A study from Emory University demonstrates what your grade-school teachers emphasized: reading is great for your brain. Published in Brain Connectivity*, researchers found a connection between reading a novel and long-lasting, significant increases in neural connectivity – a ‘shadow activity’ of the mind, as one researcher put it.
The library has a collection of books set for this purpose and geared for your downtime: our leisure reading collection. Need a book for the beach, vacation or for those few spare minutes during lunch? We have added a fresh look to the collection with new titles as well as a new location just inside the front door on the way to the cafe.
Take a minute to browse these shelves filled with new titles and old favorites. Use MeL for access to a more extensive collection of thousands of titles and subjects available from libraries throughout Michigan brought to you here right at our library service center. Access MeL at http://elibrary.mel.org/search or browse our new leisure collection and work on enhancing your mind!
Send questions or suggestions to Library@mtu.edu
*Berns Gregory S., Blaine Kristina, Prietula Michael J., and Pye Brandon E.. Brain Connectivity. December 2013, 3(6): 590-600. https://doi.org/10.1089/brain.2013.0166