News About Snow

Professor Raymond Shaw’s (Physics) efforts to explain why so much snow falls in the Arctic, despite the paucity of nuclei for ice crystals, was described in the story “Let it Snow: How White Stuff Comes Down Days on End.”

From Tech Today.

Let it snow: How the white stuff comes down for days on end in the Arctic

Researchers at Michigan Technological University in Houghton set out to investigate the mystery of where snow in the Arctic comes from, and how it can fall so persistently in the region.

“Within a few hours, you basically purge the atmosphere of all those particles,” Raymond Shaw, a physicist at Michigan Technological University, said in a statement. “So how can it snow for days on end?”

Read more at NBC News Science, by Denise Chow.

In the News

CBS Detroit ran a news story about the origin of snowflakes, based on Professor Raymond Shaw’s (Physics) research. See CBS Detroit.

From Tech Today.

Nemiroff to Lecture for Amateur Astronomers

APODRobert Nemiroff has been invited to speak in New York City at the American Museum of Natural History on Friday, 2014 January 3 at 6:15 pm at the invitation of the Amateur Astronomers Association of New York. Lectures are held in the Kaufmann Theater on Central Park West.

This year he will be primarily presenting and describing the best astronomy videos featured on Astronomy Picture of the Day during the past two years: 2012 and 2013.

Blended Learning Grant for Wil Slough

Jackson Blended Learning Winners

In early November, the William G. Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning invited faculty to submit proposals to support blended learning course innovations. Proposals were accepted at three levels ($1,000, $5,000 and $10,000), and a total of $50,000 was originally planned to be awarded during this cycle.

In the Department of Physics, Wil Slough received $1,000 for “Development of Blended Learning Materials for Uncertainty Analysis.”

Read more at Tech Today.

2013 Outstanding SPS Chapter

SPSThe Michigan Tech chapter of the Society of Physics Students (SPS) has been selected again as one of the Outstanding SPS Chapters. The recognition is based on chapter interaction with SPS national programs, the professional physics community, the campus community, and the public. The Michigan Tech chapter is part of Zone 09. SPS Chapter Awards are selected by Zone Councilors and Associate Zone Councilors of the SPS National Council.

Fewer than 10% of all SPS chapters are recognized as outstanding.

Michigan Tech’s SPS chapter was also recognized in the SPS National Council’s publication “Effective Practice” which provides tips and hints for SPS groups to be effective.

Society of Physics Student Chapter Honored

“This is the 4th consecutive year that the chapter has been named an outstanding, chapter,” said Associate Professor and SPS Advisor Will Cantrell (Physics). “Michigan Tech’s SPS chapter being named as an Outstanding Chapter is a testament to the work and enthusiasm of its members—not just now, but for the past several years.”

Read more at Tech Today, by Erika Vichcales.

Non-Technical Audience – Physics Example

Research Magazine 2013
Research Magazine 2013

Jennifer Donovan teaches the workshop “Writing for a Non-Technical Audience” at Kasetsart University in Thailand. She uses examples from Michigan Tech, such as the news site, Michigan Tech Magazine, and Michigan Tech Research Magazine. Donovan writes:

I pass around copies of both magazines. Professor Bob Nemiroff on the cover of the Michigan Tech Research magazineThe 2013 research magazine cover–showing Physics Professor Bob Nemiroff in a bar, holding up a cognac bottle labeled “space time” and a brandy snifter–particularly intrigues them. “It’s about astrophysics,” I say. ”Professor Nemiroff is an astrophysicist who has done research showing that space time is smooth like cognac rather than frothy and bubbly like beer (the popularly held belief). You see, that’s how to make hard science interesting. Who could resist reading that story?”

Read more at Tech Goes to Thailand: The Write Way by Jennifer Donovan.

Alumni Reunite at New Faculty Workshop

Changgong Zhou Lin Pan Haiying HeThree physics alumni reunited at the New Faculty Workshop, sponsored by the AAPT (American Association of Physics Teachers), the AAS (American Astronomical Society), APS Physics, the Research Corporation for Science Advancement, and NSF (National Science Foundation). Changgong Zhou, ’06, Lin Pan, ’08, and Haiying He, ’09, were the only cohorts that originated from the same school and knew each other personally.

Zhou, now at Lawrence Tech University, was a student of Edward Nadgorny working on aperture assisted laser direct write. Pan, now at Cedarville University, studied atomic physics with Donald Beck. He, now at Valparaiso University, did research on electron transport in molecular systems with Ravi Pandey.

The Workshop for New Physics and Astronomy Faculty was held on November 7-10, 2013, in the American Center for Physics, College Park, MD. AAPT sponsors programs to help new faculty become more effective educators and support their quest to gain tenure.