Remembering Dr. Michael R. Neuman

MichaelNeumanhonorsDr. Michael Neuman, physician, engineer, researcher and educator, passed away on February 17, from complications due to heart and kidney failure. He was 77.

Dr. Neuman was born and raised in Milwaukee and went to Cleveland to study at Case Western Reserve University. He earned his undergraduate degree, as well as a PhD in electrical engineering in 1966 and an MD in 1974, all from Case.

In his 50-year academic career he initially taught at his alma mater before teaching at Duke, Memphis and finally at Michigan Tech, where he arrived in 2003 as Professor and Chair in the Department of Biomedical Engineering. He continued to teach after he stepped down as Chair in 2010.

Before going to medical school Neuman taught electronics in Case’s electrical engineering department. He developed a strong interest in medical electronics, which was a new field at the time. He was particularly intrigued by fetal monitoring, but he knew nothing about obstetrics. “My colleagues encouraged me, and asked me why I didn’t go to medical school. So I did,” he once recalled.

Neuman joined Michigan Tech at a point in his career when some faculty might be considering retirement. Instead he seized the opportunity to do more teaching, and to help young faculty develop their individual research programs.

“Mike has, and will always be, a transformative force in my life and my family, says Associate Professor Keat Ghee Ong. He brought me to Michigan Tech, essentially gave me my first “real” job and helped me grow my career. I know he helped a lot of faculty members and their families the same way, too.”

“Mike had a keen eye for hiring faculty who were strong in both scientific ability and collegiality,” adds Associate Professor Jeremy Goldman. “As the faculty grew in size and capability, it retained the friendly camaraderie more typically found in smaller departments.”

Assistant Professor Smitha Rao joined the biomedical engineering department about a year ago. “I was fortunate to have met Dr. Neuman and received guidance from him in the very short time that I knew him,” says Rao. “It was amazing how he remembered experiments and details from a long time ago as well as what is currently being used. I feel I only saw a glimpse of the great scientist and wonderful human being that he was.”

As an engineer, Dr. Neuman had a very strong background in physics and materials, as well as in electrical circuits, and a vast knowledge of medicine, all of which allowed him to develop novel biomedical sensors constructed using micro-fabrication techniques and accessed by wireless technologies.

“Not only he was able to envision these concepts before anyone else, he was able to utilize the tools of the semiconductor industry that were available at the time to construct these devices,” says Michigan Tech Professor of Practice Orhan Soykan. The two first met when Neuman was Soykan’s PhD advisor at Case.

Writing on behalf of Neuman’s students, Soykan adds: “Those of us who were fortunate enough to meet and work with him all know just how easy he was to be approached, how willing he was to help others and how he did his very best to mentor all his students, ranging from three-year-olds to graduate students to new assistant professors.”

Neuman continued to teach after he stepped down as Chair in 2010. Soykan says Neuman wouldn’t miss an opportunity to teach, “whether it be the properties of metal-to-metal bonds, flow rate of lymph fluids or the best way to feed goats without being bumped from behind.”

Dr. Neuman’s daughter Elizabeth Rose wrote, “No memory of my dad can be complete without mentioning his goats. An engineer working in his lab at Case introduced him to his first goat; a large floppy eared goat named Sam I Am. Sam was quickly followed by a group of other goats that became my dad’s favorite hobby. He spent many happy hours in his barn with his goats (and later miniature horses) taking care of them and listening to classical music with them.” He truly loved showing them off to many faculty, staff, and especially their children.

Professor Martyn Smith worked with Neuman on many senior design projects over the years. “Whenever we needed ideas or background Mike would always provide insight and guidance to the project. He had a wonderful mind with superb recall on the topics needed. He was truly a gentleman and a scholar. I miss his wisdom.”

Toward the end, even while his health was failing, he was still trying to share his joy with others around him by writing limericks to introduce various topics to his students.

When one of his students learned Neuman was ill, he wrote a limerick and asked Smith to read it to him:

There once was a man named Mike

And engineering he very much did like

I’ve only known him for a year

But his teachings I hold dear

And my inspiration he truly did spike

Dr. Neuman is survived by his wife of 43 years, Judith Borton Neuman, his daughter Elizabeth Neuman (Joshua) Rose, grandchildren Emma Kathryn and Christopher Michael Rose, and a sister Bonnie Neuman.

A remembrance of the life of Dr. Michael Neuman was held last week at Michigan Tech’s Great Lakes Research Center. A second memorial gathering will take place in Cleveland with details to be announced. More information and a guestbook is available here.

