MTUengineering: By Parents, for Parents

“The opportunity to dive deep into technology and grow as a person cannot be directly measured,” says Mark Gryzwa. “However, you can see it in the people that graduate from MTU and the companies that hire them.”

Are you the parent of a prospective student? Want to learn more about Michigan Tech from other parents’ perspectives? Read on…

Mark Gryzwa lives in Woodbury, Minnesota. He works as vice president of research and development for Barologics, Inc, an early stage medical device company developing neuromodulation for the treatment of hypertension. His son, Michael, is a 2018 graduate of Michigan Tech.

Why did your son choose Michigan Tech?

Michael toured many of the well-known Midwest colleges in Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, before his senior year of high school. Nothing really stood out to him as “his kind of place”. After our tour of Michigan Tech, we got in the car and he stated, “This is where I’m going!” Beyond the education, he was struck by the town, the campus, and was especially excited about the ability to snowboard frequently, which he did.

What makes Michigan Tech unique?

As a parent and alum, I’m very aware of the academic rigor that MTU students encounter. One of my favorite high school teachers was fond of saying, “Algebra is NOT a spectator sport.” He meant you must dig in and do the work. An MTU education is the same. The rigor is known throughout industry and MTU graduates are sought after for knowing how to do the work. Compared to other higher education, the return on investment for an MTU degree is great. MTU also has a strong industry reputation for developing hard-working professionals.

Beyond the education, the life lessons and community building that occurs is hard to duplicate by other universities. Being a smaller campus in a somewhat distant area creates a unique opportunity for students. The students quickly form bonds over even simple tasks like a ride to get groceries. I cannot imagine a city more welcoming and supportive to students than Houghton.

There are just so many areas where students can find their niche at MTU. It’s funny, but both my son and I at one point said of the MTU community, “These are my people!” The educational rigor and challenges of many inches of snow make for strong, sharing individuals.

Tell us about your son and his time at Michigan Tech.

Michael started at MTU in 2013 as an electrical engineer. After the first semester, he chose to switch majors to Computer Engineering. After his third year he started a summer internship at Medtronic in Minnesota. He returned to another division within the company after year four. Following graduation in 2018, he was hired as a full-time engineer at Medtronic. He’s currently working on the team that develops cell phone apps to talk to pacemakers and send that data to a patient’s physician.

Any advice for parents?

Encourage your student to take advantage of all MTU has to offer. Join the Huskies Pep Band, watch hockey, learn to skate, join the Memorial Union Board, snowboard, hike, bike, go to Copper Harbor, find an agate, find a Yooperlite, see a waterfall, play broomball, have a pasty, make lifelong friends! Find your thing!

Any advice for students?

Work hard, pick a career that interests you, and most importantly—attend every career fair that you can.

Anything else to share?

I have a lot of passion for MTU. The opportunity to dive deep into technology and grow as a person cannot be directly measured. However, you can see it in the people that graduate from MTU and the companies that hire them. MTU’s smaller class sizes and its focus on hands-on learning make for highly sought after engineers.

Mark Gryzwa earned his own bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering at Michigan Tech in 1989. Learn more in his Michigan Tech Alumni Profile.

Jennifer Becker and Kerri Sleeman are Finalists in Michigan Tech’s Distingushed Teaching Awards

Jennifer Becker and Kerri Sleeman

Share your thoughts and show your support for these deserving finalists. Comments for the finalists are due by March 31, 2024, and can be submitted online.

The William G. Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) is seeking input for its annual Distinguished Teaching Awards, which recognize outstanding contributions to Michigan Tech’s instructional mission. Based on more than 35,000 student ratings of instruction responses, 10 finalists have been identified for the 2024 awards. The selection committee is soliciting comments from students, staff, faculty and alumni to be referenced during their deliberations.

Among the finalists are Associate Professor Jennifer Becker and Professor of Practice Kerri Sleeman. Both are faculty in the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering (CEGE). Their dedication to teaching and commitment to their students have set them apart as exceptional educators.

