Category: Library NewsBlog

CTL Module: Incorporating Information Literacy into Instruction

The Van Pelt and Opie Library and the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) invite faculty and graduate students to attend a module, consisting of two sequential workshops, Incorporating Information Literacy into Instruction.

Instruction and Learning Librarian Sarah Lucchesi is delivering the module through the CTL’s University Teaching and Learning (UTL) Seminars program. In this module, using the framework of Michigan Tech information literacy rubric for undergraduate students (learning goal #6),  we will explore the library’s information resources, options for assistance with additional instruction, and assignment elements that allow students to practice each of the information literacy skills.

Faculty and graduate students are welcome to register only for this two-workshop series, or as a part of the complete UTL Course Design program.

The workshop sessions are scheduled for Wednesday, June 11th from 2-4pm and Thursday June 19th from 1-2pm, in Library 243. Please register by 5p.m., Tuesday June 10th. If you have any questions, please contact

Copyright and Your Thesis or Dissertation – Second Workshop Offered

The Van Pelt and Opie Library will offering a repeat of our workshop, “Copyright and Your Thesis or Dissertation” on Thursday, May 29, 2014 at 2:00pm.

This workshop will examine the role U.S. Copyright law plays in the thesis or dissertation writing and publishing process. The use of copyrighted material, publishing agreements and the role of the Digital Commons at Michigan Tech repository will be explored.

The workshop will be held in room 242 of the Van Pelt and Opie Library and is limited to 25 attendees. Register at Copyright by Friday, May 22nd. For questions, please contact Nora Allred, Scholarly Communications and Copyright Librarian at

Copyright and Your Thesis or Dissertation Workshop

The Van Pelt and Opie Library is offering a workshop entitled, “Copyright and Your Thesis or Dissertation.” on Tuesday, May 20th at 2:00pm.

This workshop will examine the role U.S. Copyright law plays in the thesis or dissertation writing and publishing process.   The use of copyrighted material, publishing agreements and the role of the Digital Commons at Michigan Tech repository will be explored.

The workshop will be held in room 242 of the Van Pelt and Opie Library and is limited to 25 attendees.  Register at  Copyright by Friday, May 16th.  For questions, please contact Nora Allred, Scholarly Communications and Copyright Librarian at

Two Events, One Experience

1913 Copper Miners Strike : Children's Parade

100 years ago, our nation was rocked by incidents that shook our community to its core. Labor challenged management, neighbor fought neighbor, and children died. Finnish immigrants played a major role in the strike at the heart of this turmoil, and have continued to be a major influence in the community today. Thus, it is only natural that the two events investigating these themes be brought together to form a unified experience.

Retrospection and Respect: 1913-1914 Mining/Labor Strike Symposium of 2014

Retrospection & Respect: Michigan’s 1913-1914 Mining/Labor Strike Symposium is to be held in Houghton, Michigan, April 11-12, 2014, on the occasion of the centennial of the cessation of the 1913-1914 Western Federation of Miners labor strike against copper mining companies in the Copper Country of Upper Michigan. Presenters will explore the role of labor organizations in the historical and contemporary American and European mining industries, the effect of historical European immigration on labor organization, the impacts of early twentieth century labor organizational practices and strikes on American managerial practices in mining and other industries, and women’s activism in early twentieth century labor organization in mining and other industries, as well as other topics connecting issues of ethnicity, identity, class, gender, and other cultural divisions to civic discourse and the historic struggle for civil liberties within industry. The symposium is co-sponsored by Michigan Technological University’s Archives and Copper Country Historical Collections, the Department of Social Sciences, and the Department of Humanities, the Keweenaw National Historical Park, and Finlandia University’s Finnish American Heritage Center and Historical Archives..