Dr. Neuman will always be remembered as a devoted father and husband, a wonderful person with a subtle and ironic sense of humor, and a committed professor and scientist.

Mike, we are already missing you.

Congratulations, Dr. Brett Hamlin!

image63428-persPlease join us in congratulating Dr. Brett Hamlin for his fall 2015 teaching performance. Dr. Hamlin was identified as one of only 91 instructors who received an ‘exceptional’ (average of 7 dimensions) student evaluation score. Brett’s score was in the top 10% of similarly sized sections across all courses/sections on campus; only 109 out of more than 1200 sections university-wide were rated as highly. This achievement reflects Brett’s dedication to teaching and service to Michigan Tech and the community.

Congratulations, Dr. Brett Hamlin!

National Engineers Week 2016 at Michigan Tech

scaffoldPOSTER4Time to celebrate the 65th annual National Engineers Week
February 21-27, 2016

Happy Eweek, everybody! National Engineers Week celebrates the positive contributions engineers make to society and is a catalyst for outreach. For the past 65 years, National Engineers Week (Eweek) has been celebrated each February around the time of George Washington’s birthday, February 22, because Washington is considered by many to be the first engineer in the US. This year Michigan Tech will celebrate Eweek with ten different engineering events on campus for all to enjoy. National Engineers Week at Michigan Tech is hosted by the Michigan Tech chapter of Tau Beta Pi, the Engineering Honor Society.

Eweek 2016 events include a kick-off event on Monday Feb. 22 with Mind Trekkers in Fisher Lobby from 11 am – 1 pm.  Eweek cake will be served in Dillman 112 on Wednesday afternoon Feb. 24, courtesy of the Department of Engineering Fundamentals. Last but not least, on Thursday evening Feb. 25 at 8 pm, Tau Beta Pi will put on a high-tech music and light show at the Michigan Tech Husky Dog statue.

Please check out the full lineup of Eweek events below. Any questions? Contact Alex Reichanadter, Tau Beta Pi, Hope to see you there!


Mind Trekkers
See electricity travel. Play a banana piano.
Create a tornado, and much more.
Fisher Lobby, 11 am – 1 pm


Clean Snowmobile Challenge
Check out a zero emissions sled and more.
ME-EM Lobby, 10 am -11 am

Consumer Product Manufacturing
Quantify knife sharpness w/the CPM Enterprise.
Fisher Lobby, 11 am – 3 pm

Formula SAE
Take the 5-second seat harness challenge.
ME-EM Lobby, 1 pm – 3 pm


Eweek Cake
You’re invited! All are welcome!
Dillman 112, 11 am – 3 pm

Am. Institute of Chemical Engineers
Try the “Minute to Win It” trivia contest.
Chem Sci Lobby, 12 noon – 1:30 pm


Check out the new Naval Systems Enterprise.
ME-EM Lobby, 10 am – 3 pm

Society for Environmental Engineering
Clean water via simple filtration.
Fisher Lobby, 12 noon – 3 pm

Tau Beta Pi
Enter the Rube Goldberg competition.
Wads Annex, 6 pm – 8 pm

Tau Beta Pi
Enjoy a technicolor light & music show.
Husky Statue, 8 pm

2016 Summer Michigan Tech University Summer Teacher Institutes

Attention Teachers Grades 4-12! Register now for the 2016 Summer Michigan Tech University Summer Teacher Institutes!

Global Change Teacher Institute, June 20-24  (ED5641); Engaging Students in Authentic Science Research Teacher Institute, June 27-July 1  (ED5601); and Designing a Sustainable Future Teacher Institute, July 11-15  (ED 5640).

The application deadline is May 1, 2016. Please complete teacher institute applications online. See link after each description below, or visit

To register for Michigan Tech credits: Michigan Tech Cognitive & Learning Sciences will contact you with registration information (Tel: 906-487-2460)

For more information: Joan Chadde, Institute Coordinator ( or 906-487-3341)

ED5641 Global Change Teacher Institute (for Grades 4-12 Teachers)
Date: M-F, June 20-24, 2016
This 5-day Institute will prepare you to engage your middle and high school students in a real-world study of the effects of global change on ecosystems, including the impacts of climatic change on forests— elevated carbon dioxide and ozone levels, nitrogen saturation, acid rain, and invasive species. Teachers will participate in the MEECS Climate Change workshop and receive the NEW MEECS Climate Change Unit. Cost: $400 off campus includes five lunches, 2 Michigan Tech graduate credits and instructional materials. $700 on campus includes 5 nights lodging & meals from Monday morning through Friday lunch, 2 Michigan Tech graduate credits and instructional materials.
Link to register: 2016 Global Change Teacher Institute Application
Link to Global Change flyer