Becker is known by her students for her passion for teaching and seeks to create interactive learning environments, and her efforts to be accessible to both undergraduate and graduate students are extraordinary. One of Becker’s students echoes this, saying: “Dr. Becker’s dedication to her students’ learning is just one quality that raises the bar for professors everywhere. Her willingness to help students succeed extends beyond the classroom, where she responds to emails promptly and accommodates students’ needs by taking time out of her busy schedule to help them, even at odd hours, until they feel confident with the material. Becker also aids students by letting them know exactly what is expected from them and holds them to a high standard, which demonstrates true concern for her students’ education.” Read more at Deans’ Teaching Showcase: Jennifer Becker

“Jennifer goes above and beyond what is expected and her students really appreciate it,” says Brian Barkdoll, interim chair of the CEGE department. “She spends countless hours of her time meeting with students on theory and modeling. She is to be commended.”

Sleeman began working as a  full-time faculty member this past fall in the Construction Management Program. She taught as an adjunct faculty member over the years while working at Tech as executive director of facilities management at Michigan Tech. Teaching helped her keep the larger picture of the University in focus. Another goal of Sleeman’s: to increase sustainable construction course offerings for students. Read more at New Faculty Spotlight: Kerri Sleeman.

“Kerri has accomplished something remarkable in achieving this level of teaching recognition in her very first semester teaching,” adds Barkdoll.

The process for determining the Distinguished Teaching Award recipients from among the finalists will involve additional surveying of their spring 2024 classes. The selection committee makes the final determination of the award recipients. The 2024 Distinguished Teaching Awards will be formally announced in June.

Assistant Professor/Teaching Professor/Professor of Practice finalists:

  • J. W. Hammond (HU), assistant professor
  • Xin Li (COB), assistant professor
  • Gord Patterson (BioSci), assistant professor
  • Kerri Sleeman (CEGE), professor of practice
  • Paul Weiss (Army ROTC), assistant professor

Associate Professor/Professor finalists:

  • Jennifer Becker (CEGE), associate professor
  • Carsten Külheim (CFRES), associate professor
  • Joel Neves (VPA), professor
  • Jennifer Nish (HU), associate professor
  • Charles Wallace (CS), associate professor

For more information, contact the CTL at or 906-487-3000.

Free Lunabotics Exploration for Middle and High School Students Coming Up on Saturday, Feb. 17

Multiplanetary INnovation Enterprise (MINE) team at Michigan Tech
Learn more about MINE at Michigan Tech.

Michigan Tech’s Multiplanetary INnovation Enterprise (MINE) team will host a free STEM engagement event for middle and high school students on Saturday (Feb. 17) from 1-5 p.m. in Fisher 133. Programming experience is not required. Participants will learn about the challenges associated with robotics in lunar environments, and the MINE team will share their experiences building robots for NASA’s Lunabotics Challenge. Following, students will engage in hands-on activities, including programming activities with Zumi robots.

Michigan Tech undergraduate students John Dagg (mechanical engineering) and Ben Bistline (computer engineering) are developing the Zumi robot cars and activities for the event. They are part of the Zumi Undergraduate Research Group (ZURG), which is advised by faculty member Leo Ureel, Department of Computer Science.

Students in the Multiplanetary INnovation Enterprise (MINE) seek to design, test, and implement robotic technologies for extracting and using local resources, construction, and characterization in extreme environments. These environments currently include Lunar, Martian, and flooded subterranean environments on Earth.

MINE’s Lunabotics Rover enjoys a day at the beach, following an intensive NASA Lunabotics competition event.

The event is presented as part of the MINE Enterprise team’s participation in NASA’s Lunabotics Challenge. The team is advised by Mechanical Engineering Professor Paul van Susante, whose lab on campus is called Huskyworks.

