Professor Yoke Khin Yap (Physics) organized Symposium MM in the 2014 Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting at San Francisco on April 21-25. The symposium, “Nanotubes and Related Nanostructures” was co-organized with Don Futaba from National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST, Japan), Annick Loiseau from Laboratoire d’Etude des Microstructures (LEM, France), and Ming Zheng from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The Director of the Michigan Tech Multi-Scale Technologies Institute (MuSTI), Professor Craig Frederich (MEEM) hosted the invited speakers and organizers in a dinner event. Professor Frederich co-chaired session six in the symposium.
Research Excellence Fund Awards Announced
The Vice President for Research Office is pleased to announce the 2015 REF awards and would like to thank the volunteer review committees, as well as the deans and department chairs, for their time spent on this important internal research award process.
Will Cantrell, EPSSI/Physics, received an Infrastructure Enhancement Grant.
Yoke Khin Yap, Physics, received a Technology Commercialization Grant.
Professor John Jaszczak (Physics) presented an invited talk on “Simulation of Charge Transport in Disordered Assemblies of Metallic Nano-Islands: Application to Boron Nitride Nanotubes Functionalized with Gold Quantum Dots” at the Spring 2014 Materials Research Society meeting in San Francisco. Co-authors included Professor Yoke Khin Yap (Physics), Professor Paul Bergstrom (ECE), Zhang Dongyan (Physics), physics graduate students Madhusudan Savaikar, Douglas Banyai, Boyi Hao, and collaborators from Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
This summer, the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program will fund 23 students from across the University with funds from the Vice President for Research and the Honors Institute. The total funding for the program this year is $80,500.
Among the recipients are:
Robert Innis
Applied Physics
Yoke Khin Yap
CVD growth of Molybdenum DiSulfide
Adam Laxo
Raymond Shaw
An Investigation of Aerosols as Catalysts for Contact Nucleation
It’s International Dark Sky Week: Take Back the Night
The Lyrid meteor shower peaked earlier this week, and here in the Upper Peninsula it would not have been difficult to see from pretty much anywhere. For the best view, one might drive out of town a little ways, maybe to the Breakers or McLain parks, but a short drive is all it takes.
The International Dark Sky Association tries to raise awareness to these affects and more. Information can be found at the IDSA website.
Read more at Tech Today, by Teresa Wilson, physics PhD candidate.
View the Photo Gallery for the Department of Physics Senior Research Oral Presentations
Michigan Technological University
Thursday, April 17, 2014