Category: Psychology

Jeon Co-organizes AutomotiveUI Workshop

AutomotiveUI 2014
AutomotiveUI 2014

Assistant professor, Myounghoon “Philart” Jeon (CLS) traveled to Seattle’s University of Washington, where he co-organized a full day workshop on “Social, Natural, and Peripheral Interactions: Together and Separate” at the 6th International AutomotiveUI Conference. Jeon and his students also presented some of their recent research projects.

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Jeon Presents on Driver Response

2014-GLXSAssistant Professor Myounghoon “Philart” Jeon (CLS) presented a project, done in collaboration with Assistant Professor Pasi Lautala (CEE), “Driver Response to Various Railroad Grade Crossings and Hazard Detection,” at the 2014 Global Level Crossing Safety and Trespass Prevention Symposium (2014 GLXS), held at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Aug. 3-8.

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Publications for Jeon

In Print

M. Jeon, T. M. Smith, J. W. Walker and A. S. Kuhl were recently published in N. Streitz and P. Markopoulos (Eds.): DAPI 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 8530 for their paper, “Constructing the immersive interactive sonification platform (iISoP)” pp. 337-348. The paper was published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
Print ISBN
Online ISBN

J. Sterkenburg, M. Jeon and C. Plummer were published in M. Kurosu (Ed). Human-Computer Interaction, Part II, HCII 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 8511 for their paper, “Auditory emoticons: Iterative design and acoustic characteristics of emotional auditory icons and earcons,” pp. 633-640. The paper was published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
Print ISBN
Online ISBN

From Tech Today.

CLS at ICAD 2014

ICAD 2014Notables

PhD students Maryam Fakhr Hosseini and Steven Landry, both in the Mind Music Machine Lab, applied cognitive science and human factors graduate program, have been selected as ICAD 2014 ThinkTank (Doctoral Consortium) Scholars. They will present their research at a special pre-ICAD 2014 ThinkTank Symposium with leading scholars in the field of auditory display and sonification. The students will receive generous travel support for the conference from the National Science Foundation.

From Tech Today.

On the Road

Assistant professor Myounghoon (Philart) Jeon (CLS) and his students presented three papers at the 20th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD2014), in New York, June 22-25. M. Jeon, and Y. Sun, presented, “Design and Evaluation of Lyricons (lyrics + earcons) for Semantic and Aesthetic Improvements of Auditory Cues.” M.A. Nees, T. Gable, M. Jeon and B. N. Walker presented, “Prototype Auditory Displays for a Fuel Efficiency Driver Interface.” S.M. Fakhr Hosseini, A. Riener, R. Bose and M. Jeon presented, “‘Listen2dRoom’: Helping Visually Impaired People Navigate Indoor Environments Using an Ultrasonic Sensor-Based Orientation Aid.”

Philart also organized the first workshop on “Sonic Information Design” with international collaborators at this conference.

From Tech Today.