Enterprise at Michigan Tech is when students—of any major—work in teams on real projects, with real clients, in an environment that’s more like a business than a classroom. With coaching and guidance from faculty mentors, Michigan Tech’s 26 Enterprise teams work to invent products, provide services, and pioneer solutions. Students can join an Enterprise team as early as their first year in college.

Read more about Saturday’s free event on the Computing news blog.

Hope to see you there!

“Meet Zumi, the car that learns as you learn,” by Robolink

Dean’s Teaching Showcase: Nathan Manser

Nathan Manser
Nathan Manser

College of Engineering Dean Audra Morse has selected Nathan Manser, professor of practice from the Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences (GMES), as this week’s featured instructor in the Deans’ Teaching Showcase. Manser will be recognized at an end-of-term event with other showcase members and is a candidate for the CTL Instructional Award Series.

Manser’s broad educational background in mining engineering, environmental engineering and business administration; extensive industry experience; and professional licensure give him the ability to develop courses that are engaging, informative and practical. He actively participates in the Society of Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME), which enriches his teaching with practical insights. His teaching style is characterized by energy, clarity and practicality. Leveraging his extensive professional network, Manser frequently invites industry professionals, including alumni, to his classes, providing real-world examples and experiences. He encourages his students to network and actively facilitates their connections to the professional community, including the annual SME conference.

Most importantly, Manser has the skills to fully prepare his students for successful careers and professional certifications. Students consistently name Manser as their best teacher, attributing their success to his teaching and mentorship. Former students universally praise him as an outstanding and enthusiastic instructor, emphasizing the lasting impact of his mentorship on their professional and personal development after graduation. One student stated, “Having Dr. Manser as a professor greatly impacted my interest in the mineral industry. Dr. Manser’s professional and personable approach made his courses practical and up-to-date, shedding light on the broad opportunities in the mining and geoscience industries.” Another student added, “I can attribute much of my college success to Dr. Nathan Manser. He was the most memorable and influential academic professional I encountered during my studies at Michigan Tech.”

Manser’s commitment to excellence is further exemplified by his role in mentoring students for one of the most competitive events in the mineral industry field: the highly competitive SME/National Stone, Sand, and Gravel Association (NSSGA) Student Design Competition. This dedication is exemplified by the team’s remarkable success. In the 2023-24 competition, Michigan Tech once again advanced to the top six nationally. This prestigious event draws the best and brightest from leading mining universities across the country, and our team’s success places them among this elite group. Manser will accompany the team to the 2024 SME Annual Conference and Expo in Phoenix, Arizona, where they will present their innovative solutions and compete against other top-tier universities. This accomplishment highlights the caliber of our program and underscores the exceptional guidance and mentorship provided by Manser.

Aleksey Smirnov, GMES chair, summed it up: “Dr. Manser makes himself readily available to help students succeed, not only in class, but also outside the classroom, allowing them to grow into successful professionals.”

“Dedicated faculty members like Nathan Manser allow our students to compete at the national level,” Morse added. “And I thank him for giving our students that chance.”

We Need You: Serve as a Judge During Michigan Tech’s 2024 Design Expo

Design Expo at Michigan Tech is now in its 24th year. Save the date: Tuesday, April 16, 2024!

Want to support students as they engage in hands-on, discovery-based learning? Volunteer to serve as a distinguished judge at Michigan Tech’s 2024 Design Expo!

More than 1,000 students in Enterprise, Senior Design, and other Student Project teams will showcase their work and compete for awards at the 2024 Design Expo on Tuesday, April 16 from 10 am to 2 pm. The annual event will be held on campus in two locations: the J. Robert Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library, and the Memorial Union Ballroom.

Sign up here to serve as a Judge
at 2024 Design Expo

Who Should Judge?

  • Industry Representatives
  • Community Members
  • Alumni
  • MTU Faculty and Staff
  • Educators
Members of the Open Source Hardware Enterprise team display their projects at Design Expo. Whether a judge or simply a guest, your involvement in Design Expo is greatly valued by our students!

