The ESEM is online. We repaired the broken BSE detector. As far as I know everything is working properly.
We are seeing some yellow spots in dark areas on the FESEM screen, but they go away before acquiring an image. Let me know if you start seeing distortion in your acquired images. I’ll work on getting Hitachi service here to repair.
A part failed in the deposition gun – the depo gun is unusable. I ordered the repair part but it might take up to 80 days to arrive.
The FIB can be used for milling but we cannot do any lift-out work until the depo gun is working.
Graduate students Mikhail Trought (Chemistry) and Chathura de Alwis (Chemistry), with undergraduate student alumnus Isobel Wentworth (ChemEng), research assistant professor Timothy R. Leftwich (MSE), and assistant professor Kathryn A. Perrine (Chemistry) published a paper titled “Influence of surface etching and oxidation on the morphological growth of Al2O3 by ALD” in Surface Science on August 9, 2019.
The authors acknowledge the Applied Chemical & Morphological Analysis Laboratory (ACMAL) at Michigan Technological University for use of instruments and staff assistance, including Director Owen Mills, for training on the FESEM and FIB.
M. Trought and K. Perrine prepared the samples at Michigan Tech and at the Univ. of Minnesota, performed the surface analysis, analyzed all data collected, and wrote the manuscript. T. Leftwich assisted with the XPS data collection and analysis, and reviewing & editing the manuscript. I. Wentworth and C. de Alwis assisted with sample preparation and FTIR analysis. K. Perrine conceptualized the project.
There is a problem with the ESEM. It can’t be used until we can look at it on Monday.
I’ve repaired the EDS and it appears to be working correctly now. I’m watching it for signs of the original problem.
Looks like I sent a notice out there that the ESEM was down. It’s online now and being used.
There is a problem keeping the EDS online. I am waiting on a repair part now.
The ESEM is currently down. Jerry will be working on it Monday morning. We will update when we know more.
The STEM is back online now and ready for use. We will pick up with the current reservations.