Category: Theatre

Auditions for Antigone and The Producers

Antigone The Producers AuditionsTech Theatre Company

Spring Auditions!

The Producers

November 30 and December 1, 2014, 7-10 pm
2nd Floor Walker Arts and Humanities Center

Sign Up Now!

Signing up ensures priority audition time. We are looking for actors, dancers, and singers for our two spring productions!*

Performances for Antigone will be February 19-21 and 26-28, 2015.
Performances for The Producers will be April 9-11, 2015.

The Rehearsal schedule may vary but most rehearsals will be SundayThursday, 7:00-10:00 pm.
A finalized rehearsal schedule will be sent out after auditions.

*You must be 16 years of age or older to audition.

Contact Jamie Aneshansel (


  • Familiarize yourself with the audition material so you understand the plot and characters.
  • Practice so that you can make the most of eye contact when you read with a partner.  (Try to glance at the script and deliver the line to the other person and really listen and respond to them.)

Below are summaries of the plays:

Antigone is chronologically the third part of the Oedipus Rex Trilogy which tells the story of Antigone, the daughter of Oedipus, after her father’s death. The story opens at the end of a battle between Antigone’s brothers, Eteocles and Polyneices, for control of Thebes. Both brothers died in the battle, but Creon, the new king of Thebes, has declared that while Eteocles should be buried with honors Polyneices body should be left unburied. This is a severe punishment for Polyneices since the Greeks believed that one could not go to the afterlife unless one’s body was properly buried. Since she loves both of her brothers, Antigone decides to bury Polyneices in spite of Creon’s order and tries to enlist her sister, Ismene, in the task. Ismene refuses to break Creon’s law. Antigone says the law of the Gods is more important than mortal man’s law. It is ironic that just as Antigone is burying her brother, Creon comes on stage declaring that anyone caught doing so will be put to death.

When Antigone is caught burying her brother, she makes no apology, declaring that she is only doing what is right. Creon is a proud man and no amount of convincing will make him change his mind. The plot thickens as it comes out that Creon’s son Haemon is engaged to marry Antigone. He tries to use reason to convince his father that killing Antigone for burying her brother will make him unpopular and hurt his rule. Creon accuses his son of disloyalty and sends Antigone to be locked in a cave with only limited food and water thus sending her to her death. Finally, Teiresias, the blind prophet who foretold the tragedy of Oedipus, arrives and manages to convince Creon to change his mind by foretelling of the deaths that will come from this Creon’s action, but it is too late. When they get to the cave, Antigone is already dead, a suicide. Haemon also commits suicide and upon learning of her son’s death, Eurydice, wife to Creon, follows her son’s example. Creon is left with nothing but his kingship He had put his pride and his power ahead of his family and angered the gods. Although he kept his kingship it was poor consolation for losing both his son and his wife.

The Producers is based around the character of Max Bialystock, a down and out Broadway producer whose latest work flopped on opening night. Max, plagued by his former success and scrabbling to stay afloat, experiences a change in fortune when downtrodden accountant, Leo Bloom, discovers there is money to be made in Max’s theatrical failure.  As a result, the two formerly defeated business men form an unlikely union with the goal of creating the world’s worst musical. The plot develops as the duo enlists the help of ridiculous and often farcical characters on the way such as former Nazi and on-going Third Reich enthusiast Franz Liebkind, Ulla the blonde bombshell secretary/receptionist and the flamboyant homosexual director Roger De Bris. As a result of the characters combined brainpower and ludicrous behaviour Spring Time for Hitler is born in Broadway.

VPA Holding Auditions for Two Plays on Sunday and Monday

The Department of Visual and Performing Arts is holding auditions for two plays, “Antigone” and “The Producers,” on Sunday, Nov. 30, and and Monday, Dec. 1, from 7 to 10 p.m. each night, on the second floor of the Walker Arts and Humanities Center. Performances for “Antigone” will be Feb. 19-21 and Feb. 26-28, 2015. Performances for “The Producers” will be April 9-11, 2015. Students, faculty and community members are welcome to audition.