Duties of a Design Expo Judge:

  1. Attend Design Expo for about an hour, sometime between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on April 16, 2024, to visit assigned teams.
  2. Review and score assigned team videos via RocketJudge, an online platform prior to the start of Design Expo.
  3. Score 3-5 teams throughout the judging period. 

Prior to the event on April 16, judges will gain access to a digital gallery of student-created project videos to preview online. In-person judging on the day of the event usually takes about an hour, depending on the number of volunteers.

Industry Partners and Sponsors

Design Expo 2024 is generously supported by industry and University sponsorship, including over 100 project and program supporters who make a strategic investment in our educational mission at Michigan Tech. The event is hosted by Michigan Tech’s Enterprise Program along with the College of Engineering.

ITC Holdings has served as a Design Expo partner for 12 consecutive years, last year joined by event partners Thompson Surgical Instruments, Aramco, Plexus, OHM Advisors, Altec Inc., and Husky Innovate. For all sponsorship opportunities, contact Len Switzer.

“We thank our industry and government sponsors who have made a strategic investment in our educational mission.”

Nagesh Hatti, Director, The Enterprise Program and Chair, Enterprise Governing Board
Learn all about Design Expo, at

Register Now for Michigan Tech’s 2024 Design Expo

Save the date for Design Expo, coming up on April 16, 2024—on campus at Michigan Tech. Everyone is welcome!

Undergraduate students in any college across campus are encouraged to register for Michigan Tech’s Design Expo, coming up on Tuesday, April 16, 2024.

The annual event showcases the breadth and depth of undergraduate innovation at Tech, with more than 100 Enterprise, Senior Design, and Capstone student projects on display. Teams compete for cash awards, and a panel of distinguished judges critique the projects and determine award winners.

This year’s Design Expo will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in two campus locations, the Van Pelt and Opie Library first floor and the Memorial Union Building Ballroom. A reception and awards ceremony will follow from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts. All Design Expo events are free and open to the public.

Student Teams: Register Your Project Now for Design Expo

Registration is open now through March 8. Full information is located on the Design Expo student registration webpage. We encourage teams to register as soon as possible.

Volunteers: Sign Up to Judge at Design Expo

Interested in supporting our students as they engage in hands-on, discovery-based learning? Consider serving as a Distinguished Judge at this year’s Design Expo! Learn more and sign up here.

Give your Presentation a Boost with Design Expo Workshops

Prepare for Design Expo and other term-end presentations the right way—with peer support, pizza, and help from dedicated Van Pelt and Opie library and university staff!

Learn how to create compelling videos, visuals, and pitches for your projects. All sessions take place in the Library East Reading Room from 2:00-3:00 p.m. (All are welcome to attend these workshops, regardless of participation in Design Expo).

Wednesday, February 21: Explain Your Project to Anybody

Practice talking about your design in a concise, easy-to-understand way. This will help you solidify content for your video and develop a short elevator pitch that you can share at your booth on the day of the Expo. Come prepared to talk about your design and answer a few questions about it!

Thursday, March 7: Posters, Images & Visualizations 

We’ll cover principles you can use to ensure your posters and the images and data you display in them are readable and appealing and run-through tools you can use to design supporting images. The second half of the session will be devoted to questions and open work time. Pick our brains as you think through how to best share your research.

Wednesday, March 20: Video Creating & Editing

We’ll provide basic info on recording, available tools, and tricks to make your production more professional and accessible. The last half of the hour will be devoted to questions and open work time. Handouts and a compilation of resources will be available to take with you!

Thursday, April 4: The Finishing Touches

Refresh on details about how to present your work for the Design Expo and other end-of-year presentations. Get last-minute feedback for a winning project and work on the final details of your project and video to the company! Snacks and refreshments will be provided.

Dean’s Teaching Showcase: Kit Cischke

Kit Cischke
Kit Cischke

College of Engineering Dean Audra Morse has selected Christopher (Kit) Cischke, teaching professor from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), as the first featured instructor in the spring 2024 Deans’ Teaching Showcase. Cischke will be recognized at an end-of-term event with other showcase members and is a candidate for the CTL Instructional Award Series.

