The MBA online program in Michigan Tech’s School of Business and Economics placed 47th of 197 online graduate business programs in new rankings released today by US News & World Report. Â Tech’s online master’s degree program in engineering also made the magazine’s 2013 national rankings, earning 41st place among 66 online graduate programs in engineering that were ranked.
“The Tech MBA Online program was created to provide an innovative curriculum guided by experienced and knowledgeable business faculty,” said Gene Klippel, dean of the School of Business and Economics. Â “Professionals looking to advance their career, even in a challenging economy, can benefit from learning and understanding technology and innovation within organizations. Â A ranking in the top 50 from US News confirms that our program is on track for continued success for students, our School and Michigan Tech.” Bill Worek, dean of the College of Engineering, said: “The master’s program in the College of Engineering continues to be highly ranked with other premiere engineering schools. Â This online program gives students with full-time jobs the ability to complete an advanced degree. Â This is essential for the state of Michigan to further enhance the quality of the engineering work force in the state.” US News defines an online education program as one for which all the coursework can be completed via distance education courses that incorporate Internet-based learning technologies. Â Among criteria evaluated were graduation rate, class size, one-year retention rate, time to degree, graduate entrance exam scores and grade point averages of students, percentage of PhD and tenured faculty, and technologies and services available to students. For the first time this year, US News added a peer assessment survey of deans and top distance learning higher education academics employed by schools ranked in 2012. “It is a wonderful testament to the dedication of our faculty and staff that we have achieved these rankings,” said Graduate School Dean Jackie Huntoon. “I am happy to see that both the business and engineering online programs are getting the positive attention they deserve.” “Michigan Tech’s online MBA program is really quite young, and already it is ranked in the top third of all ranked programs nationwide. Â This is a remarkable achievement,” Huntoon went on to say. Â “The number and quality of offerings in engineering continues to grow each year. I am continually impressed by the comments I hear from students and employers who tell me that they chose Michigan Tech because of our focus on real-world applications and because of the quality and commitment of our faculty.” Posted in TechToday by Jenn Donovan, Public Relations Director |
Do you know any students looking for a great experience? Â On Thursday, Dec. 6, at 5 p.m., they can interview for the chance to join a special Spring Break trip. The Silicon Valley Experience 2013 will take 15 lucky students to visit California’s technology and innovation hub from March 10 to 15.
To win a spot at the significantly reduced cost of $300, all they have to do is answer one question in 90 seconds: “Why would I like to work and live in Silicon Valley?” Â Their answer will be given to the trip coordinators, and final trip participants will be selected and notified before the end of the semester.
This year, the participants will tour of some of the most innovative companies on the west coast. Last year, the group visited Google, Brocade, Cisco, Kyocera, Plug and Play, and other companies.
This event is open to both undergrad and graduate students of all majors. They should email Professor Russ Louks (SBE) at with your name, major and year by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 5, to participate. A schedule will be sent out early on Dec. 6 with the time you will be interviewed in AOB 101.
For more information, see Silicon Valley, or contact Louks at or Assistant Professor Andre Laplume (SBE) at .
Printed in TechToday
The School of Business and Economics hosts a presentation by Assistant Professor Josh Filzen for a brown bag lunch at noon, today, in AOB 101.
Filzen will speak about “Financial reporting complexity and the comovement of stock returns.”
On Thursday, in conjunction with the Presidential Council of Alumnae, they will host alumna Marie Cleveland ’82. She will talk about “How to deliver effective business presentations” at 4 p.m in Fisher 329. A reception with light refreshments will follow the lecture from 5 to 6 p.m.
For more information, see Josh Filzen and Marie Cleveland.
The nine students in the MBA program returned from India with a new appreciation for how the rest of the world does business.
“We chose Bangalore because it’s the Silicon Valley of India,” said Jodie Filpus, who directs recruitment and admissions for the MBA program.
The online MBA program includes three residencies, during which the students leave their far-flung homes to meet in person with each other and their professors. Two residencies are held on the Michigan Tech campus. The third and final residency involves a week of international travel. “We do this so the students will be exposed to different cultures, as well as to introduce them to international businesses,” Filpus said.