To audition for a part in either play, sign up using the Google Form to receive audition material and to ensure priority audition time. After filling out this form, you will receive a contact and information form to fill out, as well as all audition material and what to expect at auditions. You are welcome to audition for one or both plays on the same night.

For more information, contact Trish Helsel at

From Tech Today.

Merit Response for Baby with the Bathwater Production

Baby with the BathwaterBaby with the Bathwater,” a Michigan Tech Theatre Company production, received its Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival response last week. The respondent is awarding the following:

  • Certificate of Merit in Lighting Design—Jason Scott
  • Certificate of Merit in Sound Design—Steve Green
  • Certificate of Merit in Music Composition—Ben Holtz
  • Irene Ryan Acting Scholarship Nominations—Dollcie Webb and Scott Murphy

Additionally, the respondent nominated scene I-2 with Helen, John and Nanny to be considered for the Region III festival. (“Rose and the Rime,” which was presented by the Department of Visual and Performing Arts last February, is also under consideration.) Results will be announced after the first weekend in December.

The respondent also noted the strength of the production in technical direction (Josh Maiville) and in the system sound design (Jason Pew). The stage managers were recognized in the response.

“Baby with the Bathwater” is directed by Associate Professor Patricia Helsel, with set and costume design by  Professor M. C. Friedrich (VPA).

The show plays today and tomorrow and contains adult language and situations.

From Tech Today.

Auditions for Alternate Realities

Auditions for Alternate Realities

Sunday, 21 September, Monday 22nd, Tuesday 23rd 7:30pm Callbacks .
McArdle Theatre
Rehearsal begin 28 September

An ensemble, demonstrating a variety of abilities, of 12 or more men and women will be cast for this set of zany and serious plays. Actors will likely move some scenic units Plays are listed below.

Wear comfortable clothes for dashing about jumping using the floor, in some fast paced plays.

Be prompt, arrive fifteen minute early to complete audition information and scheduling information.

Auditions for Alternate Realities

Auditions for Baby with the Bathwater!

Christopher Durang’s


When:  Tuesday, September 2, and Wednesday, September 3,  7:00-10:00 pm (Choose one.)
Where:  McArdle Theatre, Walker 207
Who:  Any student, faculty, or community member!

  • Arrive at 7 pm to fill out a contact form.
  • We will begin a group audition at 7:15 pm, followed by readings from the script.
  • You are welcome to perform a prepared scene, up to 5 minutes, with a partner, otherwise you will simply read from the script.
  • Tips:
    • Familiarize yourself with the script so you understand the plot and characters.
    • Practice so that you can make the most of eye contact when you read with a partner.  (Try to glance at the script and deliver the line to the other person and really listen and respond to them.)
  • Scripts are available in the VPA office, Walker 209.  You may check out a script for 24 hrs. or for a weekend.  (We need to keep them available for all.)

Performances will be October 16-18, and October 23-25.

Rehearsals are Sunday-Thursday, 7:00-10:00 pm beginning September 4.  We will also rehearse Friday and Saturday October 10-11.  Rehearsals during “Tech Week” (Oct 8-15) may be extended.  A cast list will be sent via email late Wednesday evening.

About the play:

Characters –

  • Helen, the mother
  • John, the father
  • Nanny, the nanny
  • Cynthia
  • A woman in the park
  • Another woman in the park
  • Mrs. Willoughby, the principal
  • Miss Pringle, a teacher
  • Young Man
  • Susan

Contact Patricia Helsel


Production on the 1913 Copper Strike at Calumet Theatre

Red Jacket 1913Associate Professor Patricia Helsel is directing Red Jacket 1913, a special production in collaboration with the Calumet Theatre. This play uniquely presents the history and conflict surrounding the 1913 copper strike, focusing on one family’s struggles. While fictional, Red Jacket 1913 is based entirely on historic events.

