Environmental Histories of the Future

EnvironmentalHistoriesWe’re living in a time of rapid environmental change. What will future environmental historians think of us? What events will become turning points that might make the future more sustainable–or less sustainable?

Students in Professor Langston’s undergraduate US Environmental History class at Michigan Tech created timelines that explore compelling current events. Some of these events may have the potential to change our shared environmental futures.

Welcome to environmental histories of the future! Please explore the website at http://environmentalhistoriesofthefuture.weebly.com/ and share it with your friends.

GIS Students Present Online Mapping Tool to Calumet Historic District Commission

211 213 5th Street, Calumet, MI
211 213 5th Street, Calumet, MI

Matt Durocher (MS IA) and Kevin Brefka (Anthropology) presented a new online mapping tool to the Calumet Historic District Commission at their monthly meeting.  The tool will allow the Commission to more effectively manage the historical assets in the district as well as use the tool to provide important building information to prospective developers.  The tool was created for their class project in Professor Don Lafreniere’s GIS for Social Sciences class.  You can see the tool at http://calumethdc.keweenawhistory.com






Robins Awarded 2016 Dean’s Fellowship – College of Human Ecology at Cornell University

Jonathan Robins

Jonathan Robins has been awarded the 2016 Dean’s Fellowship by the College of Human Ecology at Cornell University. His proposal, titled “Bacon from Trees and Hogless Lard: Vegetable Fats and the Globalization of Food,” examines the changing role of animal and vegetable fats in the modern diet and the effects of food choices on human societies and the environment. The $6,500 award will support six weeks of research in Cornell University’s archival collections.

From Tech Today.

Spiraling Up with Arts and Sustainability in Calumet

This clay mural of the Calumet community landscape was created by local artist Barbara Flanagin, in consultation with Ed Gray of the Calumet Art Center. This piece of work commissioned by Calumet Township Supervisor Paul Lehto is on display at Calumet Township Hall.

By Allison Mills –Michigan Tech News

March 25, 2016—

A study published this week in Sustainability explores the possibility for the arts to help sustain a shrunken industrial city in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Community identity is a key part, and anyone who has walked down 5th Street in Calumet knows the weight of history and change. Click here to read the full article.


Winkler Co-Authors Paper with MTU Students and Community Members on Art-Based Activities in Calumet, MI


Professor Richelle Winkler along with MTU students and Calumet area community members, Melissa Michaelson, Mayra Sanchez Gonzalez, Heather Simpson,  and Lorri Oikarinen, published a paper titled “Boom, Bust and Beyond:  Arts and Sustainability in Calumet, Michigan” in the academic journal, Sustainability, on March 21, 2016 about arts-based activities in Calumet, MI. The article is part of a series of articles about sustainability in the context of shrinking cities.

SS Faculty Featured in Michigan Tech’s Research 2016 Magazine

Kari Henquinet
Kari Henquinet
Chelsea Schelly
Chelsea Schelly
Richelle Winkler
Richelle Winkler

Kari Henquinet, Chelsea Schelly, and Richelle Winkler are featured in the Research 2016 article titled Interdisciplinary Research 2.0 which highlights their involvement in interdisciplinary research at Michigan Tech.  Research is published by University Marketing and Communications and the Vice President for Research Office at Michigan Technological University.