perceptive Content.

If your computer is unable to have Perceptive Content installed, the software can also be accessed on the University’s remote server, See information from IT on how to connect using a Windows or Mac computer and note that a VPN will be needed to access from off campus.

Once logged in, click on the “Documents” icon.  If you have access to more than one set of documents, click on the arrow next to the “Documents” icon and select “Graduate School.”  Note that the name of the software is now Perceptive Content, some windows in the program may still list ImageNow in the title bar of the window.

Notifying the Graduate School of a final oral examination

A final oral examination (“defense”) is a milestone for students completing a dissertation, thesis, or report. To schedule a defense, students arrange a date, time and location for their committee to meet following the procedures in their graduate program. Once this has been determined, students must notify the Graduate School of their defense information on our Michigan Tech app, the Graduate Degree Progress Checklist.

Log into the Graduate Degree Progress Checklist.

Select the degree of interest by clicking on the arrow next to the degree in the list. If a degree is missing, please contact the Graduate School.

A screenshot of the degree progress checklist showing the list of degrees available for this student.
A screenshot of the degree progress checklist showing the list of degrees available for this student.

Under the list of degree items to complete, find the list of items for the dissertation, thesis, or report. Click on “Notify the Graduate School” to open the defense scheduling form.

A screenshot of a sample list of items for a student to complete a dissertation and defense. Click on "Notify the Graduate School" to open the defense notification portlet.
A screenshot of a sample list of items for a student to complete a dissertation and defense. Click on “Notify the Graduate School” to open the defense notification form.

Please review the information at the top of the defense notification form. If there are any errors, please contact the Graduate School for assistance. Screenshots are very helpful.

Please complete the form with the following information:

  • The title of the dissertation, thesis, or report (55 characters per line; 4 lines maximum)
  • The date of the defense (must be at least two weeks into the future)
  • Start time of the defense
  • Building (select “Virtual defense – online only” if there isn’t a physical location)
  • Room (only required if there is a physical location)
  • URL for virtual attendance – 60 character limit – be sure your entire URL is visible
    • Required for virtual defenses, optional for physical defenses
    • Passwords are not allowed as defenses must be public
    • Waiting rooms are recommended (Zoom waiting room support)

Click “Submit” when you have completed entering the information. A confirmation page will appear.

Confirmation page once a final oral examination scheduling request has been submitted.

The student, committee, and advisor will receive a confirmation email with the information provided by the student. The student should ensure that the required items listed in the email have been completed. Committee members who are not Michigan Tech employees may not be notified; please confirm details with them individually.

The advisor will receive an email from the Graduate School and can approve or reject the request online. All committee members with a Michigan Tech email address and the student will be notified of the decision. Committee members who are not Michigan Tech employees may not be notified; please confirm details with them individually. If the defense request is approved, the graduate program director and assistant will also be notified.

Tech’s Enrollment Tops 7,000

With well over 7,000 students, enrollment is at its second-highest point since 1983.

Data reported to the State Budget Office on Wednesday, Sept. 7, show total enrollment at 7,031, a 1 percent increase over fall 2010’s official figure of 6,976.

Female enrollment is up for the sixth straight year to an all-time high of 1,837, or 26.1 percent of the student body.

Graduate enrollment increased approximately 5 percent, with a record 1,303 students seeking master’s and PhD degrees, up from 1,256 in fall 2010. “We broke through 1,300 for the first time and processed 3,000 applications, another record number,” said Jacqueline Huntoon, dean of the Graduate School. “Graduate enrollment continues to increase in accordance with our strategic-plan goal of having 3,000 grad students by 2035.”

“Of our on-campus enrollment, growth is strongest among international students, and we are very pleased that students are drawn here from all over the world to pursue a graduate degree,” she said. Many are self-supporting or are supported by their employers or home countries, she noted. “They provide an economic boost both to the University and to the local community.”

Another area of growth is distance learning. The number of students seeking a graduate degree online is up markedly, from 58 to 106.

Undergraduate enrollment is up as well, with 5,728 students compared to last year’s 5,720. The number of new first-year students grew from 1,115 to 1,161, an increase of approximately 4 percent. The freshman class will also include more women: 288 as compared to 273 in 2010.

In addition, the academic credentials of the entering freshman class are up for the sixth straight year, with a record-setting average ACT composite score of 26.4, compared to last year’s 26.1.

“Smart, adventurous students want to study with other smart, adventurous students,” explained John Lehman, assistant vice president of enrollment services.

The enrollment count also reflects the fact that more students are staying at the University. The retention rate from undergraduates’ first to second year of study has risen to 83.3 percent, approximately 2.5 percent higher than 2010’s 80.9 percent.

The COMPASS program employs a variety of strategies to improve student retention. “Our orientation program helps new students acclimate to the community and learn about the resources that can make them successful,” said Director Susan Liebau. The office offers special services for transfer and commuter students, along with the ExSEL program, which combines leadership development with tips for improving academic performance.

In addition, the University tracks first-year students’ mid-term grades and has stepped up efforts to reach out to those who are struggling. “That’s been one of our most effective efforts to ensure the success of students,” Liebau said.

