Category: Scholarships

Scholarship: ASCE – Mackinac & Zuidema Scholarship

The Michigan Section of the ASCE encourages the advancement of the Civil Engineering profession by qualified and interested students. To that end, the ASCE Michigan Section offers financial support through two scholarships. These scholarships have been endowed through the efforts and generosity of individual Civil Engineers and leading Civil Engineering companies throughout Michigan. Applications are due by Memorial Day. 

Mackinac Scholarship – Named in honor of Michigan’s #1 Civil Engineering Project of the 20th Century by the ASCE Michigan Section membership in December 1999, the Mackinac Scholarship is intended to recognize a premier Civil Engineering student from Michigan. The award will be presented annually, and will consist of a two-year grant of $5,000 each year (totaling $10,000 over a two-year period) to a student entering his or her junior year at an ABET-accredited Civil Engineering program. The award considers merit, personal initiative, and financial need and encourages both participation in a student chapter of ASCE and contributions to the advancement of student engineering.

Zuidema Scholarship – Named in honor of an outstanding Past-President of the Michigan Section and the Western Michigan Branch of ASCE, the Marvin L. Zuidema Scholarship Award is presented annually to a student member of ASCE who has made a contribution to the advancement of student engineering activities. This award will consist of a one-time grant of $1,500, and considers academic performance as an indication of preparation for a future career in Civil Engineering. The Zuidema scholarship is available to either a junior or senior in an ABET-accredited Civil Engineering program.

Click the link below to access more detailed information and the application itself. 

ASCE Michigan Section Scholarship application 

Scholarship: 2021- 2022 Upper Peninsula Road Builders

On behalf of the Board of the Upper Peninsula Road Builders Scholarship Fund, attached is the application for the 2021- 2022 Upper Peninsula Road Builders family of scholarships.  These scholarships are given annually to Civil Engineer and Survey Engineering students at Michigan Tech University. The scholarship application has information on selection criteria as well as information about the UP Road Builders and the people who have set up endowments in their name under this family of scholarships.

Scholarships applications are due to May 28th, 2021 by 5 pm.

Scholarship: MTU CEE Pipeline Partner Scholarship

The CEE Pipeline Partner Scholarship program is an opportunity for students to connect to grow their civil and construction industry networks while receiving an up-to-five-year, recurring scholarship. The scholarship is thanks to partnerships from a growing list of civil and construction industry firms, including Jay Dee Contractors, Rowe Professional Services, Great Lakes Engineering Group, JL Kloote, Dan’s Excavating, AJAX, Fieldstone Architecture and Engineers, and Anlaan Corporation.

To be eligible, students must major and make progress in civil engineering, geospatial engineering, or construction management, while maintaining a 2.5 GPA. As part of the program, students will be connected to civil and construction industry representatives.

Students receiving the scholarship will be required to post their resume for review by the Pipeline Partners, post a video about themselves and their interests, and write a thank you to the Pipeline Portal Partners.

Students will receive the support from the Pipeline Portal Partners such as preparation for preparing for interviews, connections and mentors in the civil and construction industry, and ultimately cultivating internship and full-time employment opportunities through the partnerships.

Deadline for submission: Preference will be given to recipients apply by March 10th. However, scholarships will be awarded until all resources have been exhausted.

Apply here:

Scholarship: Structural Engineers Association of Michigan (SEAMi)

The Structural Engineers Association of Michigan (SEAMi) is proud to announce that we are offering a College Scholarship Program.


SEAMi is offering a minimum of (2) $1,000 Scholarships to any current or future Undergraduate Civil Engineering Student focusing in Structural Engineering at an ABET Accredited Michigan College or University.

Note: Michigan residency is not a requirement to apply.


Completed Applications including full transcripts must be sent and postmarked no later than March 31, 2021 to the address noted on the Application.

Applications will be reviewed by impartial judges and winners will be chosen based on:

·         Academic Performance

·         Future Goals and Aspirations

·         Current and Past Activities


Scholarship recipients will be notified no later than May 1, 2021 by written letter. 

Follow the link below to download the Scholarship Application. We look forward to seeing your application and helping make your college experience an enjoyable one!

SEAMi Scholarship Application

Scholarship: Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation Scholarships

The Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation (EESF) has as its Mission “to secure and direct resources to advance environmental engineering and science in the areas of research, education and practice”. Towards that end, the Board of EESF has created six annual scholarships for Environmental Engineering and Environmental Science students at the undergraduate and Master’s levels.

