Blog post written by: Kaylee Betzinger, Student Process Improvement Coordinator
Metrics boards are used to showcase an area’s leading performance indicators and valued or strategic goals. Over the past few weeks, staff in each residence hall kitchen have been working together to standardize metric board layout and eliminate the “waste” associated with the current state of their boards (or lack of boards).
The 5S methodology was utilized to see this project out. Sorting through the metrics that were currently being displayed, creating an order, shining (purchasing new boards where needed), and a weekly rotation schedule to insure all the metrics get updated each week (sustain).
There are now metrics boards, as well as safety boards, in each of the halls. Metric boards track food waste in dollars and pounds, inventory on hand, and other key performance indicators. The safety boards track days without incident and display lockdown and evacuation procedures, weekly operating reports, and monthly kitchen safety inspection sheets. With the new metrics boards in place, there is less confusion amongst staff and key performance indicators are reinforced. It is also recommended that Daily Team Meetings take place at the metrics board.
Take a look at some of the before and after pictures from this project: