Category: Status

All equipment status updates.

Recommended TEM grid types for different applications

This is a great and useful chart from TedPella ( if you want to find out what type of TEM grid works best for your TEM work.

Most of the listed types of substrates are available for ACMAL-STEM users.

Substrates, Support Films for Transmission Electron Microscopy Grids

See the PELCO® TEM Grid Support Film Application Guide.

Erico Freitas

STEM Users – TEM grids (updates)

Just letting you know I put the TEM grids back in my office (MM622).

If are in need of TEM grids let me know.

Those are the ones we currently have available:

  • Continuum C-film on copper 
  • Continuum C-film in nickel
  • Lacey C-film on copper 
  • Silicon oxide Film on copper
  • Formvar Carbon single 
  • Formvar supported lacey C-film on copper
  • Quantifoil C-film on copper
  • Graphene supported Lacey C-film on copper

Erico Freitas


September 13, 2023

I’m pleased to report that the ESEM repairs will be completed today and the instrument is available as soon as tomorrow morning.

September 8, 2023

Unfortunately, the power supply did not fix this issue. I’ve done as much remote troubleshooting as possible. We will have a service technician on campus next week to look into the issue.

If anyone has any urgent samples, please contact me and we can make other arrangements.

September 7, 2023

Just a quick update. It looks like the filament is not the issue. I have been working with SEMTech to diagnose the problem. They are overnighting me a power supply. We are going to replace it tomorrow. I will have an update at that point.

I know many of you are eager to get back on the instrument. I thank you for your patience.

September 6, 2023

The ESEM is down due to an issue with the filament. We are working on this and hope to have the issue resolved by tomorrow.