Tag: Carnegie

Talking Rocks, Talking Sky: Authors of Books that Bridge Oral and Earth/Planetary History to Visit Houghton April 14-15



Two distinguished authors from Duluth, Ron Morton and Carl Gawboy, will visit Houghton and Michigan Tech as part of the Carnegie Seminar Series in Keweenaw Natural History. Morton is a geologist and emeritus professor from the University of Minnesota Duluth. Gawboy is an Ojibwa elder and well-known artist. They have taught unique classes together that bridge legend and geological science.

There will be two special public events in Houghton. On Tuesday, April 14, there will be a reception at the Carnegie Museum Community Room at 6 p.m. where discussion, introductions and light refreshments will be featured. This will be followed by a joint presentation titled “Talking Rocks: Common Ground Geology in the Lake Superior Region and Native Americans.”

On Wednesday, April 15 a book signing—for two books: Talking Rocks andTalking Sky—will be held in the East Reading Room of the Van Pelt and Opie Library at 4 p.m., followed by a joint presentation at 4:30 p.m. titled “Talking Sky: Ojibwe Constellations and Sky Stories—How They Used Them to Live On and With the Land.”

This special visit is sponsored by the Carnegie Museum of Houghton with additional support from the Departments of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, and Social Sciences, the Van Pelt and Opie Library, the Indigeous Issues Discussion Group and the Isle Royale and Keweenaw National Parks Association. If you wish to meet with these visitors contact Elise Nelson 482-7140 or elisen@cityofhoughton.com.

More information about these special events is online.