Category: In Print

Gohman Publishes “The Cliff: America’s First Copper Mine: Revisted”

Gohman1Sean Gohman, PhD Candidate, Industrial Heritage and Archaeology, had the pleasure of working with the Quincy Mine Hoist Association this past year to publish an updated edition of Don Chaput’s The Cliff: America’s First Great Copper Mine. First published in 1971, the book had been out of print for decades, and the Hoist Assoc. took on the rights and asked Gohman to add some new material in order to make the book more than just a history book, but instead to promote Copper Country heritage (such as the site’s history from c.1900 to the present, site mapping, landscape evolution, archaeology, and environmental remediation at the site). It’s put together to be ‘2 books in 1’, with Chaput’s original material followed by Gohman’s (formatted as closely as he could to the original). Gohman feels the new edition is now more than just a local history book.

The soft-cover version just came out a few weeks ago and is available pretty much wherever books are sold locally (hard covers arriving in shops shortly).  It is also available at the Quincy Mine Hoist Association website.

Pischke Co-Authors Chapter

PischkeErin Pischke, an Environmental and energy policy, PhD student co-authored a chapter in the book “Recapturing Space: New Middle-Range Theory in Spatial Demography” (editors Frank Howell, Jeremy Porter and Stephen Matthews).
The chapter, co-authored by Pischke and Michael Irwin, is titled, “Socio-spatial Holes in the Advocacy Umbrella: The Spatial Diffusion of Risk and Network Response Among Environmental Organizations in the Marcellus Hydro-Fracking Region.”

Chapter on Transportation Integration by Bruce Seely

Linking NetworksBruce E. Seely, Dean of the College of Sciences and Arts contributed The Challenges of Transportation Integration in the U.S.A., 1890-1960, (pp. 229-47) in “Linking Networks: The Formation of Common Standards and Visions for Infrastructure Development” edited by Martin Schieflebusch and Hans Liudger-Dienel. (Ashgate Publishing, 2015).

From Tech Today.

Seely Contributes Chapters on Transport and Engineering Education

Rail to RoadBruce E. Seely, Dean of the College of Sciences and Arts, contributed the chapter Inventing the American Road: Innovations Shaping the American Freeway, (pp. 233-73), in “From Rail to Road and Back Again? A Century of Transport Competition and Interdependency,” edited by Ralf Roth and Colin Dival (Ashgate, 2015).

Seely and Atsushi Akera, associate professor in the Department of Science and Technology Studies at RPI, contributed to the chapter A Historical Survey of the Structural Changes in the American System of Engineering Education, in “International Perspectives on Engineering Education: Engineering Education and Practices in Context,” edited by Steen Hylgard Christensen, (Springer, 2015).