It would be hard to imagine a city more different from Houghton than Bangalore. “It’s a very interesting place,” she said. “It’s beautiful in many respects, with its temples and palaces, and it’s so rich in history.” However, the population in the city of over eight million has grown by over 65 percent in the last 10 years and its infrastructure hasn’t kept up, “so it gave me an appreciation for what we have here.”
Led by Assistant Professor Latha Poonamallee, of the School of Business and Economics, and accompanied by Filpus and Brent Burns, director of corporate partnersips, the MBA students visited several different organizations, from a pharmaceutical manufacturer to a nonprofit that provides solar-energy-system financing for poor villages.
To read the complete story, see Bangalore.
by Marcia Goodrich, magazine editor
Published in Tech Today
When Amber Campbell, an MBA student and avid gardener, thought about that, she saw a business opportunity. With the help of Tech’s Small Business and Technology Development Center and the MTEC SmartZone’s Entrepreneur Support Center, she has turned a bright idea into a going, growing business: G&A Farmer’s Market and Garden Center on Sharon Avenue in Houghton.
She opened in May in a small plastic greenhouse filled with brilliantly colored bedding plants, feathery herbs and hardy vegetables. Later in the growing season, she plans to add a fruit and vegetable stand, selling fresh, local berries, tomatoes, peppers, green beans and Asian vegetables such as garlic chives and bok choy.
In China, where Campbell grew up, she and her family grew and ate their own fruits and vegetables. “I remember how fresh and good they were,” she says. “I am bringing my own good memories to life here.” Campbell credits graduate students Fahimeh Baziari and Alex Wohlgemuth from Tech’s Peace Corps Master’s International Program with volunteering to help fence her site, and Tech master gardener Lynn Watson, who “gave me lots of useful advice on gardening.”
For the full story, see Garden.
Published in Tech Today by Jennifer Donovan, director, public relations
The accolades continue to accumulate for the Tech MBA Online program. It is now rated a top-25 best value nationally, according to the Business MBA website ( The School of Business and Economics’ program is ranked number thirteen among some impressive institutions. Florida, Florida State, Auburn, UMass, Colorado State, Georgia and Arizona State are all on the list.
Of the Tech MBA Online, the website stated that the School of Business and Economics is “known for its commitment to the business of technology as well as the technology of business education.”
The Tech program earned high marks for being accredited by the American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business International (AACSB), the fact that it can be completed in two years, and its focus on the integration of technology and business.
“This recognition comes at a critical time as the cost of education continues to increase,” said Associate Dean Tom Merz. “Our goal is to provide a high-quality education while not sacrificing learning and professional development in an online learning environment.”
The website also stated that “. . . we’re confident that the combination of high quality and low cost offered by the programs on our list gives students looking to get the biggest bang for their MBA buck a great place to start their search.”
Previously, the Tech MBA Online was honored by US News and World Report in its first-ever online rankings. Michigan Tech was ranked 24th in Admission Selectivity and 38th in Teaching Practices and Student Engagement, among the 161 online graduate business programs honored.
by Dennis Walikainen, senior editor
Published in Tech Today
The School of Business and Economics will host an information session for students who are interested in earning their MBA after their undergraduate degree at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 27, in Fisher 130.
Participants will get a chance to meet with MBA admissions staff, alumni and faculty members. Faculty are encouraged to inform students about this opportunity.
For more information, contact Jodie Filpus, MBA Admissions and Recruitment, at 487-3055 or at .
There was a small doings with large implications at Career Services Monday.
Bechtel Corp., a long-time recruiter of Tech graduates, stepped forward to sponsor an interview room: the first corporation to do so and the first of what Career Services hopes will amount to 19 others doing the same thing.
A gift of $10,000 earned the company on-demand use, for two years, of a prominent, personalized room to interview students for jobs.
Monday’s gathering was a salute to Bechtel for its close ties to Michigan Tech. The ceremony coincided with the firm’s visit to campus for today’s Career Fair.
Their interview space will be put to good use. A Bechtel official said the firm has hired about 60 Tech graduates over the last five or six years.
Jim Turnquist, director of Career Services, said that Bechtel’s interest in hiring Tech graduates matches other companies’ interest: solid academics, hands-on experience in internships and co-ops, a solid work ethic, and an ability to work in teams—all hallmarks of a Tech education.