Published in Tech Today
by Marcia Goodrich, senior writer



Only two weeks remain to submit graduate student applications for NASA’s new Space Technology Research Fellowships. Applications are due by February 23 for the new NASA grants.

Applications are being accepted from accredited U.S. universities on behalf of graduate students interested in performing space technology research beginning this fall.

The fellowships will sponsor U.S. graduate student researchers who show significant potential to contribute to NASA’s strategic space technology objectives through their studies. Sponsored by NASA’s Office of the Chief Technologist, the fellowships’ goal is to provide the nation with a pipeline of highly skilled engineers and technologists to improve America’s technological competitiveness.

NASA Space Technology Fellows will perform innovative space technology research while building the skills necessary to become future technological leaders. Information about the fellowships, including how to submit applications, is available at:

To learn more about NASA’s Office of the Chief Technologist and the crosscutting space technology areas of interest to NASA, visit:

If you plan to submit an application please contact Jodi Lehman ( in the Sponsored Programs Enhancement Office.

Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship and Women’s Scholarship Program

Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship

* *Posted: August 24, 2010*
* *Internal deadline: September 9, 2010*
* Limit on number of proposals preliminary announcement
* *PI limit:* Students must be starting their second or third year
in an eligible PhD program in the fall (August/September) semester
or quarter of 2010.
* *Number per organization:* Computer Science, Electrical
Engineering, or Mathematics departments at eligible universities
may each nominate up to three (3) students.
* *Full proposal deadline: October 8, 2010*

Microsoft Research Graduate Women’s Scholarship Program

* *Posted: August 24, 2010*
* *Internal deadline: September 9, 2010*
* Limit on number of proposals preliminary announcement
* *PI limit:* Student must attend a U.S. or Canadian university and
be enrolled as a full-time graduate student in the Computer
Science, Electrical Engineering, or Mathematics departments
* *Number per organization:* A maximum of three (3) applicants per
department, per university will be accepted.
* *Full proposal deadline: October 8, 2010*


Please keep in mind that your limited submission proposal must adhere to
the Sponsored Programs Office proposal submission policy which specifies
that all proposals must be submitted to the Sponsored Programs Office in
accordance with their internal deadlines chart

You can view the current information about Limited Submission
Opportunities here

If interested in applying contact Jodi Lehman (

Student Veterans Honored at Midyear Commencement

For the first time at Michigan Tech, graduating student veterans will be honored at commencement with red, white and blue cords in recognition of their service to the country.

Three graduates will wear the cords this fall and be recognized by President Glenn Mroz during commencement on Saturday, Dec. 10, in the SDC Wood Gym. The students are:

  • Mike Geiersbach of Wheeler (Marine Corps/Military Police), who served more than four years and is graduating with a BS in Mechanical Engineering.
  • Sue Larson of Waupaca, Wisc. (Air Force), who served six years and is receiving an MS in Environmental Engineering Science.
  • Matt Smith of Hancock (Air Force/Security Forces), who served two years and is receiving a BS in Electrical Engineering Technology.

Larson, a graduate student, said: “I think it’s great that Michigan Tech is so supportive of the student veteran population and has chosen to distinguish us in this way. It will be an honor to be among the first veterans to wear the new red, white and blue cords.”

The presentation of the cords reflects the growing number of activities and services on campus that focus on students who are veterans or children of veterans. This initiative is being coordinated by Veterans’ Services/Registrar’s Office and the Vice President for Student Affairs Office.

Submitted by Kathy Pintar, veteran school certifying official, registrar’s office
Published in Tech Today

Research Award Nominations Due Today

The Bhakta Rath Research Award offers an opportunity to promote and reward excellence in scientific and engineering research in the fields of physical and natural sciences and engineering. For complete submission guidelines, see Rath Research Award.

The Vice President for Research Office is also accepting nominations for the Michigan Tech Research Award, which offers an opportunity for an individual to be recognized for outstanding achievements in research.

For complete submission guidelines, see Michigan Tech Research Award.

Nominations should be submitted electronically in PDF format per the guidelines on the web pages no later than 4 p.m. today (March 10).

All nominations should be sent to Cathy Jenich.

by Vice President for Research Office

National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship

The National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship is a highly competitive, portable fellowship that is awarded to U.S. citizens and nationals who intend to pursue a doctoral degree in one of fifteen supported disciplines. NDSEG confers high honors upon its recipients, and allows them to attend whichever U.S. institution they choose.

NDSEG Fellowships last for three years and pay for full tuition and all mandatory fees, a monthly stipend, and up to $1,000 a year in medical insurance.

The Department of Defense (DoD) is committed to increasing the number and quality of our nation’s scientists and engineers, and towards this end, has awarded approximately 3,200 NDSEG fellowships since the program’s inception 22 years ago.

The NDSEG Fellowship is sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research(AFOSR), the Army Research Office (ARO), the High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCM), and the Office of Naval Research (ONR), under the direction of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering (DDR&E).

Application deadline: December 14, 2012

For more information and to apply online, go to