A $2,500 scholarship is being offered in each of the following categories:

  • Undergraduate Environmental Engineering*
  • Undergraduate Environmental Science*
  • Master’s level Environmental Engineering
  • Master’s level Environmental Science
  • Master’s level Environmental Engineering for Under-Represented Minority (URM) Students
  • Master’s level Environmental Science for Under-Represented Minority (URM) Students

*The two undergraduate scholarships will target students transferring from Community Colleges.

For eligibility requirements and application forms, refer to the links below:

To find answers to our most frequently asked questions, go to

Scholarship: ITE International Student Paper Award

Attached are the requirements for the ITE International student paper award (Daniel Fambro Student Paper) .  The Michigan Section follows the same rules and format.

The Michigan Section awards $500 for first place and $300 for second place.  As the attached flow chart shows deadline for submitting paper to me for the Michigan award is March 1. I will then send them on to the Great Lake district for judging and possible submission for the international Award.

Tim Haagsma

Michigan Section Student Award Chairman

Tim Haagsma, PE
Director of Traffic and Safety
(616) 242.6936

Kent County Road Commission
1500 Scribner Avenue NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504

Scholarship: MSES

MSES Scholarship School Participants:

MSES is proud to announce its annual scholarship program available to college students pursuing a major/career in a transportation related field.  The scholarship requirements and application can be accessed here:

2021-2022 MSES Scholarship

  • The 2021-2022 scholarship application is available at and is due February 5, 2021.
  • MSES Scholarship Program qualifications and guidelines are available through
  • Applications may be submitted through the available online form at
  • Further questions regarding scholarship qualifications and the submission process may be directed to MSES Executive Director, Heidi Holste at

After the applications are received by MSES:

  • Following receipt of the written application, applications will be scored by MSES Scholarship committee members, see criteria on
  • Top scoring applicants will be required to participate in a scheduled video/online interview between March 8, 2021- March 22, 2021.  We hope to return to live interviews in the future.
  • Questions regarding interviews and scheduling may be directed to MSES Scholarship Chair, Kelly Agosto at

Engage with MSES

We also want to be sure you and your students are aware of other opportunities to engage with MSES. 

  • All students receive a free MSES Membership by emailing  By becoming a student member of MSES, students will receive access to the MSES newsletter and event opportunities. 
  • Follow MSES on LinkedIn and Facebook to learn of upcoming events and MSES communications.
  • MSES Speakers are available to college groups or to speak to classes.  Email Heidi Holste at if you are interested in this opportunity. 

We are excited to meet with your students and look forward to granting many awards as we continue to partner together in building tomorrow’s transportation leaders!


Heidi Holste, Executive Director

Executive Director


Scholarship: AGC Michigan

Thanks to the generosity of AGC Michigan members and friends, the AGC Michigan Education Endowment Fund awards numerous scholarships each year to CM and CE students studying at Michigan universities. Please help us spread the word about scholarship opportunities for the 2021-2022 school year.

The applicant must:     
1) be a college sophomore or junior. (Junior-level applicants must have one full academic year of coursework remaining at the beginning of the fall 2021 term.)     

2) desire a career in the construction industry.     

3) be pursuing a BS degree-granting program in construction management or civil engineering at an ACCE- or ABET-accredited Michigan college or university.     

4) be enrolled full-time (part-time students are not eligible for awards).

All applications and supporting documents are due by January 31, 2021. The application is available online here, or via the AGC Michigan website student page under the Member Services tab.
  AGC of Michigan serves the construction professionals of Michigan by fostering and strengthening the key values of skill, integrity and responsibility of those who build Michigan.

WTS Michigan 2020-2021 Scholarship Applications

WTS is an international organization dedicated to building the future of transportation by creating a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable transportation industry through the global advancement of women. More information about WTS, including the Michigan Chapter, is available at





Michigan Tech Rail Transportation Program Railroad Scholarships

These scholarships are proudly sponsored by the CN Endowment Fund and by generous donations from our other industry supporters and friends. This year’s program will feature a dedicated scholarship for at least one Michigan Tech freshman student interested in pursuing a career with the rail industry. They will also continue to fund at least two scholarships for other Michigan Tech students with interests in the railroad industry.

Amount of Award: Each scholarship awarded will be in the amount of $1,000.

Eligibility: Applicants for the Railroad Scholarships must be an undergraduate student at Michigan Tech University in good standing and interested in the railroad industry. Open to all

Application Process: To apply for CN Railroad scholarships the materials listed below must be
submitted to David Nelson, 301D Dillman Hall, Michigan Tech University, phone: (906) 487-2568 by Friday, December 18th, 2020 by email: Please also visit for more information.

Application package must include:

  • the attached application form
  • a copy of your transcript

Successful applicants will be informed of awards by the early part of the spring 2021 semester.