FinnForum X: Work, Workers, and the Finn Factor in 20th Century Labor Relations: Strikes, Political Economy, and Transnationalism

The symposium is being held in conjunction with the 2014 meeting of FinnForum, a professional association of researchers who investigate northern European migration to the United States. Presenters will address a range of disciplinary perspectives on topics such as fraternal organizations in labor movements, the development of corporate power in mining districts, ethnic identity, and image-making through labor-themed music. FinnForum X is sponsored by the Institute of Migration in Turku, Finland and the University of Turku’s History Department, along with Finlandia University’s Finnish American Heritage Center and Historical Archives, with support from Michigan Technological University’s Department of Humanities.

Special Exhibits and Events

To commemorate the event, several special exhibits will be on display in the area. The “Tumult and Tragedy: Michigan’s 1913-1914 Copper Strike” exhibit, produced by the Michigan Tech Archives, will be on display in the first floor lobby of the J. Robert Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library on Michigan Tech’s campus. This exhibit chronicles one of the confrontations between organized labor and mining companies. There will be even more to see at Finlandia University’s Finnish American Historical Archives’ reading room. Displayed for the first time, courtesy of the Keweenaw National Historical Park, there will be an exhibit of the two lithographs that were hanging on either side of the Italian Hall lodge room stage the night of the Christmas Eve disaster in 1913. One features the Italian royal family, circa 1908, and the other depicts a montage of the five founders of the modern Italian state, circa 1905. In addition to the exhibits currently on display, the Finnish American Historical Archives’ will be featuring artifacts from the Italian Hall, as well as “People Place and Time: Michigan’s Copper Country Through the Lens of J. W. Nara (1874-1934),” produced by the Michigan Tech Archives.

On Thursday, there will two showings of a special feature for the Nordic Film Series at Finlandia University, the film “To My Son in Spain: Finnish Canadians in the Spanish Civil War.” Filmmaker Dr. Saku Pinta will be present to field questions. Friday morning, the Finnish American Heritage Center will be sponsoring a morning open house with refreshments. Later in the day, FinnForum X will be offering a 3 hour tour of the area on the Red Jacket Trolley company, departing from Finlandia University. See the full schedule of events.


Attendees have the option of registering for any combination of three separate portions of the joint event. Registration for the presentation series is $30.00 and includes a Friday reception featuring special guest speaker David Salmela, concurrent sessions on Saturday from the 1913-1914 Mining/ Labor Strike series and FinnForum X series, as well as a light networking breakfast and lunch. Registration for the keynote dinner, to be held Saturday evening, is $25.00. FinnForum X is also offering a 3 hour tour of the area on the Red Jacket Trolley from 1:00-4:00 on Thursday for $15.00. Seats for the trolley tour are limited, so attendees are advised to reserve a spot as soon as they are able. The registration deadline is April 9, 2014. Walk-in registrants are welcome, but meal tickets will not be available. Register now using our online store.

Library Offering Patent and Trademark Searching Workshops in April

The Van Pelt and Opie Library is offering three patent and trademark searching workshops in April. Each will be offered twice; click the date and time or your preferred session to register. All workshops will take place in Library 242.

Basic Patent Searching
This workshop will cover basic patent searching in the USPTO website database using the recommended “Seven Step Strategy.” We will discuss why keyword searching of patents must be supplemented with a classification search, how to identify relevant patent classes and search within them and how to cross-reference related classes.
Tuesday, April 1, 12 to 1:30 p.m.
Thursday, April 3, 5:30 to 7 p.m.

Advanced Patent Searching
This workshop will cover other database options aside from the USPTO website to search for patents, including patents issued in countries other than the US. We will explore Espacenet, PatentScope and Google Patents and discuss some advanced searching strategies.
Thursday, April 10, 5:30 to 7 p.m.
Tuesday, April 15, 12 to 1:30 p.m.

Trademark Searching
This workshop will cover the basics of trademarking a product or service, as well as searching both word and image trademarks to ensure your trademark is unique.
Tuesday, April 22, 12 to 1:30 p.m.

