Category: Other Lab Issues

Building, hallway, or multi-lab issues.

ACMAL Billing System Update

Dear ACMAL Users,

I hope this message finds you well. We wanted to inform you of an upcoming change regarding the billing and usage tracking system for all ACMAL instruments. Starting from July 1st, we will be transitioning to a new system called FOM (Facility Online Management) for managing these aspects.

To access the new FOM system, you can log in online at with your SSO credentials. Please note that to log in, you must be connected to the MTU internet network. Alternatively, you can utilize the Big Edge IP client to access the system from home. Please refer to the user guide below for more information.

FOM Internal User Guide Draft 3

We understand that transitions like this may raise questions or require some adjustments. To assist you with this transition, we will be hosting information sessions June 26th and 27th. These sessions will provide an overview of the new system, address any concerns you may have, and offer guidance on navigating the transition smoothly.

  • Session 1 – Wednesday June 26th, 1-2pm in M&M 610 or via Zoom
  • Session 2 – Thursday June 27th, 11am – noon in M&M 610 or via Zoom

Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any immediate questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Medical Leave Notification: April 25th to June 6th

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to inform you that I will be on medical leave from April 25th through June 6th, 2024.

During this period, if you encounter any issues or have any questions, please reach out to the following contacts:

  • For X-ray Facility questions, please contact Dr. Ed Laitila at 906-369-2041 or email
  • For Electron Optics Facility questions or sample preparation, please contact Dr. Erico Freitas at 906-299-2714 or email, or Isabella Jaszczak at 734-250-1624 or email
  • For Scanning Probe Microscopy (AFM) & Surface Analysis (XPS) Facilities questions, please reach out to Dr. Timothy Leftwich at
  • For Confocal Imaging Facility questions, please contact Dr. Marina Tanasova at 906-487-1163 or email (Cell Culture Lab & Flow Cytometer & Confocal).

In case of an emergency, call public safety by dialing 911.

These individuals, as experts in their respective areas, will be able to assist you promptly. However, please note that for general inquiries or matters not specific to a particular area, it is best to contact me upon my return.

Training and analysis requests can be completed online using our Google form

I have complete confidence in the ACMAL team’s abilities to handle any issues that may arise during my absence. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. I will be sure to get back to you promptly upon my return on June 6th.

Wishing you all continued success with your research.

IMPORTANT BUILDING NOTICE – M&M Elevators out of order

Both the freight elevator and the passenger elevator are out of order in the M&M Building. Facilities is aware and has contacted the elevator repair technician.

If you would like information on how to request ADA/disability accommodations please contact:
Employees: ADA Coordinator, or 906-487-3310
Students: Student Disability Services, or 906-487-3558


Wendy Hackman
Facilities Management
146 Walker Building
1400 Townsend Dr
Houghton, Mi 49931
487-2155 Office
369-4509 cell