Category: News

Graduate Student Government Presents Research Colloquium February 2-3, 2012

Each spring, GSG sponsors the Graduate Research Colloquium Poster & Presentation Competition. Poster Presentations in physics include (view the abstract list):

  • “Thallium Doping of (PbSn).5Te.5 and Iodine Doping of PbTe to Create More Efficient Thermoelectric Materials” by MICHAEL ADLER (Physics Undergraduate Major)
  • “Computational Prediction of the Behavior of MOF-74 Under Hydrated Conditions” by ANDREW J. KENNEDY & LOREDANA VALENZANO (Assistant Research Scientist)

Event Photos and Videos
Flickr Photos
Photos courtesy of the College of Engineering.

AsfalisMed Makes Top Five

AsfalisMed has made it to the top five ideas in the Intel Innovators Competition. The team earned almost 10 million Social Capital Points from virtual investors. The Round 2 Battleground begins on January 26, 2012. The five finalists compete for a $50K award from the Panelists and $50K from the Top Fan. For more information or to participate, search for Intel Innovators in Facebook. AsfalisMed is the entrepreneurial concept of Michigan Tech students Travis Beaulieu and Joel Florek.

Cosmic race ends in a tie

Result puts limit on how ‘lumpy’ space-time can be.
A race between two energetic photons that began more than 7 billion years ago and spanned half the cosmos has ended in a virtual dead heat. The result, if it stands up to scrutiny, would tighten the limits, suggested by some theories, on how ‘lumpy’ space-time can be. The work, to be presented on 11 January at the 219th meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Austin, Texas, by Robert Nemiroff of the Michigan Technological University in Houghton and his colleagues, relies on an analysis of a short-lived, powerful stellar explosion known as a γ-ray burst that was recorded by NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope in May 2009 and dubbed GRB 090510A. The study focused on two photons, one with an energy of 25 gigaelectronvolts (GeV) and another of about 1.5 GeV, which were separated by just 0.00136 seconds. READ MORE