Dennis Kerwin, former VPA faculty, heads the cast comprised mostly of community members, while Jonah Mueller, a Tech sound design major, and Dollcie Webb, majoring in theatre and electronic media performance, are both involved in the play’s production.

Performances are tomorrow and Friday at 7:30 p.m. Contact the Calumet Theatre box office for tickets at 337-2610.

From Tech Today.

Two Tech Students on “America’s Got Talent”


Mothmen Dance
Mothmen Dance

Two Visual and Performing Arts majors, Josh Maiville and Devin Miller, will be part of the popular summer series, “America’s Got Talent,” broadcast live from Radio City Music Hall in New York this week.

They will be riggers and flying-effects operators for Mothmen Dance, an aerial performance group created by On the FLY Productions–the production company that partnered with Michigan Tech last year to produce the flying extravaganza, “Beautiful: A Cirque-Tale of How the Butterfly Grew Her Wings.”

Maiville and Miller were riggers and operators for the productions of Beautiful, and Maiville performed some flying stunts on stage. 

On the FLY was so impressed with Michigan Tech’s students that the production company invited several of them to work with Mothmen, according to Associate Professor Kalen Larson (VPA). Michigan Tech is one of the only schools teaching performer flying, Larson said.

The live broadcast of “America’s Got Talent” is scheduled for 9 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 12, on Charter Cable channels 6 and 785. An elimination round will follow at 9 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 13. See the audition.

This is not the first time Michigan Tech has been represented at Radio City. Ken Showler, a 2007 Tech graduate in sound design, was a designer with 7th Sense for the Radio City Christmas Spectacular 2011. He received an Excellence in Live Design Award for that work.

From Tech Today.

KCACTF III Festival Award Recipients from Michigan Tech

Mason Pew
Mason Pew at KCACTF III Regional Festival 2014

The Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival (KCACTF) Region III (Illinois, Indian, Michigan, Wisconsin) held their regional festival at Saginaw Valley State University, Saginaw, MI, from January 7-11, 2014.

There were several award recipients from Michigan Tech this year.

The Gold Medallion For Excellence in Theatre Education:
M.C. Friedrich

Regional Design Projects, Sound Design

Royal Hunt of the Sun

The Games of the Technological Olympiad, Team Event
Second Place

The Games of the Technological Olympiad, Team Event
First Place

Allied Design and Technologies Award

Southern Nights

KCACTF Award for Theatrical Design Excellence, Lighting Design

Southern Nights: Unsung Songs of the Southern Nightingale

Get more festival details at the KCACTF III website and Michigan Tech Visual and Performing Arts on Facebook. Learn more about theatre at Michigan Tech.

Swan Lake Ballet Auditions

Swan Lake Ballet Auditions

We call on all student and community ballet dancers to audition for a role in Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake ballet.  Auditions will take place at the following days/times in Rozsa 120 (choir room) on Michigan Tech’s campus:

Friday, December 6, at 6:00 pm
Saturday, December 7, at 2:00 pm
Friday, December 13, at 6:00 pm
Saturday, December 14, at 2:00 pm

The Visual and Performing Arts department presents Tchaikovsky’s enchanting Swan Lake ballet, with professional, community, and student dancers and live orchestral music provided by the Keweenaw Symphony Orchestra.  The ballet runs Friday, April 11 and Saturday, April 12 (2014) in the Rozsa Center.  Rehearsals will begin in early January.

Auditions will include a short barre, centre work and sample combinations from classical and character repertoire used in the ballet.  Men and women are requested to wear appropriate dance clothing and ballet or jazz shoes; women, please bring pointe shoes if applicable.

Please email Dr. Joel Neves ( to sign-up for an audition slot.

(For ballet-related questions, please contact Donna Armistead or Mary Muncil