Kindly fill in the small TEM gridbox map (the little piece of paper inside the ziplock bag) whenever you take TEM grids out of the desiccator in the MM631.
That way we’ll know which grid is new and which one is not.
Erico Freitas
STEM in Electron Optics
Kindly fill in the small TEM gridbox map (the little piece of paper inside the ziplock bag) whenever you take TEM grids out of the desiccator in the MM631.
That way we’ll know which grid is new and which one is not.
Erico Freitas
We recently have encountered issues with the TEM single tilt holder and want to draw your attention to the right way of handling it.
Now that we have several certified users, and the number of users are increasing, and taking into account those parts are very expensive and may take time to replace, we all need to refresh ourselves on how to use it.
Please take a few minutes of your time to watch this YouTube video I find useful.
TEM Sample Holder Loading for Talos TFS (FEI) F200X
Please ask me if you have any questions.
Erico Freitas
For those who need TEM grids to prepare TEM specimens, ACMAL does provide some grids. I left a few TEM grid boxes in a small glass desiccator at M&M 631.
There are instructions next to it.
Be aware that there are users’ specimens that are TEM-ready in those grid boxes. So, be mindful when manipulating the grid boxes.
If you need help, please contact Erico Freitas.
I have discontinued the “Intake Sample Request” form.
If you are a certified operator of the FEI Titan STEM, please fill in the “Independent Usage Request” form available through this webpage:
If you require staff operated analysis fill in the “Request Analysis” form available through ACMAL webpage
Erico Freitas
The O2 meter at the STEM lab is inoperante. We are now using a small hand size backup O2 sensor (see picture) in the STEM lab. It’s on the window stool.
If it reads 24 it means the oxygen level is normal.
Please, do not remove this oxygen sensor out from the lab, and leave it next to the window so it’s visible from outside.
If it flashes and beeps please leave the room and let me know or ACMAL staff know.
Erico Freitas
This is a great and useful chart from TedPella ( if you want to find out what type of TEM grid works best for your TEM work.
Most of the listed types of substrates are available for ACMAL-STEM users.
Substrates, Support Films for Transmission Electron Microscopy Grids
See the PELCO® TEM Grid Support Film Application Guide.
Erico Freitas
If you are ever going to need TEM grids while I’m on vacation (Aug 2-30), please take the TEM grids in the glass desiccator at the MM631.
Please, make sure you follow the TEM Grid Instructions.
Erico Freitas
I’ll be out of town August 2-30 and Joshua King is looking after the STEM while I’m gone.
Please, make sure you double check Joshua King’s schedule and invite him when you reserve time at the STEM so he can assist you during the STEM sessions.
STEM training sessions will resume In September.
If you need TEM grids please let Elizabeth Miller knows.
Kind regards,
Erico Freitas
I’m glad to let you know the STEM is back online.
You may schedule sessions using Google calendar from tomorrow’s afternoon on.
Make sure to select ACMAL-STEM room.
Erico Freitas
Unfortunately the FEI Titan Themis STEM is down. There’s a piece of specimen (likely) attack the objective lens pole piece or the diffraction lens fixed aperture that is completely blocking the e-beam. So there’s no way to take images the way it is.
I’m calling service and will keep you posted.
Apologize for any inconvenience it may cause.
Erico Freitas