Physics Colloquium
Michigan Technological University
Thursday, April 25, 2013
at 4:00 pm
in Room 139 Fisher
Atomic Moments and Polarizabilities of Ni II
Marwa Abdalmoneam
Advisor: Dr. Donald Beck
Physics Department
Michigan Tech University
Physics Colloquium
Michigan Technological University
Thursday, April 25, 2013
at 4:00 pm
in Room 139 Fisher
Studying Very High Energy Gamma-Ray Emission from Pulsars and Pulsar Wind Nebulae: Geminga and Boomerang
Hao Zhou
Advisor: Dr. Petra Huentemeyer
Physics Department
Michigan Tech University
Miguel Levy (Physics) has coauthored the book “Magnetophotonics: From Theory to Applications” (Springer Series in Materials Science) with Mitsuteru Inoue and Alexander V. Baryshev.
From Tech Today.
Gretchen Hein (EF), Amber Kemppainen (EF) and Michael Meyer (PHYSICS) have received $2,000 grant for their first year project, “ENGAGE E3s for First-Year Engineering Students.”
From Tech Today.
Two Physics majors, Darcy Jacobson and Michael Adler, will be accepting summer internships with the German Academic Exchange Service this summer. The program is called RISE, or Research Internships in Science and Engineering. The internship is offered through DAAD, or Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst, the German Academic Exchange Service.
Darcy Jacobson will be working at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization in Göttingen, Germany. Darcy will be collaborating with PhD student Martin Rohloff on a project entitled “Size Distribution of Rain Droplets,” measuring droplet size distributions and velocity fields for various temperature ramps, compositions and stirring rates. The research group, coordinated by Jürgen Vollmer, is working on a wide range of topics in non-equilibrium statistical physics.
Michael Adler will be collaborating with Konrad Makowka on “Numerical Simulation of Supersonic Combustion including Turbulence Chemistry Interaction with Large Eddy Simulation.” The application is for scramjets, which are hypersonic airbreathing engines that may offer more efficient travel to space than classical rocket engines. This work will take place at the TU München, or Technical University of Munich, preceded by a two week language immersion program in Berlin.
In mid July members of the RISE program will meet in Heidelberg for a conference.
BBC News has reported on the image captured by the High-Altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory or Hawc. This facility now holds the record for the highest-energy light captured. The image shows the shadow cast by the Moon as it blocks light and particles.
Hawc is currently composed of 30 detectors located in a national park near the Mexican city of Puebla.
Assistant professor of physics Petra Huentemeyer, whose background is in astrophysics and elementary particle physics, is involved with the Hawc Observatory.
Read more at BBC News Science & Environment, by Jason Palmer.
Department of Physics Senior Research Oral Presentations
Michigan Technological University
Thursday, April 18, 2013
3:30 – 5:00pm
Room 139 in Fisher Hall
Effect of Surface Reflectance on Photovoltaic Performance
Mac Brennan
Advisor: Dr. Joshua M. Pearce, Department of Materials Science & Engineering
Studying Pulsar Wind Nebulae: Geminga and Boomerang
Abigail Dillon
Advisor: Dr. Petra Huentemeyer
Computational Study of Droplet Formation from Micro-Pores
Jeremy Dobbs
Advisor: Dr. Kathleen Feigl, Department of Mathematical Sciences
Synthesis of Hexagonal Graphene Using Natural Graphite Crystals
Clarence King
Advisor: Dr. John Jaszczak
Investigations of the History Force on the Motion of Small Particles
Tyler Plamondon
Advisor: Dr. Raymond Shaw
An Investigation into the Efficiencies of ZnO Nanostructures used in Photovoltaic Cells
Derek Van Damme
Advisor: Dr. Yoke Khin Yap
Department of Physics Poster Session
Michigan Technological University
Thursday, April 18, 2013
1:00 to 3:00pm
Aftermath Atrium in Fisher Hall
Graduate Posters
Paleomagnetism of the Baraga-Marquette Dyke Swarms
Renee Batzloff
Advisors: Drs. Aleksey Smirnov and Will Cantrell
Observations of Cloud Droplet Size Distributions on Microphysically Relevant Scales
Matthew J. Beals
Advisor: Dr. Raymond Shaw
Morphology of Aerosol Particles at Freeway On-Ramps
Swarup China
Advisor: Claudio Mazzoleni
A Multi-Band, Unidirectional Invisibility Cloak Based on Optical Design
Ran Duan
Advisors: Drs. Ravindra Pandey and Elena Semouchkina
Fast Imaging of Freezing Drops: Studies of Contact Nucleation
Colin Gurganus
Advisor: Dr. Raymond Shaw
Implementation of a Hot-Deformation Process for Making Nd2Fe14B-based Permanent Magnetic Materials
Jie Li
Advisor: Dr. Peter Moran
Experiments in Contact Nucleation:
Joseph Niehaus
Advisor: Dr. Will Cantrell
Integrated Photoacoustic and Nephelometer Instrument
Noopur Sharma
Advisor: Dr. Claudio Mazzoleni
Synthesis, Characterization, and Transferring of Graphene Sheets
Bishnu Tiwari
Advisor: Dr. Yoke Khin Yap
Three Dimensional Shape and Surface Roughness of Mineral Dust using Atomic Force Microscopy
Advisor: Dr. Will Cantrell
Undergraduate Posters
Characterization of Correlated Photon-pair in Highly Nonlinear Fiber
Eric Kaphengst
Advisor: Dr. Kim Fook Lee
Hillock Formation on Graphite
Ethan Miltenberger
Advisor: Dr. John Jasczcak
Development of an Optical Trapping Apparatus
Jacob W. Smock
Advisor: Dr. Claudio Mazzoleni
Associate Professor Will Cantrell (Physics) and student Joseph Niehaus (Physics), “Mineral Dust and Biomass Burning Aerosol as a Source of Contact Ice Nuclei in Arctic Mixed Phase Clouds: Constraints from Laboratory Studies,” NASA.
Assistant Professor Claudio Mazzoleni (Physics) and graduate student Kendra Wright (Physics), “Radiative Properties of Free Tropospheric Aerosols in the North Atlantic at the Pico Mountain Observatory,” NASA.
From Tech Today.
Physics Colloquium
Michigan Technological University
Thursday, April 11, 2013
at 4:00 pm
in Room 139 Fisher
Investigating Hadronic Interactions with the Pierre Auger Observatory
Tolga Yapici
Advisor: Dr. Brian Fick
Physics Department
Michigan Tech University