Faculty/Staff Content Single Snippet

This snippet is used to list one person on a page with different format options. A Personnel Information item for the individual must already exist within the website being edited.

Faculty/Staff Content Single snippet

  1. Userid: Type the user ID for the person you want to display. This user ID must match the ID, if entered, or email address from their Personnel Information item.
  2. Display Options: Type the word listed below for the format you want to use to display the person. Do not include quotation marks.
    • “contact” (in the body) or “contact-sidebar” (in a Sidebar Right Boxed snippet) will display the person’s photo, name, title, phone, cell phone, email, and location. If the personnel item has no photo, there will be no image displayed.
      Example of contact display type.Example of Rachel Connors contact-sidebar layout.
    • “bio” will display full biography information for the person.
      Example of bio display type.
    • “research” will display the person’s name linked to their full page listing and their research interests. The research interests will pull content from the Right Specialties section. This could be inserted into a cell of a table.
    • “teaching-statement” will display the Photo, Name, Title, Email Address, and Teaching Statement fields for the person. This layout works well in a bordered column of a boxed section.
      "teaching-statement" layout of the Faculty/Staff Content Single snippet.
  3. Fields: Not used at this time.