MacLennan Publishes on Sovereign Sugar

Sovereign SugarCarol MacLennan (SS) has published a book titled “Sovereign Sugar: Industry and Environment in Hawai`i,” with the University of Hawai’i Press. The table of contents and an introductory chapter can be found online.

ISBN: 978-0-8248-3949-9

From Tech Today.

In the News

Carol MacLennan (SS) was interviewed by Chris Vandercook on Hawaii Public Radio about her new book “Sovereign Sugar” on Tuesday, April 1.

From Tech Today.

Listen to the full 8:00 minute interview at Hawaii Public Radio.

Silver Award for Hugh Gorman

Gorman GAIA
CF Industries' Nitrogen Complex

Hugh Gorman, professor of environmental history and policy, won one of two second prizes awarded for GAIA Best Paper Award 2013, “Learning from 100 Years of Ammonia Synthesis. Establishing Human-Defined Limits through Adaptive Systems of Governance.”

From Tech Today.

GAIA Best Paper Award
One Gold, Two Silver

GAIA’s Editorial Board also agreed on two second prizes. They were awarded to Thomas Jahn, Wissenschaft für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung braucht eine kritische Orientierung and Hugh S. Gorman, Learning from 100 Years of Ammonia Synthesis. Establishing Human-Defined Limits through Adaptive Systems of Governance.

Read more at Oekom Verlag.

Winkler’s Students and Minewater Geothermal

richelle winkler studentsGuest article: Minewater Geothermal on the Keweenaw Peninsula

On December 12, 2013, a group of student researchers from Michigan Technological University presented their report on “Exploring the Social Feasibility of Minewater Geothermal in Calumet.” The students, led by Prof. Richelle Winkler, had spent their Fall semester devising and implementing a study to aid the Calumet community in the process of deciding whether and how we might best use this untapped resource.

Read more at Keweenaw Now, by Laura Smyth.

Schwaiger and Mandelia Give Social Sciences Colloquia

Social Sciences graduate student Emma Schwaiger (IAH) and Civil and Environmental Engineering graduate student Ankita Mandleia (EEP) will present “An Interdisciplinary Approach to Understand Pollution: PCBs in Torch Lake,” which describes some aspects of their work (with professor Carol MacLennan, et al.) on the Torch Lake project– that seeks to document the historic mine production of copper and PCB waste. The presentation will be held Friday, March 28, at 4 p.m., in AOB 201.

From Tech Today.

President Mroz Appoints Susanna Peters as Ombuds Officer

Susanna Peters
Susanna Peters

Susanna Peters, a lecturer in law and society in Michigan Tech’s Department of Social Sciences, has been appointed the University’s new ombuds officer. Her appointment takes effect on April 15.

The ombuds officer provides informal conflict mediation services for faculty, staff and students, to help them resolve conflicts fairly and informally before initiating any formal grievance procedure. The Ombuds Office operates independently and confidentially.

Starting April 15, faculty, students and staff who would like to contact the Ombuds Office can email or call at 7-2391 to set up an appointment.

Read more at Tech Today, by Jennifer Donovan.

Winkler Facilitates Gasland Discussion March 20

Green Film Series to present “Gasland” — part of World Water Day observance at Michigan Tech

The Green Film Series at Michigan Tech will present the film Gasland as part of several events scheduled on campus to observe World Water Day.

This 100-minute documentary will be shown from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday, March 20, in the Atrium and G002, Hesterberg Hall, in the Michigan Tech Forestry building. It will be followed by a discussion facilitated by Richelle Winkler, Michigan Tech assistant professor of sociology and demography. Coffee and dessert will be served. (Please bring your own mug.)

The event is free and open to the public; a $3 donation is suggested.

World Water Day events are sponsored by Michigan Tech Center for Water and Society, Sustainable Futures Institute, Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative, Keweenaw Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Keweenaw Land Trust, Great Lakes Research Center, Michigan Tech Dept. of Visual and Performing Arts, and Finlandia University. A grant/partial funding has been provided by the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI)

Read more at Keweenaw Now.