ED5601 Engaging Students in Authentic Science Research Teacher Institute (for Gr. 4-12 Teachers)
Date: M-F, June 27-July 1, 2016
Teachers gain skills in designing original research, rather than merely conducting cookbook experiments. Teachers will learn research design methods and procedures, and participate in a variety of research field and lab studies. Cost: $400 off campus includes five lunches, 2 Michigan Tech graduate credits and instructional materials. $700 on campus includes 5 nights lodging & meals from Monday morning through Friday lunch, 2 Michigan Tech graduate credits and instructional materials.
Link to register: 2016 Engaging Students in Science Research Application
Link to Engaging Students in Authentic Science Research Flyer

ED 5640 Designing a Sustainable Future Teacher Institute (for Grades 4-12 Teachers)
Date: M-F, July 11-15, 2016
The institute will introduce teachers to the field of sustainability through examination of product life cycles, product recycling, repurposing materials, renewable energy sources of wind, solar, and biomass, designing energy- and resource-efficient buildings, site designs to reduce storm water runoff and increase biodiversity, and efficient transportation systems and vehicles. The institute will address the Next Generation Science Standards and be taught by a variety of Michigan Tech University faculty and graduate students, along with community and teacher experts. Cost: $400 off campus includes five lunches, 2 Michigan Tech graduate credits and instructional materials. $700 on campus includes five nights lodging & meals from Monday morning through Friday lunch, 2 Michigan Tech graduate credits and materials.
Link to register: 2016 Designing a Sustainable Future Application
Link to Designing a Sustainable Future Flyer

HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS – Win a Free 6-day trip to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula!


You Could Win A FREE 6-Day trip to explore environmental science & engineering majors at Michigan Technological University in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan!!!

Monday – Saturday, June 20-25, 2016 (includes free transportation, meals, and lodging)

OPEN to all High School students in Detroit & Wayne County who want to explore environmental science careers: forestry, natural resources, wildlife, engineering, water quality, more!

Up to 20 high school students will be selected to participate. (This will be our 2nd annual trip!)

What YOU will do …

  • In the forest: identify and measure trees, and collect frog data;
  • On the water: sample aquatic life aboard a research vessel in Lake Superior;
  • In the lab: examine plankton, drive a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), and design a process to clean water
  • Tour a college campus, stay in a dorm, eat in dining hall;
  • Experience national and state parks, wildlife refuges, nature sanctuaries with experts in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula!


Mike Reed, Curator of Education, Detroit Zoological Society
Lisa Perez, U.S. Forest Service ~ Detroit Urban Connections


  • Complete online application form 2016 Michigan Tech-Upper Peninsula Trip Application
  • Write 500-word essay describing what you hope to gain from this experience;
  • Mail or email 2 letters of recommendation (both from non-family members; one from a teacher) to:

Joan Chadde
115 GLRC
Michigan Tech
1400 Townsend Dr.
Houghton, MI 49931

A selection team of teachers, university faculty, and resource specialists will review applications and announce winners by March 18th. A mandatory Parent Meeting and Student Outing will be scheduled in April & May.



Mike Reed, Detroit Zoo
Cell: (313) 595-9729

Joan Chadde,
Michigan Tech
Office: (906) 487-3341

Coordinated by the Michigan Tech Center for Science & Environmental Outreach, with funding from School of Forest Resources & Environmental Science, College of Engineering, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics, Michigan Tech Transportation Institute, Michigan Tech Admissions, Michigan Tech Housing & Residential Life, and the US Forest Service.

D80 Conference 2015 Report

d80-logo-v1The 9th Annual D80 Conference, Making Connections: The Past, Present and Future of Design, was held Saturday in the Dow Building.

As a dialog and celebration of student efforts to solve issues that confront the world’s poorest 80 percent, this year’s conference featured presentations by the following: Pavlis Institute, Engineers Without Borders, Peace Corps Master’s International, Efficiency through Engineering and Construction Enterprise and International Senior Design. In addition, a faculty panel discussed the history of appropriate technology and design.

