Graduate Student Prehoda In the News

image144321-persABC-10 News aired a story, about the potential for using solar energy in the UP, quoting Michigan Tech graduate student Emily Prehoda.

She is working on a survey that will be conducted in L’Anse next fall, a collaborative effort of the Western Upper Peninsula Planning and Development Region, the Village of L’Anse, WPPI Energy, and Michigan Tech’s Keweenaw Research Center and Department of Social Sciences.

Residents of the village buy their power from WPPI Energy, a non-profit company.

Prehoda was also featured in USA Today (“The US could prevent a lot of deaths by switching from coal to solar“), and on NBC and CBS with researcher Joshua Pearce (MSE/ECE).

Also in print, Joshua Pearce (MSE/ECE) and social sciences PhD Student Emily Prehoda coauthored, potential lives saved by replacing coal with solar photovoltaic electricity production in the U.S., in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews that can be read here.



Richelle Winkler Wins 2017 Faculty Distinguished Service Award

Richelle Winkler
Richelle Winkler

Richelle Winkler, an associate professor in the Department of Social Sciences, is the recipient of the 2017 Faculty Distinguished Service Award.

The award is intended to complement the Distinguished Teaching and the Distinguished Research Awards already established at the University. It recognizes service to the University community that has significantly improved the quality of some aspect of campus life.

University Provost Jacqueline Huntoon says, “The faculty Distinguished Service Award Committee maintains very high standards and are only willing to make awards to individuals whose actions are particularly meritorious. Dr. Winkler exemplifies the characteristics that the award is intended to honor. She is an outstanding scholar whose efforts benefit the University and our community.”

Read the full story.

Will Solar Power Work in the U.P.?

Emily Prehoda
Emily Prehoda

ABC-10 News aired a story about the potential for using solar energy in the UP, quoting Michigan Tech graduate student Emily Prehoda. She is working on a survey that will be conducted in L’Anse next fall, a collaborative effort of the Western Upper Peninsula Planning and Development Region, the Village of L’Anse, WPPI Energy, and Michigan Tech’s Keweenaw Research Center and Department of Social Sciences. Residents of the village buy their power from WPPI Energy, a non-profit company. See here.

Langston Publishes Article on Current Administration’s Efforts to “dismantle environmental law”

Nancy Langston
Nancy Langston

Places, a journal of public scholarship on the built environment, published an article by Nancy Langston (SS) analyzing the Trump administration’s efforts to “dismantle environmental law” and other similar political action, particularly in the Midwest. She writes “far-right politicians in the Midwest have been running their states as experimental laboratories where they refine efforts to undermine science and democracy.” Langston also discusses what can be done about this.

Congratulations to SS Faculty–Research Excellence Fund (REF) Awards Announced

The Vice President for Research Office announced the 2017 REF awards and thanked the volunteer review committees, as well as the deans and department chairs, for their time spent on this important internal research award process.

Infrastructure Enhancement (IE) Grants
Dan Seguin (MSE/IMP)
Raymond Shaw (Bio Sci/EPSSI)
Kent Cyr (VPA)
Amy Marcarelli (SS/GLRC)

Portage Health Foundation (PHF) Infrastructure Enhancement (IE) Grants
Steve Elmer (KIP/LSTI)

Scholarship and Creativity Grants (SCG)
Emanuel Oliveira (SBE)
Josh Loar (VPA)
Joel Neves (VPA)
Richelle Winkler (SS/GLRC)
Sarah Scarlet (SS)
Sarah Bell (HU)
Carlos Amador (HU)
Mark Rouleau (SS)

Research Seed (RS) Grants
Daisuke Minakata (CEE)
Radwin Askari (GME/EPSSI)
Erika Hersch-Green (Bio Sci/ESC)
Kelly Steelman (CLS)
Don Lafreniere (SS/GLRC)
Kathryn Perrine (Chem)
Curtis Edson (SFRES)

Portage Health Foundation (PHF) Research Seed (RS) Grants
Momoko Tajiri (Chem)
Xiaohu Xia (Chem)
Kevin Trewartha (CLS)
Kelly Kamm (KIP)

Portage Health Foundation (PHF) Mid-Career (MC)
CK Choi (MEEM)
Megan Frost (Bio Med)
Jeremy Goldman (Bio Med)
Langrong Bi (Chem)