Month: February 2022

Introducing Searching Sideways Week at VPOL!

This week the Van Pelt and Opie Library invites you to re-imagine how you search for information, by turning it on its side. Are there searching shortcuts that would make your work a lot easier and quicker? What databases might the library provide for you that would provide a more straightforward search process? And how can you amp up your skills so you are searching like a fact checker would?

At the VPOL our aim is to help make you efficient and effective searchers so we are dedicating the week to sharing tools and methods that will elevate how you find information. Throughout the week expect to see featured tips & and tricks from the library and chances to give it a try yourself. Join our Bad Info: Search Like a Fact Checker Workshop on February 17, 2-3 PM in Library 244 (registration here) to up your searching game and show off your ability to tell quality information sources from bunk by entering our Searching Sideways Contest for the chance to win one of three $15 coffee cards. For the contest, simply share a link to an online source that at first glance appears less than trustworthy, but actually contains quality information.

Stop by our “Ask Us” station all week (or any other week too) for help honing your search skills, to set up a consultation for more in depth help, or arrange a searching workshop on-demand for your class or study group.

Now let’s start searching sideways!