View Pictures of the 2015 D80 Conference on Flickr Photo Gallery

  • Welcome: Dr. Lorelle Meadows, Dean, Pavlis Honors College
  • Into India 2015 (J. Barker, S. Curtis, J. Cavins, E. Fernandez, Pavlis)

  • Quebrada Pastor Water Distribution System (D. Benoy, C. Carbary, A. Crispo, M. Ziols, iDesign)
  • Water Supply for Guatemalan Communities (R. Dougherty, EWB)
  • Water Sources in Valle Escondido, Panama (K. Blodgett, H. Henderson, K. Jung, D. Oldani, iDesign)

  • Our Experiences in Ghana and Tanzania (M. Cromie, J. Seaser, Pavlis)
  • Bridge Design for Quebrada Caracol, Panama (S. Lopez, J. Mathieu,, A. Romenesko, J. Schmitt, Y. Zeng, iDesign)
  • Houghton County Energy Efficiency Team (K. Abbott, L. Artman, ECET)
  • Keynote Panel: How Does Change Happen? Cases in Technology and Design

    • Sarah Fayen Scarlett – Introduction
    • Jonathan Robins – “175 years of Appropriate Technology: The West African oil palm industry in historical perspective”
    • Steve Walton – “The Rise and Fall of Appropriate Technology? How the social impacts the technical”
    • Laura Walikainen Rouleau – “Designing a Public Privacy: The Social and Cultural Construction of Public Restrooms in the United States”
    • Kari Henquinet – Comments and Q/A
  • Clean Water for Quebrada Caracol, Panama (M. Cherng, N. Rademacher, S. Stoolmiller, iDesign)

  • Water Supply in Quebrada Pinzón, Panama (J. Mack, R. Sachar, S. Thakur, N. Wienold, iDesign)
  • Workshop: Drill, Baby, Drill: Water Wells in Developing Contexts (E. Kunik, A. Wohlgemuth, PCMI)

Lorelle Meadows, Dean, Pavlis Honors College with David Watkins, CEE
Lorelle Meadows, Dean, Pavlis Honors College with David Watkins, CEE

Jonathan Robins, Kari Henquinet, Sarah Fayen Scarlett, Steve Walton,  Laura Walikainen Rouleau: D80 Keynote Panel: How Does Change Happen? Cases in Technology and Design
Jonathan Robins, Kari Henquinet, Sarah Fayen Scarlett, Steve Walton, Laura Walikainen Rouleau: D80 Keynote Panel: How Does Change Happen? Cases in Technology and Design

Workshop: Drill, Baby, Drill: Water Wells in Developing Contexts (E. Kunik, A. Wohlgemuth, PCMI)
Workshop: Drill, Baby, Drill: Water Wells in Developing Contexts (E. Kunik, A. Wohlgemuth, PCMI)

View Pictures of the 2015 D80 Conference on Flickr Photo Gallery

Videos of the 2015 D80 Conference

Visit online more information.

An archive of past D80 Conferences








Michigan Tech Rail Day Activities

IMG_5208450The Rail Day and Expo is an awesome opportunity for both students and industry! Railroad companies and consultants have the opportunity to showcase the industry and the career opportunities available. This is also a targeted recruiting opportunity for the industry … students who attend already have some interest in railroading. For students, this is an opportunity to have focused discussions about the rail industry and what it has to offer.

Railroad Night is a networking opportunity for both industry representatives and students. The event features a relaxed evening of dining and conversation.

Mr. Art Guzzetti, Vice President-Policy of the American Public Transportation Association was the keynote speaker and provided a personal touch and insight into the rail industry.

Art Guzzetti, Vice President - Policy, American Public Transportation Association and Pasi Lautala, Director of Rail Transportatio 11th Annual Railroad Night at Michigan Tech
Art Guzzetti, Vice President – Policy, American Public Transportation Association and Pasi Lautala, Director of Rail Transportatio 11th Annual Railroad Night at Michigan Tech

According to the APTA website, Guzzetti is a 32-year veteran of public transportation at the local, state, and national levels.

Among other things, Guzzetti is responsible for APTA’s extensive policy research agenda, policy analysis and development, transportation information, and statistics. He and the APTA team work with the legislative and executive branches of all levels of government and with other national associations, think tanks, and interest groups to cultivate the ideas, relationships, and advocacy initiatives that will propel public transportation forward.

