Category: News

In Print

Raymond ShawRaymond Shaw (Physics/EPSSI) is the principal investigator on a project that has received a $185,703 research and development grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF). Will Cantrell (Physics) is Co-PI on the project “Laboratory Studies of the Effect of Turbulence on Aerosol-Cloud Interactions.”
This is the first year of a possible three-year project potentially totaling $719,035.

Optics Poster Presentations

Students in PH3210 presented posters on their class projects.


Keegan Downham, Sam Groetsch, and Zack Hjorth (above, L to R) presented “The Quantum Eraser and the Brachistochrone Problem.”


Robert Stenger (above) presented “Teaching the NGSS Standard HA-PS4-3 Using Diffraction”


Chris Colby, Matt DeMario, and Jon Berman (above, L to R) presented “Power Modulation of Light through Various Media.”

Yap’s Review Article Top 10 in 2017

Yoke Kin Yap in a lab with lab coat and safety glassesFrontier Review article published by Yoke Khin Yap was one of the Top 10 most downloaded articles published in Environmental Science: Nano in 2017 and was included in a feature collection showcasing the journal’s Most Downloaded Articles. This article, entitled “Water Purification: Oil-water Separation by Nanotechnology and Environmental Concerns” was co-authored by Chee Huei Lee, Bishnu Tiwari, and Dongyan Zhang.

Environmental Science: Nano is a high-impact journal published by the Royal Society of Chemistry. This journal is designated to publish articles on nanomaterial applications and interactions with environmental and biological systems.