Category: Awards

REF for Cantrell

The Vice President for Research Office announces the Research Execellence Fund Awards. Thanks to the volunteer review committees, as well as the deans and department chairs, for their time spent on this important internal research award process.

Will Cantrell, EPSSI/Physics, received an Infrastructure Enhancement Grant for “Acquisition of a Cloud Condensation Nucleus Counter.”

Read more at Tech Today, by Natasha Chopp.

MAGS Honorable Mention for Amanda Shaw

Amanda ShawThe Graduate School is pleased to announce that Amanda Shaw was awarded Honorable Mention for the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools (MAGS) Excellence in Teaching Award at the master’s level. Shaw was awarded the Outstanding Teaching Award at Michigan Tech in the spring of 2014.

One of her most notable accomplishments as an instructor has been redesigning how Introduction to Astronomy is taught on campus and online. In the classroom, she utilizes many active learning techniques, including astronomy playing cards, manual clicker cards, in-class projects and mini-lectures. Shaw adopts a similar format online, involving students in mini-lectures created with Camtasia and embedded with rich video content from NASA and quizzes. She plans to publish a paper comparing and contrasting the student learning outcomes in the on campus and online version of the identical course.

Shaw was nominated by Ravi Pandey (Physics) and is advised by Alexander Kostinski (Physics). She is pursuing a Masters in Physics.

From Tech Today.

SURF Award for Colin Scheidler

Physics major Colin Scheidler is a recipient of the 2015 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Award for his project “Growth of Molybdenum Disulfide Monolayer Films by Chemical Vapor Deposition.” Colin’s advisor is Dr. Yoke Khin Yap.

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Recipients Announced

This summer, the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program will fund 23 students from across the University with funds from the Vice President for Research and the Honors Institute. Some matching funds were provided by the Biotechnology Research Center and PI Adrienne Minerick. The total funding for the program this year is $92,000.

Since 2002, the SURF program has funded 270 students. In that time, SURF recipients have co-authored 60 peer reviewed publications.

From Tech Today.

Honorable Mention in Teaching for Amanda Shaw

Amanda ShawThe Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools (MAGS) has recognized physics graduate student Amanda Shaw with an Honorable Mention in the Masters Category of the 2015 Excellence in Teaching Award. The award was based on evaluations, video, and support letters that demonstrated exemplary teaching. The committee was particularly impress with Shaw’s innovation in teaching.

Shaw will be recognized by announcement at the awards luncheon at the MAGS Conference on April 16, 2015, in St. Louis, Missouri.

MAGS is an affiliate of the Council of Graduate Schools.

Kiley Spirito is an Outstanding Teacher

Kiley Spirito
Kiley Spirito

The Graduate School and Graduate Student Government proudly announce the 2014-2015 academic year winners.

Kiley Spirito, a PhD student in Physics, is a recipient of the Outstanding Teaching Award. The award recognizes graduate students who have exhibited exceptional ability as a teacher, have received excellent evaluations from students, as well as gaining the respect of faculty in their departments.

Read more at Tech Today.


View More Images of the 2015 Graduate Research Colloquium

Kamal Dhungana is an Outstanding Scholar

Kamal Dhungana
Kamal Dhungana

The Graduate School and Graduate Student Government proudly announce the 2014-2015 academic year winners.

Kamal Dhungana, a PhD student in Physics, is a recipient of the Outstanding Scholarship Award. The award recognizes academic performance in areas such as excellent GPA, originality in research, leadership and teamwork.

Read more at Tech Today.


View More Images of the 2015 Graduate Research Colloquium