Prior to coming to APTA in June 1997, Guzzetti spent 16 years in management at two of the nation’s leading public transportation systems—New Jersey Transit Corporation and Pittsburgh’s Port Authority of Allegheny County—along with two years at New Jersey DOT. His duties focused on transportation policy, government affairs, capital programming, grants development, and grants management and advocacy. In short, the focus of his career has been on generating support for public transportation and the benefits it provides to communities and regions. Guzzetti has a political science degree from Edinboro State University and a master of public administration from the University of Pittsburgh.

Railroad Night is a networking opportunity for both industry representatives and students.  The event features a relaxed evening of dining and conversation.
Railroad Night is a networking opportunity for both industry representatives and students. The event features a relaxed evening of dining and conversation.

Michigan Tech Rail Industry Panel at Rail Day
Michigan Tech Rail Industry Panel at Rail Day

11th Annual Railroad Night at Michigan Tech:  Railroad Engineering and Activities Club at Michigan Tech,  Aaron Dean, Webmaster, Alex Lakenen, President, Derek Owen, Marketing Chair
11th Annual Railroad Night at Michigan Tech: Railroad Engineering and Activities Club at Michigan Tech, Aaron Dean, Webmaster, Alex Lakenen, President, Derek Owen, Marketing Chair

Michigan Tech Rail Industry Alumni at the 11th Annual Railroad Night
Michigan Tech Rail Industry Alumni at the 11th Annual Railroad Night

See more photos at the Rail Day Gallery


Videos of 11th Annual Railroad Night and Rail Expo Day

Engineering Society of Detroit at Michigan Tech

IMG_4900 (1280x853)Tech Century, an engineering and technology news website published by the Engineering Society of Detroit, ran a lengthy article on editor Matt Roush’s Tech Tour interviews with Michigan Tech researchers and students. Michigan Tech sponsored this year’s Tech Tour.

Among the many people he talked to were: Adrienne Minerick, associate dean for research and innovation at MTU’s College of Engineering, Jodi Lehman, assistant director of research development, and Jason Carter, professor and chair of the department of kinesiology and integrative physiology, Feng Zhou, assistant professor in biomedical engineering, Guy Meadows, Great Lakes Research Center, Andrew Barnard, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, and Zhaohui Wang, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, Dave House — Michigan native, Michigan Tech alumnus, Yun Hang Hu, Materials Science Engineering, Caryn Heldt, associate professor of chemical engineering, and Mary Raber, assistant dean of MTU’s new Paavlis Honors College.

See the whole article here.

Matt Roush with Michigan Tech's Jim Baker
Matt Roush with Michigan Tech’s Jim Baker

New Chapter of Engineering Society of Detroit

The formation of a student chapter of the Engineering Society of Detroit (ESD) was reported on Tech Century, an engineering and technology news website published by the ESD. Undergraduates and graduate students in the College of Engineering were invited to join. For more information, visit the ESD website.

All Tech engineering students, undergrad and graduate, are invited to join ESD and gain the benefits of student chapter membership. The opportunity to network with professional engineers, successful alumni and other student chapters are among those benefits. Student ESD chapters also get an inside look at trends in engineering and a chance to participate in leadership and career-building events and programs.

Leonard Bohmann, associate dean of engineering,  Wayne D. Pennington, Dean of the MTU College of Engineering, ESD Executive Director Robert Magee, ESD Director of Membership Heather Lilley, and ESD Director of Communications and Public Relations Matt Roush
Leonard Bohmann, associate dean of engineering, Wayne D. Pennington, Dean of the MTU College of Engineering, ESD Executive Director Robert Magee, ESD Director of Membership Heather Lilley, and ESD Director of Communications and Public Relations Matt Roush

Entrepreneurs at Michigan Tech

IMG_4739sA group of Michigan Tech’s alumni were kept very busy at Michigan Tech for a week of entrepreneurial events.

Michigan Tech hosted executives from California’s Silicon Valley for a panel discussion on the topic “Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Leadership.” The event happened October 14 in Ballroom A of the Memorial Union Building.

