Day: January 23, 2014

Notice of Fee Increases

The University Archives will be increasing its fees for our duplication services due to increasing costs. These increases will go into effect February 1. Details may be found on our duplication services information page.

Recalls: For Van Pelt and Opie Library books, a patron may recall a loaned item. The current borrower has 21 days to return the item although we welcome feedback about this timeframe. When the returned item is not returned by 22 days, our fine will increase to $5.00/day from $1.00/day. The high demand on recalled items has made it necessary for us to study practices and fine levels at other research universities who are successful in obtaining prompt returns. The library staff is also studying the potential need for increasing the overdue fines on our convenience items (cameras, calculators, laptops) due to the high demand and high level of overdue items. The increase in the recall fine for books will go into effect on February 15th.

Recalls: Beginning February 15, all interlibrary loan borrowers will be charged $5.00/day for any items they fail to return after receiving a Recall Notice from the library. The fine will go into effect three days after the borrower is sent the recall notice. Recall dates may vary by lending library. In most cases, a borrowed item can be renewed before the due date. This policy and the amount charged is customary at other research universities in Michigan. Delays in returning borrowed materials jeopardizes a lending library’s willingness to continue to lend to us.

Lost or damaged item processing fee: A $25.00 processing fee has historically been added to any charges associated with lost or damaged items from the Van Pelt and Opie Library collections or those borrowed and lost via ILL. This fee has been reduced to $10.00 effective now.

For questions, concerns or additional suggestions, please contact Ellen Marks, University Librarian