Author: David Holden

Digital Commons – August Quick Facts


Digital Commons @ Michigan Tech provides authors with access to personalized dashboards that have a number of useful features, including shareability! Authors can quickly generate a URL that enables sharing a custom dashboard view with anyone. It’s never been easier to give coauthors or colleagues a glimpse at where works are being accessed and how often! Check out the Digital Commons @ Michigan Tech administrator dashboard here for a look at what a dashboard looks like and how it works.


Digital Commons @ Michigan Tech is a service of the Van Pelt and Opie Library. To learn more about the repository and sharing author dashboards contact:

Digital Commons – July Quick Facts

Digital Commons @ Michigan Tech isn’t just a showcase for journal articles published by the campus community. The repository proudly hosts a collection of patent innovations by Michigan Tech researchers and they are accessed from locations across the globe. For example, in July an individual in Johannesburg, South Africa downloaded “Induction heating of thin films,” an innovation by Paul Bergstrom of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. To see where else in the world the Digital Commons @ Michigan Tech collections were accessed in July, check out the readership map.

Explore the collection of Michigan Tech patent innovations here:

Digital Commons @ Michigan Tech is a service of the Van Pelt and Opie Library. To learn more about the repository and and how you can include your works visit:






Digital Commons – June Quick Facts

Great news for authors who want to make their work discoverable on the web – Digital Commons @ Michigan Tech is search engine optimized! This means that the repository is configured to boast works higher in the results of relevant searches performed in search engines like Google. Indeed, for the month of June, most users navigated to content in the repository from Google! Check out other interesting stats in the library’s monthly Digital Commons flyer.

Interested in including your works in Digital Commons @ Michigan Tech? Simply email

Digital Commons @ Michigan Tech is a service of the Van Pelt and Opie Library.





Digital Commons – May Quick Facts

Digital Commons @ Michigan Tech saw a jump in downloads for the month of May and much of the increase in readership can be directly attributed to the launch of Bryophyte Ecology. This open work is a result of more than a decade of research, collaboration, and composition by Professor Emerita Janice Glime and many contributors and photographers. Discover the world of bryophytes at

To learn more about the development of Bryophyte Ecology, visit the library’s blog post on the subject.

Digital Commons @ Michigan Tech, the university’s digital repository, is a platform for storing, sharing and showcasing research and educational resources. To learn more or to consider adding your own work contact




Digital Commons – March 2017 Quick Stats

The Digital Commons @ Michigan Tech dashboard and personalized author dashboards contain more than just download counts. They also provide a variety of usage statistics that can be refined by specific date ranges. For example, the readership distribution map shows where in the world users are when they access content. In March 2017, 6 works were downloaded from Digital Commons @ Michigan Tech by users in Fiji. Carly Kratz’s dissertation entitled “Impacts of Climate Change in Soil Microorganisms in Norther Hardwood Forests” is one of those works and was downloaded 3 times.

Digital Commons @ Michigan Tech is a service of the Van Pelt and Opie Library. To learn more about the repository and SelectedWorks contact:




Complete SAE Technical Papers Collection Now Available Online

SAE Technical Papers from 1906 to present are now available through the library’s subscription to SAE Mobilus. SAE Mobilus replaces the SAE Digital Library, featuring an updated search interface as well as menus of most recently published and most popular publications. Journal articles and references to thousands of works in mobility engineering are included.

SAE Mobius may be accessed through the library’s Databases A-Z search on the library’s homepage.

Questions? Contact

Friends of the Michigan Tech Library Items Available!


The Friends of the Michigan Tech Library are currently selling note cards depicting scenes from the historic copper mining district. The Keweenaw note card set is available for purchase at the library service desk on the first floor. The cost is $12 per set plus applicable sales tax.


Also available, the Friends of the Michigan Tech Library blanket displaying past and present buildings on campus. The cost is $65 plus applicable sales tax.

Check out these items and support the Friends of the Michigan Tech Library!

Presentation Capture Toolkit Available at the Library

The Van Pelt and Opie Library is piloting a Presentation Capture Toolkit that students, faculty, and staff can use to record lectures and presentations, develop brief software tutorials, and participate in other streaming or communication activities (Skype, etc.)

The Toolkit consists of a microphone headset and a Surface Pro touchscreen tablet with the following specialized software:

  • Panopto Recorder – record and upload video presentations to Huskycast
  • Camtasia Studio 8 – edit and share your content as a portable video file

This tool kit may be reserved online here or at the Library Service Desk.

Learn more about the Computers and Technology available at the Library.