Category: Jobs, Co-ops, Internships

Health Sciences Students Graduate Ready to Change the World, One Person At a Time

A panoramic view of the Biological Sciences Learning Center shows tables and couches for studying, mini-lab tables, bookshelves and multiple resource shelves.
Soon-to-be graduates Jessica Gadbury and Riley Stichter spent a lot of their time at Michigan Tech in the Biological Sciences Learning Center coaching their fellow students.

Hundreds of Michigan Tech undergraduates cross the threshold from college student to graduate each semester. Meet Jessica Gadbury and Riley Stichter, two biological sciences students who graduate with the Class of 2024 this month, as they share a look back at their journeys, what kept them going through challenges and obstacles, and what drives them to make the world a better place. 

February is almost here and it’s time to find that perfect match…to a career or internship, that is.

Picture of students and employers at Michigan Tech Career Fair
Find a match to your perfect internship or job at Career Fair

Are you looking for a summer internship or full time employment? Find the perfect match by taking the following steps.

  • Update your profile in Handshake. This allows employers to find you and you to find employers. Internships and jobs are posted year-round.
  • Attend CareerFEST in-person from 11 am-2 pm January 31 and February 1 and 7. Register and schedule to meet with potential employers prior to the event. Plus, see a list of employers attending.
  • Attend Career Fair. Spring 2022 Virtual Career Fair will be held on Wednesday, February 16, from 10 am-7 pm. Register and schedule for employer meetings prior to the event. Plus, see a list of employers attending.
  • Get involved with a student organization on campus. Search the list here. Check with your advisor for ones within your major. With some organizations, you can attend conferences with job fairs, go on industry trips and more. This is an excellent way to network on multiple levels.
  • Talk with your faculty. Employers sometimes seek students to hire by contacting faculty.
  • Watch for emails from your department or academic advisor for employment opportunities.
  • Apply and search for positions in STEM fields in Michigan with STEM Forward.
  • Meet with Career Services staff or a Career Coach for one on one advisement.