Michigan Tech’s Patent and Trademark Resource Center (PTRC) invites you to celebrate Black History Month by attending two free events hosted by the USPTO. Registration is required.
On Wednesday, February 10, get valuable insights from inventors Aprille Ericsson, Ayanna Howard, and Arlyne Simon during the “Three contemporary Black women inventors” online event. The panelists’ careers include success in areas as varied as mechanical engineering, robotics, writing successful books for young inventors, and more. Slots are limited, so register today for this free special event.
On Friday, February 12, learn firsthand from Philadelphia-based artist Elizabeth “Liz” Montague and Google Doodle team art director Angelica McKinley about how large scale creative projects are produced from concept to launch. During “A focus on business—The collaboration between cartoonist and illustrator Liz Montague and Google art director Angelica McKinley,” get a behind-the-scenes view of how they created the first guest artist Google Doodle slide show featuring groundbreaking Black cartoonist and activist Jackie Ormes. Register early for this free special event.
For more information on patents and trademarks and to schedule a remote consultation, contact Michigan Tech’s PTRC at library@mtu.edu.