In a departure from traditional grading systems, Cischke has transformed the educational landscape in EE3173 Hardware/Software System Integration by introducing “specifications grading,” an approach that establishes a clear passing threshold for understanding, eliminating the complexities associated with point-based grading. Students embraced the emphasis on comprehension over point accumulation, leading to positive feedback. One student said, “The grading style was super helpful because it motivated me to find learning objectives whenever I did assignments.” Another commented, “The lecture format, grading style and assignment structure all felt really good to me and helped my success in the class this semester.”

Under Cischke’s guidance, hands-on experiential learning has experienced another innovative improvement. From in-class code examples using simulators and small “Zumo Robots,” to the introduction of advanced-level courses with real-world applications like the multi2sim simulator, he consistently emphasizes the relevance of learned skills in professional settings. A highlight is the launch of a revised Computer Organization course featuring intensive Verilog design assignments, showcasing his dedication to fostering creativity and investigation among students.

Beyond transforming grading methods and reshaping hands-on experiential learning, Cischke has implemented concept maps as a tool to enhance the learning experience. Each class period begins with a reminder of how the day’s material aligns with broader course objectives, reflecting a commitment to refining teaching practices for optimal learning outcomes. Cischke is dedicated to proving the efficacy of concept maps in engineering education. “Professor Cischke is an exemplary role model as an instructor. He’s created an inspiring and dynamic learning environment for students in the electrical, computer and robotics engineering programs,” said Jin Choi, ECE chair.

Participation in a KEEN workshop focusing on the entrepreneurial mindset has added another layer to Cischke’s teaching philosophy. The resulting assignment engaged students in a creative project related to a restaurant’s soda fountain, demonstrating his ability to seamlessly blend innovation, entrepreneurship and technical skills in the classroom.

Cischke’s commitment to fostering inclusive student-teacher relationships is also noteworthy. Encouraging students to locate his office and make a simple human connection at the start of each semester has created a welcoming environment and made students strongly feel a sense of belonging. Collaborative debugging sessions, lively discussions about student projects and markings on his office whiteboard all reflect his open commitment to student success and sense of belonging.

Morse also commended Cischke: “His innovative teaching methods underscore his transformative impact on his student’s experience. His commitment to student-centered learning, hands-on experiences and fostering meaningful connections exemplifies the spirit of excellence in teaching that we want to showcase.”

Engineering Alumni Activity Spring 2024

Megan Kreiger
Megan Kreiger profiled “construction 3D printing pioneer” Megan Kreiger ’09 ’12 (B.S. Mathematics M.S. Materials Science and Engineering). Kreiger is the portfolio manager of additive construction (AC) and the U.S. Department of Defense’s subject matter expert of AC at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center. At Michigan Tech, she focused on distributed manufacturing, recycling, and consolidating literature on ultra-high-performance concrete.

Patricia Tourney
Patricia Tourney

Psychiatric News reported on a visit by Patricia Tourney (B.S. Civil Engineering) and one sister to the APA Library’s Garfield and Helen W. Tourney Rare Books Room. Tourney’s father’s donation of more than 450 books related to the history of psychiatry formed the core of APA’s rare books collection. Patricia and her sister remember their father as a collector—of everything, but especially books: he had more than 10,000 volumes in his collection.

Kevin Tomsovic
Kevin Tomsovic

Clemson News announced Kevin Tomsovic ’82 (B.S. Electrical Engineering) as the new executive director of the Clemson University Restoration Institute, the Duke Energy Endowed Chair in Smart Grid Technology and a professor of electrical and computer engineering. Tomsovic was elected to the National Academy of Engineering and also received numerous awards related to excellence in research, scholarship and creative achievement.