Van Pelt & Opie Library Offering Google Power Users Workshop

Google is a powerful search engine, but finding the most relevant information can be a challenge. Focusing on Google, Google Scholar, and Google Books, this librarian-led workshop will explore more complex searching techniques and special features to turn you into a Google Power User!

Date: Thursday, March 20th
Time: 1pm-2pm
Location: Library 243 – Experimental Education Environment (E3)

Pre-registration is required; please click here to register.

If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Lucchesi at or 487-3379.

CTL Module: Incorporating Information Literacy into Instruction

The Van Pelt and Opie Library and the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) invite faculty and graduate students to attend a module, consisting of three one-hour sequential workshops, Incorporating Information Literacy into Instruction.

Instruction and Learning Librarian, Sarah Lucchesi, is delivering the module through the CTL’s University Teaching and Learning (UTL) Seminars program. In this module, using the framework of Michigan Tech information literacy rubric for undergraduate students (learning goal #6),  we will explore the library’s information resources, options for assistance with additional instruction, and assignment elements that allow students to practice each of the information literacy skills.

Faculty and graduate students are welcome to register only for this three-workshop series, or as a part of the complete UTL Course Design program.

The workshop sessions are scheduled for Monday March 4, 18, and 25 from 11 a.m., to 12 p.m., in Library 244. Please register by 12 p.m., Friday March 1. If you have any questions, please contact

Notice of Fee Increases

The University Archives will be increasing its fees for our duplication services due to increasing costs. These increases will go into effect February 1. Details may be found on our duplication services information page.

Recalls: For Van Pelt and Opie Library books, a patron may recall a loaned item. The current borrower has 21 days to return the item although we welcome feedback about this timeframe. When the returned item is not returned by 22 days, our fine will increase to $5.00/day from $1.00/day. The high demand on recalled items has made it necessary for us to study practices and fine levels at other research universities who are successful in obtaining prompt returns. The library staff is also studying the potential need for increasing the overdue fines on our convenience items (cameras, calculators, laptops) due to the high demand and high level of overdue items. The increase in the recall fine for books will go into effect on February 15th.

Recalls: Beginning February 15, all interlibrary loan borrowers will be charged $5.00/day for any items they fail to return after receiving a Recall Notice from the library. The fine will go into effect three days after the borrower is sent the recall notice. Recall dates may vary by lending library. In most cases, a borrowed item can be renewed before the due date. This policy and the amount charged is customary at other research universities in Michigan. Delays in returning borrowed materials jeopardizes a lending library’s willingness to continue to lend to us.

Lost or damaged item processing fee: A $25.00 processing fee has historically been added to any charges associated with lost or damaged items from the Van Pelt and Opie Library collections or those borrowed and lost via ILL. This fee has been reduced to $10.00 effective now.

For questions, concerns or additional suggestions, please contact Ellen Marks, University Librarian

November patent and citation workshops

The Van Pelt and Opie Library is offering three workshops in November.

Basic Patent Searching 
Wednesday, Nov. 13, 5:30-7 p.m.
This workshop will cover basic patent searching in the USPTO website database using the recommended “Seven Step Strategy.” We will discuss why keyword searching of patents must be supplemented with a classification search; how to identify relevant patent classes and search within them; and how to cross-reference related classes.
Click here to register.

Advanced Patent Searching 
Tuesday, Nov. 19, 5:30-7 p.m.
This workshop will cover other database options aside from the USPTO website to search for patents, including patents issued in countries other than the US. We will explore Espacenet, PatentScope and Google Patents; and discuss some advanced searching strategies.
Click here to register.

Citation Searching for Faculty and Graduate Students 
Thursday, Nov. 14, 12-1 p.m.
This workshop will demonstrate finding articles that cite your articles in a variety of databases that the library offers. We will also discuss methods of estimating impact factor.
Click here to register.

If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Lucchesi at or 7-3379.
