The Yap Research Lab has updated publications for 2012 and 2013 in Peer Reviewed Papers and Other Publications.
Physics Colloquium
Michigan Technological University
Thursday, January 31, 2013
4:00 pm
Room 139 Fisher Hall
First-principles Study of Bio-conjugated Ultra-thin Silicon Nanowires:
Interaction with a PNA-RNA Double Helix
Xiaoliang Zhong
PhD Physics Graduate Student
Advisor: Ravindra Pandey
Physics Department
Michigan Tech University
Once again the Michigan Tech chapter of the Society of Physics Students (SPS) has been selected as one of the Outstanding SPS Chapters. This is the third year in a row for such a distinction with this chapter.
The Michigan Tech chapter is part of Zone 09. The award criteria include K-12 outreach, community service, interactions with alumni, and other considerations.
Assistant Professor Kim Fook Lee (Physics), “Classical to Quantum Correspondence Device: Graphene-deposited Fiber and Silicon Waveguide,” NSF.
From Tech Today.
Assistant Professor Kim Fook Lee (Physics), “Continuous Weak Measurement of Single Electron Spins in Diamond,” NSF.
Assistant Professor Jinfeng Jiang (Biomed/BRC), Professor and Chair Sean Kirkpatrick (Biomed/BRC), Assistant Professor Bruce Lee (Biomed/BRC), Assistant Professor Rupak Rajachar (Biomed/BRC) and Adjunct Assistant Professor Gowtham Shankara (Physics/BRC), “Virtual Breast Project: Improving Noninvasive Characterization of Tumors,” NSF.
From Tech Today.
Yap, Lee Honored for Nanotube Discoveries
For groundbreaking work in nanotechnology, Yoke Khin Yap and Chee Huei Lee have received Michigan Tech’s Bhakta Rath Research Award.
The award, endowed by 1958 alumnus Bhakta Rath and his wife, Shushama Rath, recognizes a Michigan Tech doctoral student and advisor for “exceptional research of particular value that anticipates the future needs of the nation while supporting advances in emerging technology.”
Read more at Michigan Tech Magazine, by Marcia Goodrich.
Paintings by Miguel Levy
Rozsa Gallery
January 18 – February 15, 2013
Reception for the Artist
Friday, January 18, 6:00 pm
Admission is free.
CS Faculty/Students Win Best Paper Award
Computer Science Assistant Professor Chaoli Wang, former CS undergraduate student John Reese, former CS MS student Huan Zhang, CS PhD student Jun Tao, and Physics Professor Robert Nemiroff will receive a Best Paper Award for their paper, “iMap: A stable layout for navigating large image collections with embedded search”, at the IS&T/SPIE Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis, Feb. 4-6, 2013, in Burlingame, Calif. Jun Tao will present the award paper at the conference.
For their next steps, the authors will further develop techniques for animated transition and graph-based image layout, deploy the visualization results on the display wall at the Immersive Visualization Studio (IVS) at the Center for Computer Systems Research (CCSR) for outreach, and eventually release a web-based online program to benefit a wider user base.
From Tech Today.
Associate Professor Ranjit Pati (Physics), “Collaborative Research: CNT Based Spin Toward Post-CMOS Molecular Scale Spin Logic,” NSF.
Assistant Professor Petra Huentemeyer (Physics/EPSSI), “Studying Cosmic-Ray Acceleration and Propagation, Gas Content and Interstellar Radiation Fields in our Galaxy with the HAWC Observatory,” NSF.
From Tech Today.