Christopher Mills
Christopher Mills

Florida’s Levy County Board of County Commission put out a press release announcing the appointment of Christopher Mills ’84 (B.S. Civil Engineering) to a two-year term on the county’s planning commission. Mills, who is a Florida Professional Engineer and a Licensed General Contractor, performed both engineering and contracting services in the southwest Florida area in his own practice.

Ethan Norstog
Ethan Norstog

North Dakota’s Grand Forks Herald reported on the announcement of Ethan Norstog ’17 (B.S. Chemical Engineering) as the new factory engineer at American Crystal Sugar Company’s factory in Moorhead, Minnesota. The position involves all aspects of assigned factory capital projects.

Andrew Barnard
Andrew Barnard

Penn State News profiled Andrew Barnard ’02 ’04 (B.S. M.S. Mechanical Engineering), director of the Penn State’s graduate program in acoustics. In 2022, Barnard joined the program as director. He now spends his time mentoring faculty, running a research lab with three students, meeting with first-year cohorts and teaches, alongside administrative duties. This is the only degree-granting graduate program for acoustics in the country.

Rick Slater
Rick Slater

The Portland Beacon reported on the sale of Portland Products, a manufacturer of mechanical assemblies for automotive and heavy truck customers located in Portland, Michigan. One of the new owner-operators is Rick Slater ’03 (B.S. Mechanical Engineering). Slater has experience in small business manufacturing in West Michigan.

Lindsay Sandell
Lindsay Sandell

WLUC TV6 covered a story on medical student Lindsay Sandell ’21 (B.S. Biomedical Engineering) being awarded a Copper Shores Community Health Foundation Tuition Assistance Scholarship at the Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, UP Region Campus. Scholarships are awarded based on criteria including the medical student’s desire to practice in the Upper Peninsula after residency training.

Ran An
Ran An

Ran An (Ph.D. Chemical Engineering), assistant professor at the Cullen College of Engineering, is the latest recipient of a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation. His proposal, “Alternating Current Electrophoresis in Spatially Non-Uniform Electric Fields,” was chosen for funding by the NSF. An thanked his Ph.D. advisor Dr. Adrienne Minerick, postdoc mentor Dr. Umut Gurkan, and lab members Yi Yang, Qingrong He, Bowen Xu, and Dr. Cheng Wang.

Andy Horujko
Andy Horujko

The Ludington Daily News posted a story about a celebration of Andy Horujko ’42, a Michigan College of Mines engineering alumnus remembered for walking from Anchorage, Alaska, to the southern tip of South America to bring awareness to “the detriments of automotive emissions.” On March 27 the tales of Andy Horujko will be brought to life through a first-person portrayal by Lake County Historical Society president Bruce Micinski.

Sarah Zarzecki
Sarah Zarzecki

Sarah Zarzecki ’06 (B.S. Civil Engineering) was interviewed on the STEM Professionals Podcast as part of their Women in Engineering Success Stories series. The episode was titled “Exploring Impactful Engineering Roles (Beyond Traditional STEM Careers).” Zarzecki is a transportation engineer currently serving as the Transportation Design Department Manager and Colorado Transportation Leader at Stanley Consultants.

Jennifer Julien
Jennifer Julien

Jennifer Julien ’12 ’15 (B.S. Civil Engineering, M.S. Environmental Engineering) was profiled by DBusiness as one of three new members of the Michigan Restaurant & Lodging Association’s board of directors. She left her engineering career to pursue opportunities in real estate with her husband John. Their latest venture, The Vault Hotel, was the renovation of the historic Houghton National Bank Building. It recently made the Conde Nast Traveler’s Top 15 Hotels in the Midwest.

Shane Bjorge
Shane Bjorge

Midland Daily News announced the promotion of Shane Bjorge ’98 (B.S. civil engineering) to city engineer of Midland. Bjorge previously held project management and engineering roles at Dow and Dow Corning. The city engineer is responsible for the design, construction, and oversight of all civil engineering-related projects for the city as well as compliance of private projects.