The Panel included:
Dave House (retired Intel, chair of Brocade)
Kanwal Rekhi (venture capitalist)
Patrick Moore (entrepreneur)
Tom Porter (entrepreneur, philanthropist)

Michigan Tech hosted executives from California's Silicon Valley for a panel discussion: Dave House, Patrick Moore, Tom Porter and Kanwal Rekhi
Michigan Tech hosted executives from California’s Silicon Valley for a panel discussion: Dave House, Patrick Moore, Tom Porter and Kanwal Rekhi

The University celebrated the opening of the Michigan Tech Pavlis Honors College Innovation Center for Entrepreneurship: The center co-directors are Jim Baker and Mary Raber who were on hand to share their ideas and vision. This new center fulfills a long term need on campus to create an interdisciplinary focal point for a cohesive set of entrepreneurial and innovation resources that will harness the potential of the campus community to innovate, develop and implement ideas and inventions. Lorelle A. Meadows, Dean of the Pavlis Honors College and Gene Klippel, Dean, School of Business and Economics at Michigan Tech spoke about the history of the Pavlis Honors College.

The University celebrated the opening of the Michigan Tech  Pavlis Honors College Innovation Center for Entrepreneurship: Patrick Moore, Dave House, Lorelle Meadows,  Tom Porter and Kanwal Rekhi
The University celebrated the opening of the Michigan Tech Pavlis Honors College Innovation Center for Entrepreneurship: Patrick Moore, Dave House, Lorelle Meadows, Tom Porter and Kanwal Rekhi

Another event was the Michigan Tech Entrepreneur Meet-up and business plan pitch by entrepreneurs; These 5 pitches were selected from among all of the submissions to present at this event.

The Pavlis Honors College in partnership with student organizations The Movement and the Entrepreneurs Club, sponsored the event to learn about the interests of other entrepreneurially minded students, faculty, and staff. The business plan pitches were done in front of successful entrepreneurial alumni visiting from Silicon Valley. They provided invaluable feedback.

The panel: Dave House — Michigan native, tech executive who lead Intel’s microprocessor business for 23 years, Bay Networks, an Ethernet products innovator, chair of Brocade Communication Systems and an entrepreneur and major Michigan Tech supporter; Tom Porter, a 1968 electrical engineering graduate who spent 25 years with IBM, followed by Western Digital and Seagate Technology, and who is now consulting with the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.; Kanwal Rekhi, a 1969 Michigan Tech grad who founded an early Ethernet technology company, Exelan, that was bought by Novell in 1989, and who has been an investor since 1994; Patrick Moore, a veteran entrepreneur who said he was “employee No. 31” at LinkedIn; and Devyani Kamdar, a founder and executive of various startups and the Palo Alto Institute.

* Nano Innovations Inc., to develop innovative thermal management technology for electronics
* Micro Device Engineering, to develop a portable, more reliable blood typing device
* 3D printer filament from recycled plastic waste
* An athletic performance indicator device app that will include analysis of body fluids
* “We Inspire”, a service to bring inspiring mentors into high schools

Michigan Tech Entrepreneur Meet-up and  business plan pitch
Michigan Tech Entrepreneur Meet-up and business plan pitch

See a lot more photos at the Michigan Tech Engineering Flickr Gallery

Tech Baja Enterprise Team Takes First Place Twice

baja234by Baja Enterprise

Baja Team Sweeps in Wisconsin

This past Saturday, October 17th, Michigan Tech’s baja racing team participated in the Backwoods Baja race held by UW-Stout. The race was held at the Arkansaw Cycle park just outside of Menomonie, Wis. Michigan Tech Blizzard Baja swept the field taking first, second and third place, as well as the fastest lap. The race was a four-hour enduro, split in half by an hour intermission.

This has been an impressive semester for the baja team with wins at Midnight Mayhem and Backwoods Baja. They’re looking forward to a great set of national competitions in Tennessee, California and potentially New York this coming spring.

Michigan Tech Baja Team Sweeps in Wisconsin
Michigan Tech Baja Team Sweeps in Wisconsin

Baja Enterprise Team took first place in a regional competition

The Michigan Tech Baja Enterprise Team took first place in a regional competition over the weekend in Bedford Kentucky at the Nickota Motorsports Track. The competition involved 104 Baja cars from university teams throughout the country.

Tech’s winning vehicle was the 2014-15 competition car, “Bristol.” The race was very muddy and the track crew needed to stop the race part way through to maintain the track. Over the course of the four-hour endurance race only about two hours of wheel-to-wheel racing was conducted because of all the stuck cars, accidents and track maintenance.

Tech Baja alumnus Kyle Cooper says, “I’ve seen a lot of Baja races, but I’ve never seen a Baja mud bog.”

Nearly all the cars struggled with the mud, however Tech was able to power through for the first-place finish. Watch a video for more coverage of the race.


See more pictures of Blizzard Baja Team

baja235See onboard video on YouTube of Michigan Tech Blizzard Baja Car 99
