Category: Academic

Physics Fulbright Scholar Sanjeev Gupta

The Department of Physics welcomes Sanjeev Gupta, a Fulbright scholar, who came to Tech Oct. 22. Gupta was awarded his PhD in physics from Bhavnagar University, India, in 2010, and spent time as a postdoctoral researcher at the Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy. His time at Michigan Tech will be spent primarily with Professor Ravi Pandey’s research group.

Gupta will help design advanced materials that can be future building blocks for solar cells, batteries, and photonic and optoelectronic devices.

From Tech Today.

Physics Team GreenedIt! Chosen for Clean Energy Challenge

Michigan Clean Energy Venture ChallengeTwo teams from Michigan Tech have been chosen to join in the Michigan Clean Energy Venture Challenge. One of the teams is GreenedIt!, a web-based application for energy auditing.

GreenedIt! team members are physics students Travis Beaulieu, an undergraduate, and graduate student Abhilash Kantamneni. The team traveled to East Lansing for their initial training this past weekend.

“The training we received through the challenge was incredibly useful,” said Beaulieu. “The whole point was to try and get young entrepreneurs into the mindset of finding a customer need and forming the idea around the customer’s feedback. Thankfully this training worked for our team, and we had a complete pivot during the weekend.”

Read more at Tech Today, by Dennis Walikainen.

Physics Instructors and Blended Learning

The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) will hold a Lunch and Learn, “A Blended Learning Buffet,” from noon to 1 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 25. The location will be provided after registration.

Among the discussion facilitators will be:

Will Cantrell and Claudio Mazzoleni (both of Physics)–Just in Time Teaching
Mike Meyer (CTL/Physics)–Discussion Boards

Read more at Tech Today.

A Blended Learning Buffet

Short introductory videos are posted here, including Discussion Boards by Mike Meyer, Just In Time Teaching by Will Cantrell and Claudio Mazzoleni, and Computerized Testing Center by Joel Neves (Visual and Performing Arts) and Mike Meyer.

View more at the CTL public course page.

Designing Courses in Canvas

Learn more about blended learning at the CTL Blended Learning Showcase.

New Director for the Center for Teaching and Learning Appointed

Mike Meyer has been appointed the new director for the Center for Teaching and Learning. He will start his new duties on July 9. Meyer has been at Michigan Tech since September 2002.

He joined the physics department as laboratory coordinator, was lecturer from 2006 to 2010, and has been senior lecturer since 2010. He was elected to Tech’s Academy of Teaching Excellenceand won the Distinguished Teaching Award in 2011.

The expanded responsibilities of the new center director are an outcome of the recommendations of the Task Force on Blended and Technology-Rich Teaching/Learning Environment and Support SystemsREAD MORE

Board of control praises Tech’s direction

Administration, faculty and staff have made a lot of headway during the last year at Michigan Technological University and those efforts were honored at the Board of Control meeting Friday morning. “Michigan Tech is recognizing two faculty members with the 2012,” Richardson said. “Professors Robert Nemiroff and Andrew Storer.” Nemiroff works with half of the team to contribute NASA’s astronomy picture of the day, garnering more than 500,000 hits daily.

View the Daily Mining Gazette Article