Mark Hepokoski
Mark Hepokoski

Industry Today picked up a ThermoAnalytics’ press release about Mark Hepokoski (M.S. Mechanical Engineering and Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics) being appointed chief scientist for physiology and comfort. His graduate work at Michigan Tech involved development of a complex model of the human body and applying machine-learning to thermal simulation and test data.

Gary Street
Gary Street

Gary Street ’62, B.S. Chemical Engineering, was interviewed by The Lode during Winter Carnival. Street invented the first all-nighter statue at Michigan Tech in 1961. He wanted to make the 1961 Carnival something special, since it was the 75th anniversary of the university. Today, the one-night statue build is one of Winter Carnival’s proudest traditions.

Mike Boggess
Mike Boggess

School Transportation News reported on Blue Bird Corporation naming Mike Boggess ’91 (B.S. Electrical Engineering) vice president of product development. While vice president of engineering with Proterra, he developed and launched a new EV architecture for transit buses. Before then, Boggess served as Blue Bird’s chief engineer for powertrain, chassis, and electrical systems. Blue Bird Corporation is the leader in electric and low-emission school buses.

Blake Pietila
Blake Pietila

Michigan Tech hockey’s fifth-year goaltender Blake Pietila is a candidate for the 2024 Hobey Baker Award, given annually to college hockey’s top player. Pietila is on the ballot for the fourth straight season and was a Top 10 Finalist in 2023. He graduated in the spring with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering and is pursuing his MBA.

Samuel Kinne
Samuel Kinne

Michigan Tech football senior defensive lineman Samuel Kinne has been named a recipient of the 2023 Fall GLIAC Commissioner’s Award for the first time in his career. Kinne completed his bachelor’s in chemical engineering last spring, holding a 3.82 GPA, and will be completing his MBA this spring. He was a three-time GLIAC Academic Excellence team member and also was named to the CSC Academic All-District team.

Mike Bakk
Mike Bakk

Northern Minnesota and northern Wisconsin’s BusinessNorth reported on Minnesota’s Iron Ore Alliance naming Mike Bakk ’01 (BS Mechanical Engineering) as its new co-chair. The alliance’s mission is providing a unified voice for modern iron mining in the state. Bakk first became a U. S. Steel employee in 1997 and is currently the director of operational readiness at Keetac. He has played a critical role in overseeing Keetac’s DR-grade pellet project.

Austin Gongos and Nathan Ackerman
Austin Gongos and Nathan Ackerman

UPWord quoted Austin Gongos ’18 (B.S. Mechanical Engineering) and Nathan Ackerman ’18 (B.S. Mechanical Engineering) in a story about how they came to found the Hancock-based outdoor gear business Chicken Tramper Ultralight Gear. Gongos and Ackerman met when they were both in a fraternity while studying mechanical engineering at Michigan Technological University in Houghton. At Michigan Tech, the two had always talked about starting a business but weren’t sure what form it would take. The company grew from the two co-founders to nine additional employees and has reached customers through the company’s website and select retailers.

Renata Putzig
Renata Putzig

Renata Putzig, a 2015 graduate majoring in electrical engineering and audio production and technology, is a project engineer at Smart Monkeys, Inc. Putzig is part of a team of Tech graduates who have worked on the Sphere at Las Vegas. Specializing in audio-visual control design, implementation and support, Smart Monkeys works with a broad range of venues, from museums to theme parks. The technical consulting firm served as a principal design consultant to the Sphere Entertainment team for the Las Vegas attraction’s control system.

Kendra Lachcik
Kendra Lachcik

The Times of Northwest Indiana quoted Kendra Lachcik ’23 (B.S. Environmental Engineering) in a story about the Disney on Ice show “Magic in the Stars,” which features Lachcik skating in the role of Luisa Madrigal from “Encanto.” Lachcik has been skating since she was seven years old. Prior to being cast in Disney on Ice she was working for an engineering consulting firm.