Anthony Santi, who graduated with a BS in Mechanical Engineering in 2009 and a Master of Business Administration in 2011, now works for Bechtel. A native of Kingsford, he was on hand at the ceremony and says of his education. “I couldn’t be happier. This place is tough, but definitely worth it. You get that extra step. It prepares you exactly for what happens at work.” He said he especially learned time management and teamwork at Tech as he juggled work, classes, football and the Senior Design Program.
Bechtel’s interview room will be called the Bechtel Directors Suite. Julie Way, assistant director for Career Development Education, guides the initiative to have companies sponsor interview rooms. As well, she oversees efforts to coach students how to conduct an effective interview, write a resume, learn dining etiquette and more.
The funds raised will support more programs to help students get jobs. That effort begins with first-year students, Way said. “The sooner the better.”
Internships and co-ops, she added, are “the diamond on a resume,” and companies hire students for part-time employment in these programs as soon as the beginning of their sophomore year.
She adds about Career Services: “Ultimately we’re here for the students. We pay attention to companies so they pay attention to our students. Everbody wins.” The interview rooms, she concludes, promote a company’s recognition on campus and its brand.
Turnquist said that Bechtel’s relationship with Tech “has helped our students tremendously.” He added, “They have made a difference in the lives of many students.”
President Glenn Mroz summed up the collaboration succinctly. “We thank Bechtel for continuing to be a partner with Michigan Tech in hiring our students and spreading the word that Michigan Tech is a great place to find great employees.”
Published in Tech Today
The School of Business and Economics has another reason to cheer: SuperScholar, an online education and career information website, has named the Tech MBA Online among the top 25 in the nation, coming in at number 20.
Recently, Tech’s MBA Online was ranked among the honor roll programs in first-ever online rankings by US News and World Report.
The SuperScholar website singles out Tech’s program “for its emphasis on innovation, technology and entrepreneurship”–all prominent features of Tech’s online MBA program, which, like the School itself, is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).
School of Business and Economics Dean Darrell Radson said, “Our Tech MBA Online has once again been recognized as a top MBA program internationally. It also confirms that we are aligned with the changing trends in our global economy by offering a flexible, online learning environment focused on innovation and technology management with an international business perspective.”
The SuperScholar editors say they designed their “Smart Choice” ranking of online MBA programs to help fill a void of quality rankings and reviews of online degree programs, as well as provide prospective students with help in finding the best degree program for them.
After researching all online MBA programs accredited by AACSB or by regional accrediting agencies, SuperScholar ranked the top 25 schools based on quality, marketability and affordability–as determined by market reputation, admissions selectivity, accreditation and cost.
AACSB accreditation is considered the highest standard of achievement for business schools worldwide. Being AACSB-accredited means a business school is able to continuously pass a set of strict standards that are designed to ensure quality. The School of Business and Economics successfully completed reaccreditation requirements in spring 2011.
Published in Tech Today.
The Tech MBA Online in the School of Business and Economics has been ranked among the honor roll programs in first-ever online rankings by US News and World Report.
Michigan Tech was ranked 24th in Admission Selectivity and 38th in Teaching Practices and Student Engagement among the 161 online graduate business programs honored. The Tech MBA Online was also ranked 82nd in Student Services and Technology.
“Our Tech MBA Online is focused on innovation and technology management and is perfect for emerging industries, fast-paced environments and traditional businesses facing change,” says Max Seel, provost and vice president for academic affairs. “I am very proud of the faculty and staff of our School of Business and Economics that our online degree is recognized in the honor roll lists of online programs by US News and World Report.”
Darrell Radson, dean of the School of Business and Economics, adds: “This recognition confirms that our program is successfully established as a quality online education. Through the Tech MBA Online’s innovative teaching methods and residency requirements, particularly our international residency, we are producing the type of student that employers demand.”
According to the US News press release, their new rankings “were created in response to today’s high demand for education provided in a flexible manner. With many distractions to detract from one’s schooling, online education has become increasingly popular due to its flexibility.”
There were no numeric rankings for overall program quality this inaugural year, US News said. Instead, they created non-numeric honor roll lists of online programs. There is one honor roll for online bachelor’s degree programs and one for the master’s degree programs. Each list includes programs that performed well across a series of numeric indicator rankings.
Published in Tech Today.