Tag: expire


You can schedule a page to expire at a specific date and time. The available options depend on the file type and your access permissions. Expire options can be reached from the Pages List View by opening the More Actions menu and selecting Expire under the Publish dropdown or from the dropdown arrow next to the green Publish button when you have the page open.

Expire option under the Publish menu on the Pages List View.

Expire option under the Publish dropdown on a page.

There are different options for expiring content, Replace or Recycle. For each option you have the ability to send a notification to yourself or a group of users. It will be sent with the CMS and you can select the Send Copy to Email checkbox to also send a notification to the user’s Michigan Tech email. You will select the To from the dropdown, enter a Subject, and enter a Message.

Before removing any page you should first check its dependencies.

File Status

Only one person can edit a page within Modern Campus CMS at any given time. The system has status indicators that help make clear why a page is not available for editing as well as who has checked out a page, scheduled an action, or if the page is in the process of a workflow. These icons are shown on many of the screens that display content lists, most notably the File Navigation sidebar, Pages list view, and the My Checked-Out Content gadget.

Checked Out/In

The checked out/in icon, represented by a light bulb, reflects the state of an Modern Campus CMS page or file. When a page or file is checked out no other users can make changes to the item until it has been checked back in. A page is automatically checked out to a user when they begin editing it.