Jeffrey Pruetz
Jeffrey Pruetz

Tech Briefs Magazine gave a preview of the upcoming webinar “Noise, Vibration, and Harshness Priorities for EVs,” which has Jeffrey Pruetz ’07 (B.S. Mechanical Engineering) listed as a speaker. Pruetz is a NVH and vehicle integration manager at FEV North America Inc. He is responsible for leading the vehicle integration team including NVH development and testing for battery electric, hybrid, fuel cell, and combustion vehicles in North America.

Timothy Pach
Timothy Pach

The 307th Bomb Wing of the U.S. Air Force mentioned Michigan Tech in a story about three new squadron commanders, including Maj. Timothy Pach ’06 (B.S. Civil Engineering), who took command of the 307th Civil Engineer unit. Pach earned his commission through Michigan Tech’s Air Force ROTC program. His career includes multiple deployments and a stint as an assistant civil engineering professor at the U.S. Air Force Academy.

Katie Ellet
Katie Ellet

GlobeNewswireYahoo! Finance and MarketScreener mentioned Michigan Tech in press releases about the appointment of Katie Ellet ’96 (B.S. Chemical Engineering) to the board of directors for Gevo Inc. Ellet serves as president, Hydrogen Energy and Mobility for North America at Air Liquide. She has held a wide variety of leadership roles in the chemical and energy fields for the last 27 years.

Winter Carnival 2024: Join us at the College of Engineering Alumni Social

students work on large snow statues at night with snowflakes flying
The next Michigan Tech Winter Carnival will take place February 7-10, 2024

Engineering Alumni Social
Saturday, February 10, from 2–4 pm
The Dog House in Houghton

Will you be in town for Michigan Tech’s Winter Carnival this year? Join us on Saturday, February 10, from 2–4 pm at the Dog House in downtown Houghton, located at 517 Shelden Avenue. We’ll swap stories, share good food, and learn about opportunities to support our people, programs and places. Hope to see you there!

MTU Undergraduate Student Miranda Meyers Presents at DMC 2023 in Nashville

Michigan Tech ECE student Miranda Meyers

Miranda Meyers, an electrical engineering undergraduate student at Michigan Technological University, recently presented at the 2023 Defense Manufacturing Conference (DMC) in Nashville, Tennessee, which took place December 11-14. Her presentation was titled “Embedded Component Circuit Design.”

Meyers has spent the past few years working on campus as an undergraduate researcher in the lab of Christopher Middlebrook, a professor of electrical and computer engineering.

“I am always completely thrilled after a participant comments ‘Your graduate student did a fantastic job presenting her research. How long has she been in grad school?,'” says Middlebrook. “I love the smile on their faces when I tell them ‘thank you, but she is still an undergraduate student.'”

DMC is the nation’s annual forum for enhancing and leveraging the efforts of engineers, managers, technology leaders, scientists, and policy makers across the defense manufacturing industrial base. About 1,000 attendees are primarily government and industry participants, with a smaller complement from academia.

Michigan Tech electrical engineering undergraduate student Miranda Meyers presents at DMC in Nashville, Tennessee, last week.

As an undergraduate researcher, Meyers works to develop, design and manufacture circuit boards using UV laser technology. She uses Altium circuit design software to create unique and specific circuit boards, and analyzes results using MATLAB and Mathematica. She also assists in teaching a PCB manufacturing class.

Meyers is also a member of MINE, the Michigan Tech Multiplanetary INnovation Enterprise, a team of students who design, test, and implement robotic technologies for extracting and using local resources, construction, and characterization in extreme environments.

The DMC is jointly conducted by the Joint Defense Manufacturing Technology Panel (JDMTP) and coordinated through the event organizer, ARCTOS. The JDMTP, executed under the authorities outlined in title 10 of U.S. Code § 4842 serves to ensure coordination and collaboration across the Department of Defense Manufacturing Technology (DoD ManTech) Program. The service and agency ManTech programs primary purpose is to further the national security objectives outlined in title 10 of U.S. Code § 4841.